While not official thought I’d offer my opinion. With maybe helping out with a new thought process for your group…or confirm what your group was already thinking along.
Have these questions been OFFICIALLY addressed:
- When EXACTLY does a player activate a pro axis/allied neutral to his side? During CM, NCM, or both?
Are air units allowed to land in neutrals that are pro your side? (sorry if you already went through this).
This game originally was just a modified Global 1940 from my understanding and in that version you walked into the Pro-(your side) neutral during the NCM. In the rule book 6.1 Global 39’ it also mentions on page 12 that’s when you can walk through friendly neutrals. Or at least with the 40’ Global game that is how I read it. Maybe “assuming” to much, but with the knowledge this is a tweaked Global 1940 I would fathom that’s why it was missed being addressed.
2a) Can you fly in air units to defend a pro to your side neutral before you activate it
I would say no since you can’t go into it except during NCM. That’s only my opinion and still pretty new to Global 39’, but it comes back to not able to in Global 1940.
2b) Can you fly in air units to reinforce a territory the same turn you activated it?
Page 12 under section 6 says “Land units may move into friendly territories including the ones captured this turn, as long as they do not move through hostile territories.” With that knowledge I would say yes.
2c) If you NCM an inf w/bomber transport to activate a pro neutral, can the bomber land there too (same question as above really)?
My first instinct was to say no since not your territory at the start but….
Page 12 section 6 says, “Friendly territories include pro-neutrals of your side. Air units may fly over hostile territories, but must land in either a friendly territory that was friendly at the beginning of your turn, or on a friendly carrier by the end of the Place New Units phase.”
Notice the first sentence so I would be leaning towards yes.
- Are players aren’t allowed to move the newly activated units the turn they are activated. If so, does one just swap them out and the activated units are stuck there until the next player turn ?
Once again I am going back to Global 1940 for support, since as mentioned this is just a major tweak of that game, that those units do have to stay there the turn the country was activated. But can be reinforced with units if able to not travel through hostile territory.
Which if said country is surrounded by the “bad guys” not sure just flying a parachute division/regiment would be the best option.
Of course by no way official answers, this is how I read the rules with knowing it was originally advertised as a tweak of Global 1940.
Apologize if you didn’t want anybody answering except the makers but I find trying to answer other peoples questions is sometimes the best way to learn a game for myself.