• Ah dammit! Now who’s going to lead us in victory Garg? Is it just me and Satin Purple to go it alone? Not good. :|

  • @Gargantua:

    We play by forum Wrath.

    Jim010 is your opponent.

    Now I’m getting confused, we play by forum and by tripple A?
    I thought it was just trhrough tripple A client the play was done?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Now I’m getting confused, we play by forum and by tripple A?
    I thought it was just trhrough tripple A client the play was done?

    If all parties AGREE that they want to play a live game, and post the result here, that’s OK.  But I don’t think Jim010 will want to do that.

    The standard is that we play turn by turn, over the forum.  You have triple A, instead of playing “online”  try the button that says “Play by forum/email”  that’s how we all play here!  If you look around in this -Tournament- Section, you will see lots of other games being played.

  • @Gargantua:

    That said, I’m likely facing a ban shortly, for trying to resolve some other community issues on the site.  So If I’m away,  Death’s Head 420, is the official alternate administrator of the tournament!


  • '10


    That said, I’m likely facing a ban shortly, for trying to resolve some other community issues on the site.  So If I’m away,  Death’s Head 420, is the official alternate administrator of the tournament!

    I stand with Garg on this issue.  Some of these Moderators need to grow up and stop playing God.  Most are great, but there are a couple in particular that need to knock off the attitude.  We all want to see the site and the community grow.  Censorship and needless editing and interfering with members puts a damper on that.  If they can’t act somewhat judiciously and unbiased, and can’t refrain from acting arbitrarily or capriciously, they need to have their Moderatorship yanked.

    Moderators should set the standard for behavior, while giving a lot of rope to others others to freely express themselves.  Censorship and editing of posts should be used only in the most extreme circumstances and only after collaborating with other Moderators whom concur.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Thanks for your support Dutch.

    That said, let’s celebrate this moment, with the knowledge that


  • '12



    That said, I’m likely facing a ban shortly, for trying to resolve some other community issues on the site.�  So If I’m away,�  Death’s Head 420, is the official alternate administrator of the tournament!

    I stand with Garg on this issue.  Some of these Moderators need to grow up and stop playing God.  Most are great, but there are a couple in particular that need to knock off the attitude.  We all want to see the site and the community grow.  Censorship and needless editing and interfering with members puts a damper on that.  If they can’t act somewhat judiciously and unbiased, and can’t refrain from acting arbitrarily or capriciously, they need to have their Moderatorship yanked.

    Moderators should set the standard for behavior, while giving a lot of rope to others others to freely express themselves.  Censorship and editing of posts should be used only in the most extreme circumstances and only after collaborating with other Moderators whom concur.

    i wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    i wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

    Well please let your thoughts be known.

    Currently there is an OPEN discussion on moderation, and forum rules/policy, that needs input from everyone in the community.  If you think the community will benefit from change, now is the time to talk about it.

    However guided your input, make a statement!

    As Djensen has agreed to have a FREE and OPEN discussion about the site rules/regulation/moderation, I no longer face a “banning” for engaging in drastic activity, stirring dissent, or promoting “resistance”.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hey, where was all of this outpouring of support against moderator abuse of power 4 years ago when I was going 10 rounds with IL. The only one who had my back was Switch. I guess nobody likes me <sniff>.

    IL is condescending, heavy-handed, and clearly biased against certain people. He also engages in favoritism. At least he did when I was fighting with him. Maybe he’s different now.  :lol:

    Oops. I better get this post back on topic before it gets edited or locked. I like tournaments. They are fun. This one especially.</sniff>

  • When you do a combined bombing run in what order are TripleA asking for what target you want your aircrafts to bomb?

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I just tried the bombing run on London on the G2 turn that Mistergreen is asking about using the local game option.  Two questions come up, the first is I can’t tell which bomber is being assigned to a target.  I went with assigning the first two to the factory, the second two to the airbase, and the last pair to the harbor.  Will TripleA default to always asking for the heavy bombers first?  For the third through sixth bombers which were tactical bombers, it gave the option of bombing the factory.  I thought tac bombers were restricted to naval and air facilities.  Last, TripleA groups all the antiaircraft fire together (factory, naval, and air) and then asks to choose targets.  Maybe I’m misunderstanding how the AA fire works, I thought the hits were restricted to the planes attacking the facility being bombed.  I was expecting to see three small AA battles so that the casualties were tied to facility being attacked.  Instead, TripleA lets the attacking player choose to hit whatever planes are cheapest.

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I tried two more options to see what Triple A would do.  Yes, it allows tac bombers to hit factories but without the +2 bonus.  Also, due to great luck for the british in the local game mode, their AA fire showed me that you can’t tell which tac bombers you are taking as casualties.  Thus, if the UK AA rolls three hits and you kill three of the four tac bombers, there’s no way to tell if the surviving bomber is going after the air base or the harbor.

    One way to fix this might just be to change the order of play.  Do the AA fire, take casualties, then allocate the surviving bombers to their targets.

  • @Degrasse:

    I tried two more options to see what Triple A would do.  Yes, it allows tac bombers to hit factories but without the +2 bonus.  Also, due to great luck for the british in the local game mode, their AA fire showed me that you can’t tell which tac bombers you are taking as casualties.  Thus, if the UK AA rolls three hits and you kill three of the four tac bombers, there’s no way to tell if the surviving bomber is going after the air base or the harbor.

    One way to fix this might just be to change the order of play.  Do the AA fire, take casualties, then allocate the surviving bombers to their targets.

    Allowing tacs to hit is a known issue. Refer to this for info on triplea
    5. Know the rules!  Don’t let your tactical bombers raid factories, don’t move through neutrals the turn you conquer them, etc.

    I think changing the programming to make it several smaller battles and give info on which planes are hitting what is probably a better option then what you suggest. What happens if say you need to knock out a naval base to prevent an enemy fleet from reaching an important target and you’re also hitting the AB as a target of opportunity or vice versa? Much better to make the attacker commit before casualties then choose afterwards what he can use to hit what.

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I went back and checked the Alpha 3 bombing.  Attacker chooses the AA casualties so my memory is bad as usual and TripleA is right.

  • '10


    Game 12
    17.  The Headless Neds (Allies)-(Stalingradski + Antholin + Infrastructure)
    6  .  Team Imhotep (Axis)-(Axisplaya + Septimus + Pomme)

    Team Imhotep win.

  • Customizer

    jim010 and Stirling need a new opponent, I think.  Wrath seems to have moved on?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Well I guess you can consider that a win? lol.

  • Customizer


    Well I guess you can consider that a win? lol.

    I suppose.

    He used an opening similar to Mistergreen’s.  I was curious as to whether he was going to follow that opening or if he had a variation.  I quite liked Mistergreen’s opening.

  • Customizer

    Meglomaniacs (jim010 and Stirling) vs Wrath 3

    Meglomaniacs win by default.  Game over on G1.

  • Customizer

    So who do we play now?

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