EXPANDED A&A-THE NAVAL SERIES "Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign"

  • Customizer

    Hello All,

       “Tigerman” and I, “Tall Paul”, are starting a “thread” to help focus the efforts on our new gaming concept.  Presently, the working title of the series is:

    Expanded A&A-The Naval Series, with the first game to be:
    Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign

       The concept is of a “battle specific” game in focus, played on a map expanded to 1940-Global size, using an expanded pool of OOB, new, and proposed units from FMG and HBG, and including many new or expanded capabilities that come with these new units.

       We are planning the map to have two completely separate games, “the Coral Sea Battle” and the “Solomons Campaign” that can be played on the same map at differrent times.  Also, a “Battle of the Bismark Sea” scenario is a definate possibility.

       First, let me acknowledge our “Map Master”, Tigerman.  He has designed 3 previous maps/games including the “1939 global” map, the “Invasion of Italy” map, and his latest, “Operation Iceberg: Battle of Okinawa”.

       I am an “Idea Man” who is full of ideas about A&A games,…my friends might say I’m just “full of it”, though(grin).

       So far the “Imperious Leader”, “Coachofmany”(of HBG fame) and MANY others have been very helpful by voicing their ideas/opinions on topics concerning this game.

       I want to envite EVERYONE to please voice your opinions.  Tigerman and I agree that this project could be improved by opening it up to all of the wonderful A&A gamers here on A&A.ORG.  And we both say Thank You.

       Also, a large Thank You is due to Field Marshal Games and Historical Board Gaming for all of their past, present, and future support they’ve shown to the A&A community.

       Our plan is to make a game that is FUN for everyone.  Tigerman and I will write the rules for using only the OOB units.  We will also write the rules to include a largely expanded pool of units from FMG and HBG.  Through the use of some new or modified rules, several from the “house rules” or “variant rules” sections here at A&A.ORG we hope to make a worthy arena for these units and all of their new capabilities.  Along with a greatly expanded focus on Naval gameplay, there will be many new Land and Air capabilities, too.  Their will probably be some “options” also in order to bring you the type of game you want.

       Presently Tigerman is concentrating on the game map and I’m currently working on the new rules and unit lists and their A/D/M/C factors.  We are studying and working on several things,… so if you don’t see a post everyday don’t get concerned.  We’re working on it.  We still want everyone to ask questions or suggest their ideas or opinions anytime.  We both monitor the posts. Â

    And Like I Say,…What Do YA’LL Think???
                                                                                        “Tall Paul”               Â



  • '21 '18 '17 '15

    And Like I Say,……What Do YA’LL Think
    I’d say “Bloody good show chaps”, keep up the good work. :-D

  • Customizer

    “Coach” and Others,

    Expanded A&A-The Naval Series
    Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign

    New Ship Type-U.S. Navy APD

    Hey “Coach”,

    I just wanted to request having another US Navy ship type to be considerred for production.  The “Fast Attack Transports, or APDs”.

    These ships had a unique PROFILE(especially with the 4 landing craft aboard) as well as adding their unique CAPABILITY of transporting “Marine Raiders”(painted/labelled Marines from your Marine set) to launch raids. There were 4 of these APDs at Guadalcanal(USS Manley, Colhoun, Gregory, and Little).  The addition of this ship type would add another layer of depth to everyone’s gameplay as well as to the The Solomons Campaign game that Tigerman and I are currently working on.

    The Japanese had somewhat simular ships, also.  Converted from destroyers
    Shimakaze, Nadakaza, Suzuki, and Tsuta.  I hope you’ll consider the production of this ship type as I think they would be very USEFUL in our Solomons Campaign as well as interesting in their own right.  Thanks for your time and consideration.

    As I Say,……What Do YA’LL Think???
                                                                                  “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    Just a quick “heads-up”.  Tigerman and I are continuing to make good progress on the Map, Unit Lists, their A/D/M/C Factors, and the Rules for both the OOB SIMPLIFIED and EXPANDED games.  Your ideas and suggestions are as always welcome and Thanks for your interest and support already shown.

