Thank you guys! That is exactly what I was hoping to hear.
Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)
Weird… so either there was a change to the rules at some point during the Gamemaster series or we were all smoking crack. Thanks for the posting of the rules, Krieghund! That cover sure looks the same.
How does the whole Russia mongolia thing work now?
Is it still say, china owns kansu then russia moves in, then Japan attacks, mongolia is Russian?
Same thing with Korea, usa moves in then Russia moves in then Korea is yours?
What happens if you attack and do not actually take the territory?
i know you will need to hear this from someone else since the reason you are asking is your game against us… but the only way the pact is broken by japan is if they attack a soviet controlled territory next to mongolia. doesn’t need to be russians in the territory.
if russia moves into a US controlled korea, russia is not breaking the pact. also, if japan attacks a green korea that has russian units in it, it also does not break the pact.
I am actually curious if I break the pact if I send air only or if not taking the territory matters.
I am actually curious if I break the pact if I send air only or if not taking the territory matters.
any attack breaks the pact. does not matter what the outcome of the attack is.
Finally got around to reading it.
Never really cared because it is just 6 infantry and the amount of income gained is totally worth it provided Japan gets a stack of men handed to him.
SBR question
The rule book says that after the air battle, the attacker divides his bombers in groups to send to specific facilities for bombing. Then it talks about AA fire from the facilities, and says the attacker chooses his own casualties.
Does this mean that you roll separate AA for each facility?
I attack London with 4 tacs and 1 strat bomber.
No interceptors sent.
I divide my bombers into groups. 2 tacs at the air base, 2 tacs at the naval base, and 1 strat bomber at the IC.Is it
- Can you roll 5 dice all together and if there are any 1’s I can choose any tac I want?
or - do you roll 2 dice for the air base, then 2 dice for the naval base, then 1 die for the IC? So if the IC hits, I have to lose the strat bomber
I’ve always thought it was #2 but I am not 100% sure.
Thanks - Can you roll 5 dice all together and if there are any 1’s I can choose any tac I want?
SBR question
The rule book says that after the air battle, the attacker divides his bombers in groups to send to specific facilities for bombing. Then it talks about AA fire from the facilities, and says the attacker chooses his own casualties.
Does this mean that you roll separate AA for each facility?
I attack London with 4 tacs and 1 strat bomber.
No interceptors sent.
I divide my bombers into groups. 2 tacs at the air base, 2 tacs at the naval base, and 1 strat bomber at the IC.Is it
- Can you roll 5 dice all together and if there are any 1’s I can choose any tac I want?
or - do you roll 2 dice for the air base, then 2 dice for the naval base, then 1 die for the IC? So if the IC hits, I have to lose the strat bomber
I’ve always thought it was #2 but I am not 100% sure.
ThanksIt’s number 2. Tacs would not be able to be valid targets at a factory as they cannot bomb the factory, so they need to be tracked at their individual targets. You also can’t say, “oh, I’ll take all the casualties from the group hitting the naval base, because the air base and factory are more important”
- Can you roll 5 dice all together and if there are any 1’s I can choose any tac I want?
Yeah, as I thought, but when it came up in a game and I re-read the rules I was not 100% confident….
A follow up question:
Is it legal to send tactical bombers on SBR along with Strat bombers when the bases have already been bombed out to 6 maximum damage?
(The purpose of sending tactical bombers that can do no bombing damage is to participate in an anticipated air war with interceptors) -
I suppose you could because you could have him be going to tactical bomb an air or navel base but it already have full damage so he can’t damage it any more.
I suppose you could because you could have him be going to tactical bomb an air or navel base but it already have full damage so he can’t damage it any more.
common sense would tell you that you can send the tac and that after it participates in the air war, it has to take aa fire from the base even though it cannot damage it any more. but common sense does not always dictate.
I agree, but the rules don’t address it. Which makes me think you can do it, because the rules don’t prohibit it, but like you said - how many times is the actual intended rule different than it looks in the rule book? A lot of times.
I have a question regarding retreats at land and sea.
If an army of land units attack an adjacent territory containing 8 infantry and 1 aa gun, and the attacker rolls 8 hits, then the defender decides to lose the 8 infantry and save the aa gun, does the attacker retain the option to retreat (assuming it still has survivors)? Or does the fact that the aa gun has no defense roll mean that attacker captures the territory automatically?
What about at sea with transports?
The rules say “You don’t have to continue rolling dice until all transports receive hits. This will speed up combats.”What if for some reason you killed all the enemy defenders, but still had warships or planes of your own left, and wanted to retreat instead of killing the defenseless transports? Do you still have the option to retreat if you have killed everything except the transports?
Page 20, Europe manual
Condition A - Attacker and/or Defender Loses All Units
Once all units that can either fire or retreat on one or both sides have been destroyed, the combat ends.Defenseless transports
In a sea battle, if the defender has only transports remaining and the attacker still has units capable of attacking, the defending transports are all destroyed, along with their cargo.You cannot retreat from only transports or only AA guns, because “all units that can fire have been destroyed” and the combat ends.
Under the defenseless transport rule, there is no option to retreat - it says that the defending transports are all destroyed. Same is true for AAA guns - you can’t retreat when the defender has no firing capabilities. -
I agree, but the rules don’t address it. Which makes me think you can do it, because the rules don’t prohibit it
but like you said - how many times is the actual intended rule different than it looks in the rule book? A lot of times.
Name one that’s not covered in the FAQs.
There are a lot of situations that come up, and you look in the rule book and can’t find the answer for sure.
That’s why we’ve had a zillion questions and posts in the FAQ threads. A lot of them can not be definitively answered using only the rule book. Many times I’ve had to say “because Krieghund said”.
For example - you can use a transport to establish a retreat route, but you must have at least 1 unit with attack power to do it. I only know this because I asked you - there is no way to determine this from the rule book, and nobody thought of it for the FAQ.
I don’t think you should feel particularly defensive when I make these critical observations about the rule book. There are so many situations and nuances and tactics that can be used in this game, and Larry kept changing the rules, I don’t see how a few people could write a 35 page rule book without leaving some holes. We are all very impressed with your comprehensive knowledge of all things Axis and Allies.
There are a lot of situations that come up, and you look in the rule book and can’t find the answer for sure.
That’s why we’ve had a zillion questions and posts in the FAQ threads. A lot of them can not be definitively answered using only the rule book. Many times I’ve had to say “because Krieghund said”.
Most of the time that’s because people don’t try hard enough to find the answers. When I see a question that truly can’t be answered by the rules and FAQ, I add it to the FAQ.
For example - you can use a transport to establish a retreat route, but you must have at least 1 unit with attack power to do it. I only know this because I asked you - there is no way to determine this from the rule book, and nobody thought of it for the FAQ.
Page 32 of the Europe 1940 Rulebook:
Transports may not attack without being accompanied by at least 1 unit with an attack value, unless they are conducting an amphibious assault from a friendly sea zone that is free of enemy submarines.
Oops - you’re so right. I hadn’t noticed the transport rule was improved and changed in the 2nd edition rule book. Great!
Player A sends a bomber on a strategic bombing raid against the UK. Does a player A have to announce which facility he is attacking?