@F4D3D see the original post. There is a link to the original cards. Larry Harris modified only German and Britain. The other setup cards are the same.
Is China at least 3 territories?
OK, let me try and explain this to you in the simplest terms I know how. I know that you are an extremely intelligent person; I respect you for all you have done for the AA online community and the AA gaming community in general, but hear me out.
Let me start with the fact that, we have created a game system from the original rules of each and every Axis & Allies game for people to come and play at a CON, FTF. We have created rules system from the original, out of box rules, in every case and revised them to fit into the Convention time frame for fun and enjoyable games for all level of players. Then we take those that are interested in competing in a tournament format for specific games, i.e. G40, AA50, 1942, etc. and used the time allotted and the suggestions of all those that have played in the past, to make a game format for each specific game that fits the need.
So, to answer your first question:
@questioneer:As far as the simulator, its a simple battlecalc on a phone app we could use. I just simply gives the odds- that’s its- nothing to be intimidated about. It really doesn’t give you much of an advantage. Its just a handy tool. Have you banned this from the GenCon tourny??? I don’t see that ban in any of the rules Greg posted.
All electronic devices are NOT permitted in any tournament event that I run at any of the CON’s. Why? Because, one, it is not in the box that game comes in. And two, not everyone has access to the same information as one with one of these toys. And last, I know enough about online gaming apps, you are cheating the game. I don’t care how simple you might think it is and how much of an advantage you might think it doesn’t give one over another, if everyone can’t have one, and then you can’t. Simple.
Ok, you bring up, other games. It comes down to a simple fact that playing any game online is a different experience than playing FTF. Most if not all board games were created and designed to be played ftf. Not online. That always comes afterwards. And there isn’t any game designer that would tell you, including Larry, that playing AA online is different from playing ftf. And one can’t force the way one plays under either system on the other…
Here again, Axis & Allies is a series of board games designed to be played ftf in front of people without the use of AI. I am sorry if someone can’t grasp that, but it is what it is…when WotC or Larry tells me that you need to start having online games at the CON’s and supplies me with all the utilities do to so…I am all for it.
I do Dominion qualifiers here and for Dominion (as well as Catan, 7Wonders I believe also) they hold FTF Qualifiers AND Online qualifiers. Now the online qualifiers for Dominion use a point/card counter- again its a tool but not a huge advantage. Never really made a difference and the Nationals proved it.
I figure if these other great games allow winners of online qualifiers into their national tournaments, why shouldn’t Axis and Allies???
I never said that I wouldn’t allow winner of online qualifiers into our tournaments. I have NEVER denied anyone to come and play at any event I run. It is that you guys want me to run it the way you play your online events. I guarantee, the online gamers don’t have access to the simulators when playing in the national tournaments FTF. I know they don’t for Settlers.
Greg has recently challenged the online players saying essentially if they really know how to play then they should just come to his tournaments and proof it. OK then, if the best of these online gamers come to GenCon (some may come from out of the country- Canada and elsewhere), and come to play in a format on HIS terms (which most of the online gamers despise), then the least we would require is automatic bids from our own qualifiers for teams in the semi-finals or masters- regardless if our online qualifiers have a “time constraint”.
If you and Greg are even remotely interested in this, that would be meeting us halfway and compromising.
Ok, so I have challenged you and other so called online experts to come and play FTF. What is the big deal? Lets see how much of a difference it is…?
But regardless of who comes, you have to play under the rules set forth by the tournament. I wouldn’t expect to come and play online and insist on playing by our set FTF rules! For those that come to play at the CON’s, you have to play by the terms by which the game creator has set and just common sense rules to get games in a timely manner so that a tournament could exist. Plus, 90% of all the rules that we have created for each event have been created at the suggestion of the players. Just like G40 rules done by you.
As for the automatic bids from your own qualifiers, what you are asking then to me to sanction Axis & Allies events across the world. I can’t do that. I would be more than happy to entertain the thought of inviting online gamers that win local online tournaments to GEN CON and play in the Masters, though it will must be with the understanding that those invited must play under the rules established by our tournaments.
Greg, from my conversations with him, doesn’t seem to respect the play here on Triple A and AA.org. He was pretty upset with the whole Alpha project simply because Larry chose to wisely use and listen to the online community of AA players over him. He mocked the online players and their knowledge of the game and stated that they didn’t know what was good for the game and such. Now mind you he did this during the time I thoroughly updated him on Alpha project only by his invitation to help create a G40 tourny format for GenCon/Origins.