    Like I Say,……What Do YA’LL Think???
                                                                                            “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    “Coach” and Others,

    Expanded A&A-The Naval Series

    Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign

    Discussion Topic- 2 New Air Units

    Hey “Coach”,

    I just wanted to mention two additional aircraft for your future production consideration.

    The P-47 Thunderbolt and the A-20 Havoc.

    I realize these might be in the distant future(if ever) but who knows.  I’d bet if you put these two aircraft in a SET WITH THE B-29 SUPERFORTRESS and some others, it would be a VERY POPULAR seller.

    The P-47 would be very useful as it could usher in a new category of aircraft.  
    Fighter-Bombers.  With 8 50 cal. guns and huge bomb capacity the “Jug” was a true “Beast”.

    The A-20 would be a Light Bomber.

    Both of these aircraft were used in great numbers in Europe as well as the Pacific.


    Or if modified the A-20 could represent an Attack Bomber.  These two aircraft types could therefore give us three new types of units represented.

    I’m already planning to modify the some of the B-25s in your soon to be released
    US Set into skip-bombing “Commerce Raiders”.  5th AF Gen. Kenny had them modified with up to 14 forward-facing 50 cal. machine guns and with bomb racks for 28 lb. parafrags or 500 lb. bombs.  These units, like the 345th “Air Apaches” were specially trained in "skip-bombing techniques.  These were VERY POWERFUL units.  I’m looking forward to modifying mine with some tiny rods to simulate the numerous 50 cal. barrels.  WOW!

    Please consider these two aircraft for future production

    As I Say,……What Do YA’LL Think???
                                                                                        “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    “Coach” and Others,

    Below I’m listing a great research web-site for the APD Fast Attack Transports, Minelayers, and Minesweepers as well as several others.  There are photos, histories and graphs.  Lots of great info.

    I hope you’ll give these “Green Dragons” a real shot at possible inclusion in your US NAVY SHIPS SET(s).  There were over a hundred of these conversions made for WW2 and dozens were available from the very start of the war.  These “Green Dragons” look pretty cool with their landing craft attached to their backs and their Green/Gray Camo paint schemes.  Check them out and I think you too will become a fan of them.

    I’m already having some Marine Raiders painted for me from the Marines in your set.  I think once everyone sees pics of the “Raiders”, and Tigerman and I get the “Solomans Campaign” game done,…everyone will want and need these APD Fast Attack Transports.  Check them out.


    Like I Say,…What Do YA’LL Think???
                                                                                        “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    “Coach” and Everyone,

    It looks like it will be another week before I receive my MARINE RAIDERS and US MARINES with their custom painted insignia painted on their bases.  I have no doubt that they will be well worth the wait, though.

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Tall:

    It looks like it will be another week before I receive my MARINE RAIDERS and US MARINES with their custom painted insignia painted on their bases.  I have no doubt that they will be well worth the wait, though.

    While you’re waiting for your Marine Raiders to arrive, here’s a movie you might wish to check out as a source of inspiration:


  • Customizer

    Chief and Others,

    Thanks for your “heads-up” on the flick.  I have a copy of it, although it isn’t one of my favorites by any means.  It’s a bit “Hollywood” for me.

    The real Raiders were some really tough and highly trained fighters.  I’ve read and studied about all of them but I’d say I liked Edson’s 1st Raiders the best.  Carlson’s 2nd Raiders did a great job on their long Southern Guadalcanal action.

    Check back later.  I’ll have some A&A Marine Raider pics for you soon,…along with some regular Marines with custom painted bases, too.

                                                                                            “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    Well, I really thought I’d at least have some pics I could share with everyone of the Marine Raiders and the standard US Marines but life has slowed things down this week for my painter.  But I must say,…his work is so good that it is worth waiting for.  Everyone check back soon for the pics.  The custom-painted Raider and USMC insignia on their bases will really set them off.  Later, gang

    “Tall Paul”

  • Tigerman and I are working on our Expanded A&A–The Solomons Campaign and it hopefully will be an worthwhile arena to showcase all of these new ship, aircraft, and land unit types.  We’re planning for it to cover the Solomon Islands chain from the Admiralties in the North to New Caledonia in the South and be the size of an entire G-40 map.

