You can play what I call ‘near simultaneous’. It only works if you have 4+ people that know the rules and how to play.
1. Prepare your buy early so everyone is not waiting on you.
2. Have plenty of dice and dice boxes to throw in.
3. If someone is not at the table for whatever reason and they have to roll dice for defense, his/her allies roll for them.
4. One banker on Allies or Axis responsible for exchanging IPCs
5. One IPC tracker manned by a person on the opposite team of the banker to track how many IPCs each player gets in real time.
Turn 1: ‘The Axis turn’ -> Germany AND Japan do their turn together. Japan waits for Russia to move its far east army.
Turn 2: ‘The Allies turn’ -> Russia AND USA AND UK go. In matters where combats take place, ensure they are in correct turn order-> Russia, US, UK
Turn 3: ‘The Minor turn’ -> Italy, ANZAC, France. Of course there are times where Italy fights ANZAC and/or France, so Italy declares its combat first.
The key is to KEEP THINGS MOVING. Even with a couple new players our 6-7 player games can do round 1 in about 90 min with subsequent rounds in 1 hour. With breaks when needed, we can finish a game in under 8-9 hours. We have gone as short as 6 hours and as long as 12 hours.
Anyway, hope this helps.