That is your opinion. Hey, I did respect you and all online gamers up to this point. But with attacks like this, it is kind of hard too. All I am trying to do here is run events and I get slammed none stop by you guys because you continual tell us we are “incompetent” or “we have no idea how to play AA”.
And I am NOT nor was I ever upset with the Alpha project simply because Larry chose to listen to online community of AA players, especial over me. I am not that arrogant. I didn’t want to help on the G40 rules after the first version. I told Larry that and it doesn’t get any simpler than that. I didn’t have the time nor did I want to continue on in the play testing after the initial game was done.
And me mocking the online players, Shiloh, here again, the only mockery that has ever come from me is of Ohio State Fans, Bengal Fans and to your responses, to your arrogance of how much better you are at knowing Axis & Allies than myself and other FTF players. Heck you even say it in the next paragraph by saying, “he really didn’t understand the game’s strategies and flow.”
With every criticism of the changes made in G40, I had to walk him through why those decisions were made and why they were the best solutions. He was very uninformed with the G40 development and really didn’t understand the game’s strategies and flow. Its very different from the others. Much more complex. He kinda took offense to that and thinks the online gamers “brainwashed” Larry. Yes, that is a direct quote. So him saying he never said anything like that is a flat out lie.
I shot back at him quickly saying he needs to show a little more respect to the online AAplayers who play the games 5-10 times more than his FTF guys do and have spent a lot of unselfish time working with Larry on the project. So I know he says one thing in front of others but he definitely feels a different way behind closed doors. Point being, his ego gets in the way of progress sometimes.
Get over yourself. You don’t think this is you taking personal jabs at me for just asking for help. I was very informed with the original G40 development bud. My name is on the rules. I understand the strategies and such just not the way online gamers look at it and that is all I was asking for with your input.
I only took offense to your attacks at me for not understanding why something had changed. Real professional on your part. Especially coming from a professor.
Shiloh, Don’t ever accuse me of saying something to anyone in front of others and then stabbing them in the back or changing my story. Bud, you crossed the line, again, and again with attacks like these. You don’t even know me and for you to make accusations like this…
Yes, that is a direct quote. Because in my opinion, you did. If you didn’t we wouldn’t be having this argument, debate, call it what you want…I never denied saying that.
And I shot back at you quickly saying that, that means nothing in what we are trying to accomplish here. Dude if you really want to add up the unselfish hours I have dedication to the game of Axis & Allies over the past 19 years, you are more than welcome to, but I am not going to because all that is when someone brags about how much time and effort they worked on something and not even recognizing the others first, now then, who is the one with an inflated ego…
Shiloh, I am done with this conversation. If you want to join us at any of the CON’s you know I will be there. And keep me posted on events you have, I might be able to break away sometime and get to one. Hell, maybe even a weekend I am at the BIG HOUSE, but regardless, I am not really sure if you are just showing off for your online buddies or if you really are a malicious as you are regarding your comments in this post. And I really had hoped that we could come to an amicable conditions regarding this, but I guess not…
Start a different thread for this……
This always bugged me about AA revised….China is a big place, and it was really hard for Japan to get into the interior.
So will China be 3 territories, 4? Or the old standby 2 territories… :cry:Not sure if me chiming in here is still relevant or not but DJ gave me the green light to talk about some stuff…
China is 4 territories all worth 1 IPC each. Yunnan splits Kwangtung and FIC-Thailand so the Japanese have to take Yunnan to move between the two by land.
Also, I don’t remember where this asked but Burma has been added between India and FIC-Thailand.
Also, if each territory was 1 IPC, then no ICs could ever be built in China, which is also a good thing.
(Though I would like a special rule that the US can always mobilize one Infantry in China if it controls at least one Chinese territory & India is held by the UK)
According to page 22 of the rulebook, any territory with a value of at least 1 can have an IC. But you could only mobilize 1 unit there per turn and it could easily be SBRed to make it real expensive.
I do not have the board in front of me, so, I do not have all the changes, but here are ones I do know:
a) algeria and libya were 2 territories - now are 3 - add in morrocco - all worth 1 IPC
b) china has been divided into 4 territories (each worth 1 IPC)
c) what was s. europe now has s. europe and I think Italy separate - there is an IC in Italy, but the IPC value is only 3
d) the overall IPC count at the start is almost exactly the same - I think Germany starts with 41 (not 40) and UK starts with 31 (not 30)
e) australia is now two territories (each worth 1 IPC)
f) norway is now split into finland and norway
g) there seems to be just a bit more ‘space’ between germany (berlin) and russia (moscow)
h) africa is just a bit different - including egypt being by itself with I think sudan below it (but sudan is worth nothing)
i) there is now a burma territory
j) western europe is now broken into two pieces - like globalThat is all I can remember ATM…
This is all correct for the most part.
