I had a good bid once for China- a tac bomber and another fighter, to be used as part of the Flying Tigers.
Bidding in Alpha 3
Instead of bidding money, I’d like to start bidding for victory cities.
I think the game needs to go back to counting VCs on both sides as one total.
The old rules required 14 VCs, but I think 12 VCs may be mor balanced. Lets face it, if Axis had even 13 cities, they had won long ago already. But 12? Would make for a more interesting game, I think.
Instead of bidding money, I’d like to start bidding for victory cities.
I think the game needs to go back to counting VCs on both sides as one total.
The old rules required 14 VCs, but I think 12 VCs may be mor balanced. Lets face it, if Axis had even 13 cities, they had won long ago already. But 12? Would make for a more interesting game, I think.
12? That sounds like 1 too easy, as Axis “only” needs to take all of Russia + all of the mainland Asia and Phillipines.
13 would be my ideal, i think.
But i do agree, 12 could be interesting.
I see eveyone pushing on Japan pretty hard and consolidating with India. I have rarely seen Japan get 5 cities AND Germany/Italy get 7.
I see Japan being the one who usually gets closer to winning these days. But that could only be because I’ve yet to see England survive if there was an effort put forth to kill it. (I mean England, as in ALL of it. Both capitols.)
Honestly, to balance things I’d think both sides need more units. England could use 18 IPC worth, 10 on Atlantic, 8 on Pacific. Germany 6 in N. Africa or for another Submarine.
If it were up to VCs, I’d say one should be a capitol. Australia, USA, England, Russia.
Anyone willing to try a bid for VCs?
PM me,. then.