I would normally agree with that, but this opponent goes US Pac strat. Â Well at least he has in our previous 3 games and usually goes by the philosophy of not letting Japan just expand without attacking her.
I can almost count on a UK/US landing in Alg in rd 1, counter of Egy if I have 1-2 units left (or a UK unification in Sz 30 with all UK ME/Pac ships (with loaded trn)) and US will buy either 2 ACs (with ftr) or an AC and BB for the Wus sz.
I’m open to the counter of Ukr even if it cost me rt or tanks, but I need to either immediately cripple the Allied fleet in the Atlantic (in rds 1-3) or play for the long haul which means I’ll need a commitment to Afr in rds 1-3 (or more).
I guess what I’m getting at would be, would an ac/trn for the Med work, or just ignore it and do the best with what I’ve got and go 1 ftr, 11 inf and indeed play def.
Maybe 1 ftr a rd, plus inf.
I don’t mind playing def with Germany, I’m very good at deadzoning/trapping and trading, but if that is the case I need a way to counter the US in the Pac. Â He’ll buy 1 AC and 2 ftrs a round with US.
I still haven’t found the best way to counter that (even after 3 games).
He’ll also unload in Alg on UK/US 2. Â Which is why I’m inclined to buy a ftr a rd instead of tanks. Â And it makes an African campaing very costly to the Germans which is why I want to see if the commitment is worth it, long term. Â I can’t afford any bad purchases.
Oh yeah, he’ll most likely buy air on UK 1.