Result posted. Tie breaker?
2012 - AA50-41 - League Results and Standings
forgot to say that was the first round of the playoff
Playoff Update
Playoff Matchups:
Minor League (8-13 Games)
Yoshi (1) vs. JWW (4)
Tyzoq (2) vs. SouL (3)Championship
Yoshi (1) vs. Tyzoq/Soul winner
Major League (14+ games)
DarthMaximus (1) vs. Djensen (3)
Yoshi over JWW
Djensen over DM -
Tyzoq (Allies +11) over souL (Axis)
First round of playoffs
So who is supposed to bid first for the next games ?
So who is supposed to bid first for the next games ?
Oops, you’re the top seed, so you can start the bidding.
Yoshi (axis) over Tyzoq (allies) for the title :
Bid was 11, and dices on the axis side.
Yoshi (axis) over Tyzoq (allies) for the title :
Bid was 11, and dices on the axis side.
congratulations yoshi. total domination this year.
Yoshi (axis) over Tyzoq (allies) for the title :
Bid was 11, and dices on the axis side.
congratulations yoshi. total domination this year.
on to global? if so, i want first crack. :wink:
I will not play league games this year, no time for that. I might try it in a tournament if there is one, but not even sure. Global is a very long game…
I will not play league games this year, no time for that. I might try it in a tournament if there is one, but not even sure. Global is a very long game…
It can’t be THAT long. We’ve had 2 guys play 20 games or more in the past few months.
Global can be under 10 rounds, in which case it is not that long. TripleA saves lots of time dealing with unit pieces etc saving you more time.
I plan on being hyper aggressive for a majority of my global games just so I can get games in. Sea lion or G6-G8 Moscow or bust with Europe… try for a vc win in the pacific. I have no plans to do an economic approach.
If I am rolling dice on forum and using battlemaps, I would not play league, I would just do a couple games.
I can understand Yoshi not wanting to get into global league. His reasoning is sound. Global is long.
Global can be under 10 rounds, in which case it is not that long. TripleA saves lots of time dealing with unit pieces etc saving you more time.
I plan on being hyper aggressive for a majority of my global games just so I can get games in. Sea lion or G6-G8 Moscow or bust with Europe… try for a vc win in the pacific. I have no plans to do an economic approach.
Yeah, economic would take forever. It seems to be easier to get decisive wins quickly with the Allies than the Axis. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve won by round 4 or 5 over the past couple of years (just when the big guns are coming into the fight :x) because the Axis had already taken too many hits. Seems like on average it might take more rounds to win with the Axis
Well I find that most of the time I VC win or I busted as the axis. Seldom do I find myself in some kind of economic situation… once in awhile I’ll take Russia with germany and Japan will be backed against the wall. Once in awhile Japan will blow up all over the map and germany is having troubles… usually I just go win it in the theater that I am doing well in.
Well, you and I both should stop talking about strategy and the game here. This thread is for posting game results.