Chinese Civil War is in fact represented by the ridiculously small chinese army and patetic China’s income (specially in relation with Japan’s land army or even with starting Japan’s airfleet). Those irreal restrictions of movement for China only hit twice the chinamen, and it’s a total nonsense that they cannot enter India, part of a China’s NO. What if, as usually happens, Japan breaks the NAP anyway and starts eating soviet and now mongolian territories as well? Should China keep her historical restrictions when the situation has become totally ahistorical? Even if Japan can now attack China from the rear? (Novosibirsk per example)
I’d say that at least China should be allowed to enter India no matter what happens, and should be allowed to enter the whole map at least if the NAP is broken or if western Axis countries DOW China
And for the record, I’d prefer as well a Chongquing IC and totally normal rules for China rather than the stuff we have now