I am always one step behind, Frimmel. Blu-ray will be my 2030 thing.
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
One in the Texas School Book Depository, one in either the Dal-Tex building or the Public Records Building, and one either behind the picket fence or (more recently due to computer analysis) from the sewer drain below the knoll on the north side of Elm St.
If you ever walk Dealey Plaza, you’ll see that sewer drain as the perfect place to hit the president from.
7 wounds from one bullet. David Ferrie drove 350 miles to Houston (in a thunderstorm) to go ice skating that day. What was the Warren Commission smoking I wonder?
I agree with Robbie,
3 shooters in cohersion.
I’ve read alot on the subject and watched several videos… that’s what seems to make the most sense.
A better point of speculation those is - WHY - we think he was shot :P
3 shooters, 4 shooters, or 100 shooters, is a moot point at that stage!
Don’t renege on a deal with the mafia. People on opposite sides in any ‘battle’ don’t usually take things personally unless you renege on a deal.
(more recently due to computer analysis) from the sewer drain below the knoll on the north side of Elm St.If you ever walk Dealey Plaza, you’ll see that sewer drain as the perfect place to hit the president from
No doubt the storm drain was one of the best nest to fire at the target from.
Define ‘gunmen’ in this context. How big was the ‘team’ including or excluding Oswald? Did Oswald act alone number of gunmen?
Define ‘gunmen’ in this context. How big was the ‘team’ including or excluding Oswald? Did Oswald act alone number of gunmen?
Oswald as the lone gunman. Team including Oswald. Other for Oswald was not a gunman.
Totally buy into the Oswald was a patsy conspiracy from the simple fact that he wasn’t a good enough marksman using a high enough quality weapon to make the shots.
I love the answer given in this story arc from “Shade, The Changing Man.”
“America killed JFK.”
I also always like the bit from Bill Hicks. A new president takes the oath of office and get ushered into a dark room with a bunch of guys he’s never seen and they roll a film of the Kennedy assassination. It looks a lot like the Zabruder film but you’ve never seen it before and the new President wonders this is what it looked like from the grassy noll. Then the head guys asks, “Any questions?” and the new president answers, “What’s my agenda?”
“America killed JFK.”
About 150,000 men were prepared to shoot from various locations. If it was not Oswald, it was suspect #2, #3, #4 all the way to 150K. That way nobody could miss. That way LBJ would be President. Thats it.
It was a coup.
Eisenhower was the last “free” president…
We have had a Nixon-and-friends dictatorship ever since. These 1% swine will stop at nothing.
This recent repeated buzz about the 50 yr anniversary of the JFK assassination in the media makes me think that a lot of the media wants a new one to report on very soon.
I sincerely hope and pray nothing ever happens to Obama.
He would be a Martyr for the rest of time… we’d never hear the end of it. It would also be fitting that Obama get the opportunity to live under his “legacy”.
Wasn’t there a documentary where they rolled out a bunch of scout snipers and tried to recreate the shot from the book depository and none of them could do it?
Comparing now vs 1963…
Joe Biden is from Delaware…
So as long as the current POTUS does not tour that particular state in an open motorcade, he should be able to celebrate retirement on some fancy golf course in Hawaii.
Wasn’t there a documentary where they rolled out a bunch of scout snipers and tried to recreate the shot from the book depository and none of them could do it?
It wasn’t “the” shot they recreated, but rather “the shots”, and it was something ridiculous like 5 shots in 6 seconds. Which is impossible with the rifle that was used.
And then there’s the one bullet theorum which is dubious.
Good discussion here, guys
People posting have apparently done their homework and know what they’re talking about
That’s refreshing -
Wasn’t there a documentary where they rolled out a bunch of scout snipers and tried to recreate the shot from the book depository and none of them could do it?
It wasn’t “the” shot they recreated, but rather “the shots”, and it was something ridiculous like 5 shots in 6 seconds. Which is impossible with the rifle that was used.
And then there’s the one bullet theorum which is dubious.
Alright. Then why do I get this picture of someone trying to shoot a watermelon being pulled along by a motor or something from the same distance with the same rifle as Oswald and not even getting close. I seemed to think it was some sort of scaled recreation and that the scaling should favor the shooter. They could barely hit it when stationary with the rifle in question.
Maybe entirely unrelated thing. Getting old I guess with everything just starting to run together. :|
The jist being you simply can’t make that shot with that gun even if you’re an accomplished marksman.
I think it was the mob. I think that J Edgar and LBJ let it all happen. Not only that, back then presidents were far more accessible. So it really wouldn’t be all that difficult for the mob to take him out. They took out thier own guys who had bodyguards and compounds.The presidental security was better than most mobster dons, but thier public accessibility wasn’t that much more secure.
I go with a single shooter.
I support a single shooter also, strange that one of the most famous shootings was done by a lower quality WW2 rifle.