There are a lot of situations that come up, and you look in the rule book and can’t find the answer for sure.
That’s why we’ve had a zillion questions and posts in the FAQ threads. A lot of them can not be definitively answered using only the rule book. Many times I’ve had to say “because Krieghund said”.
For example - you can use a transport to establish a retreat route, but you must have at least 1 unit with attack power to do it. I only know this because I asked you - there is no way to determine this from the rule book, and nobody thought of it for the FAQ.
I don’t think you should feel particularly defensive when I make these critical observations about the rule book. There are so many situations and nuances and tactics that can be used in this game, and Larry kept changing the rules, I don’t see how a few people could write a 35 page rule book without leaving some holes. We are all very impressed with your comprehensive knowledge of all things Axis and Allies.