Yes, I will usually trade Ukraine for Karelia if the Russian player decides to launch an attack on both West Russia and Ukraine. However if he masses at West Russia I may consider retreating from the Ukraine (leave one man there to hold them from blitzing) and mass those forces and those in German in Poland to form a counter offensive force to crush any troops heading along the southern route through Ukraine.
I’ll send all three infantry from Finland into Karelia, splitting the troops in Norway to cover Norway and Finland (1 each). All the troops from the baltic states will attack and also some from Belorussian region. I’ll get a couple of fighters and maybe 4-5 tanks to aid in the attack on Karelia. I’ll also send two more infantry from germany with the transport and support from the cruiser providing of shore bombardment.
In reflection, I will probably only attack the american transports with my subs, it would be better to keep those subs alive as insurance and a future “threat” to enemy landings.
If the UK fleet does decide to move through the canal one huge aim will have been achieved. This will leave India “wide open” to off shore bombardment. In two turns minimum Japan will have India. If the UK decides to fight me in Africa he will lose India. It’s a trap!!
Also, I can reinforce my fleet next turn with some sub cannon fodder or just retreat all together and head for Brazil with a strike force. With India Russia will fall a lot quicker. It’s another front they have to worry about. I might even be bold enough to buy a IC in France and build a navy in the channel. It sounds mad, but by turn four I could really threaten the UK. Then India would fall for sure and Europe will be safe guarded.
Africa will be a hard fight for the allies - guaranteed
UK will feel the pressure
Russia will be halted and infantry built to restore losses.
As for the USA, Japan will pressure them a little and help to take down Russia from the East and South.