Hey Gargantua, interesting idea and very historical. I have a few questions:
1 - When an “encircled” force tries to breakout, For example, say it is 10 infantry, the enemy gets to roll 10 dice and for each 1 rolled, an infantry is removed from the “encircled” force, right? After that, combat proceeds as normal, right?
2 - If a force has been encircled for the 2nd or more rounds (10 infantry for simplicity), the enemy rolls 10 dice and for each 2 or less, that many encircled infantry can NOT participate in the breakout attempt. Say the enemy rolls 3 "2"s, then only 7 of the encircled infantry can attack to try and break out, right? Do the enemy forces still get to roll for 1s against the encircled force trying to breakout? Afterward, combat proceeds as normal?
3 - Just for clarity’s sake, certain areas can also contribute to encirclement such as the Sahara, the Pripet Marshes and the Himalayas. In other words, any of those areas could form one side of the encirclement, correct?