• yeah right, the deadline was too short, just say decembre 2012 and we sure get it by then.

  • Customizer


    It’s all up to you ,…but it would be OK with me if you choose to extend the “deadline” for these US Naval Set(s).

    If it doesn’t give you more “head-aches”,…
        And the other players with pre-orders agree,…

    You might consider extending the deadline.  As far as I’m concerned, I’m for Whatever it takes to get these naval units produced.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Coach,
    I second the motion proposed by Tall Paul of extending the deadline to whatever it takes to get Montana’s, Alaska’s, Midway’s, LSTs, Oilers and the other porposed units on our game boards.

    All other gentlemen, the current deadline to be in on the pre-order is drawing to a close unless Coach decides to extend it.  Jump in now and order 5 to 10 sets.  Order 10 sets and join our exclusive 1010 club!  Coach is less than 15 percent away from getting to 50 percent of the money to go forward with this project.  Many others and Coach and myself really would like to see these units produced, so any takers?  Step up and put your money down.


  • Customizer

    I would be okay with extending the deadline.  After all, the order is already placed.  Just let us know which way you decide to go coach.  I think I am good either way.

  • Customizer


    Since you’re the “1010 Club” secretary,  and everyone SO FAR has been enthusiastic about Extending the deadline,  let’s do a Roll Call List.

    Ask everyone who has pre-orders if they would like a deadline extension for this set.
    Don’t forget to list the “Coach” FIRST.  I don’t know if a deadline extension would be a “head-ache” for him or not.  You might use the previous list w/numbers of pre-orders on it.  It looks like Reply #106 from this thread was the last pre-order list.


    As for me,…YES, extend the deadline .

    KNP, Warrior, and Razor I believe have already said YES, also.


    Let’s “Bang the Drum” and whatever else it takes to drum up some more pre-order sales for these great Naval set(s) that we all want to see produced.

    Something like this:

    Roll Call of Pre-Order Customers and if they want a Deadline Extension

    Name                         Sets Pre-Orderred             Favor an Extension(Yes/No)

    The “Coach”                All of them                       ?

    Warrior                       10                                  YES
    Tall Paul                     10                                  YES
    Tigerman77                 10                                   ?
    KNP                           10                                  YES
    Dangermouse               10                                   ?
    Imperious Leader           6                                    ?
    Razor                          5                                   YES
    Variable                     XXX                                 Cancelled Order
    AG124                         2 + 3                             YES

    Like I Say, What Do Ya’ll Think?

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    How close are we to having the funds needed to start this project?  Last I saw was 35%.

    Also, this may sound like a stupid question, but is that 35% of the TOTAL needed to start (so we would need another 65%) or is it 35% in relation to the 50% needed to start production (so we would need another 15%)?

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    How close are we to having the funds needed to start this project?  Last I saw was 35%.

    Also, this may sound like a stupid question, but is that 35% of the TOTAL needed to start (so we would need another 65%) or is it 35% in relation to the 50% needed to start production (so we would need another 15%)?

    We are at 36%
    This is just sculpting fees, does not include cost of mold, production or shipping.

  • I am in favour of extending the deadline, and I will order another three sets - just trying to figure out how to place an order which requesting an invoice change to combine shipping with my previous order; no luck so far.

  • Roll Call of Pre-Order Customers and if they want a Deadline Extension

    Name                        Sets Pre-Orderred            Favor an Extension(Yes/No)
    Gents. here is the latest update
    The “Coach”                All of them                      ?

    Warrior                      10                                  YES
    Tall Paul                    10                                  YES
    Tigerman77                10                                  ?
    KNP                          10                                  YES
    Dangermouse              10                                  ?
    Imperious Leader          6                                    ?
    Razor                          5                                  YES
    Variable                      4                                    ?
    AG124                        2+3                                YES After Invoicing


  • IDK

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10


    I am in favour of extending the deadline, and I will order another three sets - just trying to figure out how to place an order which requesting an invoice change to combine shipping with my previous order; no luck so far.

    Call or email Coach though the HBG site. He will likely remove the second shipping fee if you ask him.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    I asked Coach to convert my 4 pre-orders to US supplement sets if this set is not going forward right now so I can support his current projects and help him to move forward on this set in the future. I am still 100% IN FAVOR of this project, but I want Coach to be able to spend my money now on more great projects instead of having it sit around for a year waiting on a project that may or may not happen.

  • I was looking for a submarine in the set to; something with good detail in the conn tower and a deck gun.

  • Customizer


    I was looking for a submarine in the set to; something with good detail in the conn tower and a deck gun.

    I think if you got much detail, the submarine piece would be too big.  Then we would hear more complaints about improper scaling.

  • Customizer


    After talking with you on my last order would you give us another up-date on the pre-orders for these set(s).

    And also on your “Pearl Harbor” game?

    Happy Holidays,
                                                                                    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    We are up to to 38%
    I think I should refund and press on with other sets.
    What do you think?

  • '21 '18 '17 '15

    Sounds good to me……
    A Japan supplement set will help balance out the us supplement set for the proposed new games in the works, but further down the track we will have lots more choice when fmg does full sets

  • Customizer


    I would prefer to hold out hope a little while longer,…but of course I’ll go along with whatever ya’ll decide. I think almost everyone said they’d rather extend the deadline a while. But you’re the one who has to make decisions. Happy Holidays, by the way.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Coach, Do what you must do to ensure the success of your company.  If you decide to postpone this pre-order for now I will purchase other sets ASAP that you have already produced to increase your sales. Hopefully in a 6 month to 12 month period you maybe able to resume this additional US supplemental set.  I am getting ready to move to ND to live in the next 3 weeks so let me know so I can get my order in and shipped to Enid, OK before I move.



  • I vote to suspend the pre-orders and refund, so we can order more current sets from Coach and allow him to use the money for future sets.

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