Russia, France, Italy, versus, Germany. Germany does have to put up with the Royal Navy, but, Italy will be able to help out on the Western Front faster than the Brits. could have. If GE. is willing to take out the Russian fleet, with transports she can also land troops & guns along Russia’s coastline.
Again going defensive for the Western Front, and, only attacking on the Eastern Front, might just work. Especially with the navy guarding the sea route to Russia(and sending a few subs. to annoy the Fr. fleet). Can the Western Allies break into Southern Germany, much less build up its naval forces to take out the Axis fleet, to be of any help to Russia.
For this particular scenario, the British Empire has closed off the English Channel, as usual, the Ottomans will not allow any military ships, in or out of the Black Sea.
Round One: Russia builds a sub. to support its BB for an impending GE. naval attack, fighter, &, 4 troopers. Moves forces into its three seacoast provinces, &, into Poland, Leaving guns in Belursa as a reserve for future counterattacks.
Germany builds 2 transports, sub. , fighter, & 3 troopers. Forces move into Poland & reinforcements into Alsace. Moves BB & 2C to Sea Zone #11 from 10, &, 2 subs. move from Sea zone #5 to 3.
Combat 2 subs. from Sea zone #7 move and attack Fr. fleet of BB and a transport off Brest(subs. suffer no mine damage). Losses Axis both subs. & Allies lose transport & BB damaged.
Entering Poland fighter, 12 troopers & 6 guns, versus, Russian 19 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Allies 12 troopers & Axis 11 troopers, Poland is contested. African trooper from Kamerun takes over Fr. Eq. Africa.
Fr. builds 2 subs., gun, &, 2 troopers. Moves Brest damaged BB, &, C from Med. Sea to Sea Zone#3, versus, GE. 2 submarines. Losses Fr. C, &, GE. 2 submarines. Another Med. Sea BB goes to Brest, while a transport leaves 2 troopers at Mareilles, and, sails to Africa. Another transport goes off Libya, to pick up Italian forces.
Moves land forces & fighter to Lorraine.
Italy builds fighter and transport. Boards gun & trooper in Libya to French transport, another transport leaves troopers at Mareilles; BB & C sail to Brest. Also land forces begin to move towards Burgundy.
Round Two: Russia builds sub. & 5 troopers. Reinforcements for Poland & coastal provinces.
Combat in air duel, both fighter are destroyed, 19 troopers & 11 guns, versus, trooper & 6 guns. Losses Allies 5 troopers & Axis lose all.
Germany builds sub., fighter, gun, &, 7 troopers. Moves trooper back to GE. Kamerun from Fr. Eq. Africa, also moves trooper to Alsace. invades Poland again with fighter, 19 troopers, &, 3 guns, versus, Russian 12 troopers & 13 guns. losses Axis 13 troopers & Allies 11 troopers & 4 guns.
At sea GE. home fleet enters Russian home waters, BB, sub., 2C, &, 2 transports(one lost to mines with a trooper lost also), versus, Russian BB & 2 submarines. Axis losses BB(damaged) & sub., &, Allies all.
Landings in Finland, GE. BB takes out trooper, landed 2 troopers versus 2 Russian troopers(each side losses one trooper). Finland is contested.
Fr. builds sub., gun, &, 5 troopers. Transport with Italian trooper & gun goes to Red Sea, 2 BB(one damaged) & 2 subs. go to Sea Zone #3, transport land 2 troopers in Togoland & defending GE. trooper destroyed, also more land & air reinforcements for Lorraine, &, forces going into Alsace.
Combat fighter, 18 troopers, &, 6 guns, versus, 26 troopers & 13 guns. Losses Allies 15 troopers & Axis 13 troopers. The Allies can make up for the troopers, Axis cannot. Alsace is contested!
Italy builds sub., gun, &, 2 troopers. Fleet arrives off Brest, 2 transports leave 4 troopers in Marseilles. Land forces & fighter move into Lorraine & Burgundy.
Round Three: In this scenario Italy plays the role the U.S. did in a few scenarios, just being there decides the game, even if Italy does not participates in much fighting of any kind.
Russia builds sub., fighter, &, 5 troopers. Moves forces into contested Poland, 9 troopers & 10 guns, versus, GE. fighter, 2 troopers, &, three guns. Losses Allies 5 troopers, &, Axis all. Reinforces Finland 3 troopers versus landed GE. trooper(latter wiped out). Mother Russia is Axis free!
GE. builds sub., fighter, gun, &, 7 troopers. Moves fleet off Kiel of damaged BB, 2C, &, submarine. Reinforces Prussia, lands again in Finland 2 troopers versus Russian 2 defending troopers(Axis all lost & Allies lose 1 trooper). In Alsace 13 troopers, 9 guns, versus, Fr. fighter, 2 troopers, &, 6 guns. Axis lose 5 troopers & Allies all. Alsace is Allied free!
Fr. builds sub., plane, &, 4 infantry. Moves fleet off GE. home waters, sub. from Brest moves to Sea Zone#4, &, transport with Italian trooper & gun go off GE. East Africa. Transport lands 2 troopers into Kamerun, both sides lose a trooper, Kamerun is freed!
More forces move towards S. GE. & some enter Alsace. Combat Allies 6 troopers, versus, GE. 8 troopers & nine guns. Loses Allies all & Axis 5 troopers.
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves forces into S. France & Alsace. Transports leave in Marseilles of 3 troopers & gun. Naval fleet joins Fr. fleet.
Battle fighter, 6 troopers, &, 2 guns, versus, GE. 3 troopers & 9 guns. Losses Allies 5 troopers & Axis 2 troopers & 2 guns(Alsace is contested again!). Debark Fr. transport trooper & gun onto GE. E. Africa which falls!(lost Allies gun & Axis trooper).
So far IPCs lost on both sides are about the same, GE. did not get the usual bonus of far less IPCs lost than the Allies.
Germany can see where this is going, gives up lost colonies, hands back Fr. Eq. Africa, pledges peace to get the W. Allies out of Alsace(while she still has some forces inside its borders and a fleet).