Welcome to the board andrey,
The short answer is no. The board(s) will look quite different with many new territories as well as new rules, game pieces and even new countries.
However, you could take a look at the 1940 set up and modify your own board to simply reflect the relative power of each country for that particular year (ie: slap some neutral or British units on France etc.)
That being said, you already have an awesome version of AA. Most consider AA50 to be the pinnacle of Axis and Allies thus far. It is also fairly hard to get your hands on a copy these days.
My advice to you: Play AA50 until you know every strategy, the board is worn-out and your downright bored of it. (My guess is this will take YEARS to accomplish.)
Have fun with your new game and don’t feel like your missing out by not getting the “new edition.” It’s a totally different game. And I’m sure you will have fun with it once you have mastered the Anniversary.
Welcome to the boards and happy gaming!