• He is asking about the gamers paradise expansions. You would know this wolfy if you ever owned a copy. You would also know which addition is was made for. Its funny that your ignorance is following me thru multiple threads today. Are you stalking me?

  • '17 '16


    He is asking about the gamers paradise expansions. You would know this wolfy if you ever owned a copy. You would also know which addition is was made for. Its funny that your ignorance is following me thru multiple threads today. Are you stalking me?

    My ignorance? If you post stupid, i’ll reply to stupid. I reply to active threads… don’t think your special because you get a reply from me, you’re not a special snowflake.

  • I have somewhere 50 copies of their last inventory of 50x30 redrawn maps of this game, selling them by the map FYI

  • Posting accurate information isnt posting stupid. You reply about the original op not stating 2nd edition was. The tokens in question are clearly the gamers paradise version for classic 2nd ed, so your post about classic or 2nd ed has zero relevance.
    I will reply to whatever thread I wish. Just because some one hasnt posted in a thread for 18+ monthes doesnt mean people havent been reading it currently.
    I apologize if my comment about your ignorance offended you. I meant it as lack of knowlede not stupidity.
    I do not apologize for saying your a Jackass for posting replys to 3 of my posts in one day with jackass comments.

  • '17 '16

    I guess you and I have different opinions of stupid, because resurrecting ancient threads to answer multiple year old questions to people that haven’t been on the forum in the same amount of multiple years, seeming to expect an impact or an answer, and doing this in multiple threads on a subject that already has many recent posts saying the same thing… yes, this is kinda stupid to me, and yes, I will comment on such stupidity.

  • As someone who has recently joined, i have learned some useful and trivial info on these “dead threads” a few of them, i wish people were still posting on because the answers seem incomplete or ideas can evolve over time. Lets say someone read this thread recently, for example. They wanted to know how to use these gamers paradise expansions. By posting that i have the sets and rulebooks, they could ask questions and get answers instead of being sent to a link for the wrong rule book or just a general description of the item. Now someone can see that gamers paradise made 3 expansions and that i am willing to discuss it. It wont help the original poster but hopefully it helps someone else. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this. Happy gaming.

  • @Wolfshanze:

    I guess you and I have different opinions of stupid, because resurrecting ancient threads to answer multiple year old questions to people that haven’t been on the forum in the same amount of multiple years, seeming to expect an impact or an answer, and doing this in multiple threads on a subject that already has many recent posts saying the same thing… yes, this is kinda stupid to me, and yes, I will comment on such stupidity.

    This thread was started 6 months ago and the original poster was last on 2 days ago. Hmmm, maybe your right wolfy, this thread was so obsolete.

  • Ladies, Ladies, can we just get along? At least pm each other.

  • '17 '16


    Ladies, Ladies, can we just get along?

    I’m prettier

  • Lol

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