Overall IPC count is 31 and 41 as stated above… according to the map.
Number of territories between Berlin and Moscow is the same, but they are arranged differently with the addition of the Baltic States.
Variable - yes, I think I said more space, but really meant just a different arragement of the territories - sorry about that :oops:
Variable - yes, I think I said more space, but really meant just a different arragement of the territories - sorry about that :oops:
No worries… I was actually very impressed with your memory! I had to pull the map out to check your list. I couldn’t have done it.
I have seen the map already, it has been posted online
1. Battle Calc apps not at your tourny- that’s your call. Â I understand. Â
2. So you ARE open to the idea of automatic bids to a Masters or Semi-finals for online tourny winners @AA.org??? Â I’ll hold you to it if you really mean that- I think many hear would be interested in that. Â I could organize it here from our end. Â It could really turn out to be something.
3. So you never said that the online players “brainwashed” Larry and that you weren’t upset. Â Boldfaced lie. Â Yeah OK Greg, that’s just flat out ignorant. Â :roll:
Where has the map been posted? Â I have only seen a small picture of the game board on page 8 of the 1942 2nd Ed. rulebook posted by smo63 on a seperate thread on this forum.
BTW, the personal comments are inappropriate and off topic for this thread. Please take it somewhere else. Doesn’t this forum have a moderator to police comments?
Seriously. You guys have been asked twice by the original poster to take your argument elsewhere. Spare us this crap please.
I am referring to page 8.
Seriously. You guys have been asked twice by the original poster to take your argument elsewhere. Spare us this crap please.
As for the map… It looks awesome! I’m really looking forward to the 2nd edition release!
can someone link the new map?
Overall IPC count is 31 and 41 as stated above… according to the map.
at page 6 of the rulebook is stated 30 and 40. is it an error?
Sounds like a review copy. How does one become a reviewer? Does having a crappy blog and a vulgar A&A podcast help? I have those! I’ll need review copies of all of the games coming out from now on if it’s not too much trouble WotC!
Very nice blog. Are there any other A&A or strategy board game blogs out there you know of?
You’re asking the wrong guy on that one. Our group is mostly A&A. We played Shogun a couple times and Fortress America once but other than that just A&A. Check the other games section of the site and you’ll find more ideas for games. There are a ton of hardcore wargamers on here who could help you. My group and I are hardcore A&A only.
1. Battle Calc apps not at your tourny- that’s your call. � I understand. �
2. So you ARE open to the idea of automatic bids to a Masters or Semi-finals for online tourny winners @AA.org??? � I’ll hold you to it if you really mean that- I think many hear would be interested in that. � I could organize it here from our end. � It could really turn out to be something.
3. So you never said that the online players “brainwashed” Larry and that you weren’t upset. � Boldfaced lie. � Yeah OK Greg, that’s just flat out ignorant. � :roll:
If you have not noticed the biggest glaring error, and I am not sure it these has been posted in that Honolulu is a VC but not listed in the rules as such. BIG, miss…
I also need to apologize for posting this here but I believe I need to clear the air with questioneer…and if Dave will permit it…but,
Q, You need to read what I said, I said; “Yes, that is a direct quote. Because in my opinion, you did. If you didn’t we wouldn’t be having this argument, debate, call it what you want, I never denied saying that.”
So, it isn’t a boldface lie. You just can’t read… :roll:
Lets get back to the topis as the guys suggest…
Greg -
That’s fantastic Greg- we all got it now- all online AAplayers are “brainwashers” of Larry.
I’m glad that’s your opinion b/c it sure isn’t factual. :roll:
a….yeah, lets get back to talking about China.
China is 4 territories cool, and Burma also got put in. Will the US have a chance to drop an IC in China to add much needed ground units (w/UK or Russian help defending). ICs can be placed on 1 IPC ter, but could they hold it only dropping 1 unit/turn? It would probably just end up being a Japanese tank factory (one at a time) LOL
Would it be possible to house rule in some kinda of Chinese units like AA50? Can you say Acme wall :roll:
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China IC
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