• Greetings AA Gamers,

    WOW…what another great GEN CON.  I hope everyone had as a great of time playing AA as we did running events for you…

    I believe, and IMO, GEN CON was a great success.  From the new 1941 events, to the new 1942 2nd Ed. tourney, and we can’t forget the AA mini’s/WAS events, by all accounts of the comments from those that attended, things went very well.  I believe we only managed to piss off, one, maybe two people but then those ended up coming back anyhow, but for the most part, a big, big success.

    I also want to thank every single one of you that did make the trip and played in any event.  A big “your welcome” to all those that have thanked me thus far.  And I can’t forget my two GM’s Kelly and Mike.  You guys are awesome.  Without you, I would have fallen off the deep end a long time ago…

    Soon, as I finish getting settled from GEN CON, I will get all postings and results up on the Swamp.  Though not as fast a AA.org.  Dave Jensen was present this year at GEN CON and he was a world of help taking pics as well as playing in the 1942 event…with that, I will also start a thread at AA.org on the GEN CON results for 2012.  I have taken down my the SmoreySwamp Forum so, AA.org and Larry’s forum are the place to be on comments and the like regarding all things AA…

    Thanks again and talk to you soon.  :-D

    Gregory J. Smorey
    Axis & Allies Tournament Director/GM - GEN CON/Origins/Spring Gathering

    “The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself” - MacArthur

  • Greg,

    Congrats on another fantastic job at GenCon as GM of all things Axis and Allies!  I could see you, Kelly and Mike working hard to keep the casual and tourney A&A scenes running smoothly.

    I had an absolute blast playing 30 hours of AA50 with squirecam!  Also met several new folks that way, including a law professor in town at UC that would like to play AA50 again sometime.

    Thanks again for the TON of work you put into the cons.  I know it’s a HUGE sacrifice of time on your part, but it definitely makes this hobby something extraordinary and helps bring together a bunch of a good guys from around the country.

    Jeff (BB)

  • Had a great time as always. Nice meeting you Dave.

  • Greg,

    another well run tournament. Thank you. How you can keep everything organized with all the A&A games out there is truly amazing. We only need to extend GenCon for an additional week so that we can play '42, AA50, and Global instead of having to choose  :-(


    I see your name and Gregs’ in the new rulebook for Pacific 1940 2nd Edition. Congratulations. I guess I better not play against you. It would be hard to explain why a playtester lost.
    Congratulations on your victory in AA50


  • @VanGal:

    I see your name and Gregs’ in the new rulebook for Pacific 1940 2nd Edition.

    Carl, I wasn’t aware of that–maybe it’s a carryover from the 1st edition playtesting.  In any case, I’m not fan enough of the game to want to play, but remember the original Pacific?  Now that was a excellent game!  Thanks for the congrats.


    We only need to extend GenCon for an additional week so that we can play '42, AA50, and Global instead of having to choose  :-(

    Amen, brother!  I would LOVE to be able to play in more than one tourney, mostly non-overlapped.  One way to make the AA50 and AA42 tourneys that way would be: 
    AA50:  all day Thursday = one qualifier, 2-rounds of Swiss pairings (like record paired with like), cut to top 8 for single elimination; Friday = quarterfinals + semifinals; Sunday = finals
    AA42:  all-day Sat = “Mega” tourney, single elimination; Sunday = finals
    That way teams playing in the AA50 single elimination on Friday could still play in AA42 on Saturday.  One issue would be if there are more than 16 teams for AA42, you would need to add an extra round on Friday evening, but even then only the AA50 semi-finalists would have to choose whether to separate to play in both tourneys or not.  Another drawback would be folks would have to show up on Thursday to make the single AA50 qualifier.  Some people only come on Fri-Sat, so that would cut them out.


  • Founder TripleA Admin

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    Thanks again for the pix Dave.  looks like it was a blast.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    If David can pull placing 2nd place, then I’m coming down there next year to stomp some pain into people.

  • @Gargantua:


    If David can pull placing 2nd place, then I’m coming down there next year to stomp some pain into people.

    I know right???  That’s pathetic.  And these guys call themselves “Masters”.  BAAW HAAW HAAW. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    BTW- a lot of greyheads :-D

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