    Tall Paul and Tigerman,  What are the dims of this Solomons Campaign Map going to be?  I am wondering if I will need a bigger table to field this one on.  I do not have any other Maps yet apart from the gigantic Map by Ben Stein which is 4 ft by 6 ft. and all the AA OOB maps.  I do not think Eagle Games Attack maps even come close to the scale you guys are talking about.



  • Customizer


    We are planning it to be the SAME RATIO as a 1940-Global map.  
    I think that is about 36" x 80" if I remember correctly.  Let me repeat that this is the SAME SIZE as a 1940-Global(Europe & Pacific) gamemap.

    I plan on having the “Coach” at HBG make mine in a 48" x 108" size.  I think he might possibly be willing to make maps of different sizes although they would all retain the same ratio.

    I hope I answered your Question.  Let me know if I didn’t.  Check back later & often.

    “Tall Paul”

  • '14


    Tigerman and I are working on our Expanded A&A–The Solomons Campaign and it hopefully will be an worthwhile arena to showcase all of these new ship, aircraft, and land unit types.  We’re planning for it to cover the Solomon Islands chain from the Admiralties in the North to New Caledonia in the South and be the size of an entire G-40 map.

    Tall Paul and Tigerman,  What are the dims of this Solomons Campaign Map going to be?  I am wondering if I will need a bigger table to field this one on.  I do not have any other Maps yet apart from the gigantic Map by Ben Stein which is 4 ft by 6 ft. and all the AA OOB maps.  I do not think Eagle Games Attack maps even come close to the scale you guys are talking about.



    The map will be a 36x72" map. HBG will do special oreders for larger maps but if you want one smaller remember just remember the game will be designed for the 36x72" size.

  • Customizer


    Thank you for stepping forward with the exact dimensions, buddy.  I gave him the approximate dimensions but I’m sure he appreciates the exact ones.  Work continues on this project.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Tigerman and Tall Paul, I have been out for awhile learning a new job.  Now I am back for how long i don’t know.  The Solomons campaign are we going to treat ships as individuals or are we going to continue to use them as fleets and flotillas?  I suggest since this map is going to be a massive ocean/islands fight if we can devise rules to use the ships as individual units for combat and movement and land units as battalions and air units as squadrons.  We might have touched on this earlier, i do not recall.



  • Customizer

    Warrior and Others,

    Well, in GENERAL TERMS our new game with it’s large map covering only a specified campaign area (the Solomons) will have units representing smaller organizations than in the “Standard A&A” games,…but larger than in the “A&A-Miniature” games.

    Unit size(s) may vary depending on the unit type.  For example:  The Marine Raider units might represent a battallion or regiment size unit.  Most units would represent larger organizations though.  Even ship units would represent larger than individual units.

    I know this answer is vague at best, but should answer your question.  And things are still
    “in process”.  Check back later as I hope to have some pics of my Marine Raiders soon.  Thanks for your continued interest.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    Here are some pics of my almost finalised US Marine paint scheme that “Allworkandnoclay” is painting for me.  I hopefully should have all 20 of them finished and delivered in a week or so.  Remember, this pic is an “in process” shot.  The final product will probably look better.

    This painter is a REAL PRO and does AWESOME work!

    As I Say,……What Do YA’LL Think?

    “Tall Paul”


  • Customizer

    US Marine, pic #2

    Notice the Eagle and Anchor in four colors, and the Globe in five colors.  You really need to “click” on these pics to enlarge them to appreciate the detail!


  • Customizer

    US Marine, pic #3


  • '21 '18 '17 '15

    excellent job there by allwork, being a professional he has the time to devote to it and he gets paid for it, i struggle just to get the time for it.

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