Now Renegade Game Studios provides the latest rulebook files.
See the corrected link in the first posting.
When there, click the icon of the desired game edition to download the rulebook.
Next, the corrected Japanese set-up:
Next, a close-up of the ANZAC dispositions:
Now for some sculpt pictures. If I accidentally got the nationalities mixed up when assigning file names, I’d appreciate VanGal or someone else providing the corrected identifications.
First, the ANZAC air units:
Next, the British air units:
Another shot of the British air units – a bit fuzzier than the last one, but included for the sake of completeness:
Now for some ANZAC land units: Â [EDIT: it appears that these units may in fact be British rather than ANZAC, and that their grey colour is just the result of the photograph lighting. See futher down in this thread for the discussion which brought up this point.] [FURTHER EDIT: VanGal confirms that they are indeed British.]
And finally, a close-up of the Japanese mechanized infantry unit:
is there a anzac unique tank?
is there a anzac unique tank?
I think the tank is the unit in the bottom right corner of the land units picture, but I don’t know what kind of model it is.
It looks to me like the picture labelled ANZAC land units is actually British land units: 1 UK artillery, 1 UK mech infantry top view, and 1 UK mech infantry side view. I think the color is just off because of the lighting used for the picture, because when I ‘zoomed in’ on the pieces, they looked beige, not dark gray.
It looks to me like the picture labelled ANZAC land units is actually British land units: 1 UK artillery, 1 UK mech infantry top view, and 1 UK mech infantry side view. I think the color is just off because of the lighting used for the picture, because when I ‘zoomed in’ on the pieces, they looked beige, not dark gray.
Quite possible. VanGal didn’t provide me with named files, just numbered ones. I added names to help me sort them for posting purposes, but the lighting and colour of the shots may very well have fooled me.
Just to follow up, I noticed that VanGal’s most recent posting on the previous page says “New pics of map are being processed along with pics of ANZAC air and UK mech inf.” – so that too seems to indicate that the grey-looking land units are actually British. I’ll go edit the caption of my post for that picture to indicate this.
can we get a pic or pics of the pages in the rulebook that tells you what each piece represents?
can we get a pic or pics of the pages in the rulebook that tells you what each piece represents?
Well, for Air it’s almost certainly the CAC Boomerang for the fighter, the Bristol Beaufort for the Tac and if I’m not mistaken, a Ju 86 for the bomber, which were flown by the Australians…
Oh thank goodness, I think it’s a Lockheed Hudson or Ventura. Australia only used the Ju86 for civilian transport.
Pictures of the unit identification pages should be coming shortly. The Britsh land units disguised as ANZACS are British.
Here are the unit tables, in four different views. Shot 1 of 4:
Shot 2 of 4:
Shot 3 of 4:
Shot 4 of 4:
Can I say it for all of us: why not have used this excellent opportunity to give France its own sculpts?
Am so happy for Italy’s of course.