The latest setup changes of the fleets in northern Europe made me thing during my latest game. You can’t hit the UK/Fr Cruisers with the Kriegsmarine and cover survivers with a newly built Carrier anymore. That makes it difficult to position the German boats in a good way.
That made me think long and hard, and one option I considered was an airbase in Benelux. This would allow the Germans to bring out the Kriegsmarine from the Baltic sea, and cover any survivors with planes. I’m just not sure this investment will be worth it in the long run, and in the end I ended up not building the base.
Would it be worthwhile for the Germans to have an air base there? What additional options would basing the Kriegsmarine in the English Channel open up? You would get a longer reach into the Atlantic compared to operating off of Hamburg, and you also have an IC adjacent when you take Normandy. I’m not sure this extra reach is worth the investment, and it is a double edged sword as you will also be closer to US warships when they become large in numbers. you could snipe south America with a single move from the Channel, but that is about the only interesting target comes within three SZ’s due to the relocation.
In the mid-game having the AB in Normady would be more desirable, but then you can’t make the attractive first round attack with the KM as you don’t control Normandy from the beginning.