I actually started work on this in 1999 but never got a release out…better late than never. Please feel free to give me any feedback.
Page isn’t loading right - all I get is the banner at the top
The results graph is a little small. Either the whole graph could be bigger or the font describing the results could be bigger. Could use a clear form button. It looks pretty with the tank background. The tests button could be on both pages. I like the add subtract buttons to fill out the units. Pretty easy to use in that regard. How do your results compare to Frood and the other calcs?
Apologies for those without page loading and thank you for the feedback!
I have tested only with Internet Explorer, JavaScript enabled, cookies enabled, Java using the Sun JRE. These settings can all be set using the Tools>Internet Options>Advanced Tab. I will put a help file on the site eventually.
The results graph too small? I assume that this is the “Results” line graph and not the pie chart.
I’m pretty sure my basic stuff is correct. The calculator is actually a calculator NOT a simulator so the straight forward stuff should be 100% accurate. I’ve been out of the community for a while so I’m not too familiar with Frood but hopefully a real time battle calculator/simulator should be the new standard.
Screenshot attached with proper configuration:
[attachment deleted by admin]
I did mean the pie chart. It seemed smaller to me than the screenshot you posted. Or maybe it was just the battles I asked it to calculate?
I got an “Internal applet error” saying that the browser doesn’t support this property or method (Using IE)
100% non-functional using Firefox (an increasingly popular browser due to IE’s security risks)
Top banner only, as someone previously posted.
It’s very nice in Internet Explorer. Havn’t checked for accuracy. (AKA, check it against other calculators that are trusted.)
And yes, it does not work at all in FireFox. You should really fix that.
Looks like the basic Firefox 2.0 issues are ironed out….actually less issues than with IE which must specify the Java Sun JRE (see below).
So you can also link directly to the page:
[attachment deleted by admin]
Kinda slick with some of the interface ideas you have there.
FYI, I just found another neat “real-time” calculator app today:
Not comprehensive, but good for a lot of simple and accurate calculations. I really wish I could streamline mine to run 100,000x, but I’m not a coding expert. It may be with the complexity I have put in with the kind of info it tracks, it’s just not possible.
Anyhow, this new one is kinda cool. Good job.
100% non-functional using Firefox (an increasingly popular browser due to IE’s security risks)
Top banner only, as someone previously posted.
i use fire fox and it seems fine to me.
Yep, it has now been corrected to run on Firefox, Thank You!
I don’t have that option in my IE menu at all.
Am I missing an update?
I’ve updated the site a bit. You need Sun Java to make it work….there is a download link on the site.
Hmmm…“attachment deleted by mod”. Is it mod policy to delete a help document without notifying poster…a jpg at that…peeu!
Anyhooo…odds calculator working fine in IE8. Please contact me if you are having technical difficulties or anymore input.
Not done by us. Reprint the original post.
Not done by us. Reprint the original post.