What it was that made James Holmes go nuts.

  • @Imperious:

    Here is another: Hows that Canada medal count working for you?  Nice to see they tie with Netherlands for total. And they even have 1 gold! Awesome!

    I’m choosing a side in this…
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Txx-SuPoXM&feature=related (skip to 6:50 for the important part)…

  • Sorry didn’t click it like everybody else ( other than you).

  • Basically, we will not really know what it was, that made J. Holmes go this way in detail, it will be shear assumption.
    We may know what played a, or vital roles that made him Go that way , He was driven and He made very sad and bad decissions in his life.
    To judge people because what you heard in the news doesn´t make you and me an Expert, unless somebody in here was his closer friend or relative of J. Holmes so He might give us better clues.
    To classify people because of education ,race ,beliefs ,sex, comics and so on makes us to an racist because we will unlikely determine in our mind that certain peoples ,groups etc. are closer to be object to Evil or we just simply put ´em in  a box of our mind. No,there is no one good, not a single one of us! ask your heart!, ask your conscience !…

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    is every person just -crazy- that attacks people? OR are there other factors to consider?  Brevik’s arguement is that he’s sane…

  • Brevik is tellin´the truth by saying he is sane ,why should He lie about it!?…

    And I don´t think that there are any crazy people out there,it´s more like some of them made bad deals ,others don´t wanna stick to the given plan of society, others just need help and they don´t want it ,others need help and just don´t know where or how to get it, there are many reasons why people are treated like crazy or asumed to be, but nobody really can asure you that someone is CRAZY.

    If the biologic Human body is disfuntional in terms of being crazy, why treating it with chemical warfare?..
    Somebody lost his dog and having such a hard time getting over it and keep going on in life , then he is treated with pills to regulat his bodily household so he can go on doesn´t make any sense at all but it is sold to us that way…

  • Customizer

    Dan Carlin discusses gun violence in his latest episode of his Common Sense podcast. He points out that some other countries have similar gun to human ratios that the USA has but not nearly the number of gun fatalities. He says availability of guns might not be the problem that needs to be addressed but the question of “Why do Americans want to kill each other?” Interesting and unique take that can only come from Dan Carlin. His Hardcore History Podcast is one of the best shows around and Common Sense is more of a political show so be warned, but he has some of the best ideas out there. In this particular episode he speaks of the Colorodo shooting and the more recent shooting at the Sikh Temple.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    You know… nobody ever twittered about the O.K. Corrall, or were -shocked and appalled- by billy the kid.

    As far as history goes, wanting to shoot people is just part of being American.  THINK ABOUT IT.  From Washington shooting the british, to Bush wanting to shoot Saddam Hussein, Obama taking credit for shooting Osama.  ETC.

    If the leadership wants to shoot people, so will the people want to shoot people, It just is what it is, and it’s cultural.

    Why Americans today are suddenly shocked and offended when the wrong people get shot, by other wrong people, is the REAL question?  It’s no different then the rest of American history.  Alot of people get shot.  From Presidents, to University students by the military.

    Look at American history books, So many Americans were ended by getting shot, from Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Smith.  Way of the gun. Cowboy Culture.

    No one is to say that it’s right or wrong, because there is a time and place for everything.

    And before I see any retort, I will point out…


    I rest my case.

  • Customizer

    In Canada we get drunk, beat the shit out of each other and then sit down and drink together. And we get stitched up for free!

  • Moderator

    You mean, someone else pays for your stitches. :mrgreen:

    And responsible gun ownership has always been a stalwart aspect of American culture. People being crazy has been here since the dawn of humanity. The weapons they get a hold of just change.


  • Customizer

    Ironically it’s the alcohol tax that pays it lol case I beer is $42 in Ontario.

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