Cmdr jen(axis) vs thatonekid(allies) G40 A2 w/ houserule

  • i copied the rules again:


    Unless otherwise specified, all alpha 2 rules are in effect
    All Industrial Complexes and Naval/Air Bases Remain and are not cashed in
    Anti-Aircraft units have been cashed in and are part of the IPC amounts listed below
    Additional Industrial Complexes and Naval/Air Bases may be purchased with the players cash, with the exception of China which may not build any of these
    Each territory with an IPC value of 2 thru 5 must have Infantry (Mechanized or regular) in a quantity of at least one less than the IPC value of the territory
    Territories with an IPC value higher than 6 must have at least 5 Infantry (see the United States mainland)
    There will be four placement turns prior to the first actual turn of the game. Each player purchases and places their units in reverse order of the normal turn order. France first, Italy second, etc.
    The Chinese player may only purchase (non-mechanized) Infantry and a single Fighter, but the Chinese player is not required to purchase a Fighter
    A maximum of 2 IPCs can be carried over to the next turn, with the exception of turn 4 when up to 5 IPCs may be saved for the players first actual turn in the game
    Players cannot place units in territories other than their own with the exception of Japanese controlled China, France and UK (London), ANZAC and UK (London or Calcutta). The UK player must keep his two sides separate and cannot share money or place units on the other side of the map.
    You can only place naval units in zones adjacent to your territories. In sea zones where opposing sides border the same sea zone, total up the adjacent land IPC value and the side with the highest value can place units in that sea zone.
    Germany may place a Sub in any neutral Atlantic sea zone, no more than one Sub per neutral sea zone
    A land territory can only have a number of ships adjacent to it equal to the IPC value of the territory. If the territory has a naval base in it, it will allow 3 additional naval units to be placed in adjacent waters.

    PLACEMENT TURN ORDER (Total IPCs): IPCs per turn:

    FRANCE (Total 132): 33 per turn
    ITALY (Total 223): 56 for the first three turns, 55 for turn four
    ANZAC (Total 91): 23 per turn, 22 for turn four
    UK (Calcutta) (Total 130): 33 for the first two turns, 32 for the last two turns
    UK (London) (Total 318): 80 for the first two turns, 79 for the last two turns
    China (Total 58): 15 for the first three turns, 13 for turn four
    USA (Total 278): 70 for the first two turns, 69 for the last two turns
    Japan (Total 570): 142 for the first two turns, 141 for the last two turns
    Russia (Total 248): 62 per turn
    Germany (Total 399): 100 for the first three turns, 99 for the last turn

    and frances map:

    pre-game buys f1.AAM

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    • 4 Infantry
    • 2 Artillery
    • 6 Armor


    Infantry in S. Italy
    Infantry in N. Italy
    2 Infantry, 2 Artillery in Tobruk
    6 Armor in Libya


  • anzac builds 1 AC, 2 inf 22/23
    place 1 AC z54
    1inf quen,1 inf NSW

    UK calcutta builds
    11 inf 33/33

    place 3 inf ind, 1 inf wind, 2 inf mal, 3 inf born, 2 inf hko

    uk london builds 10 inf, 2 battle, 1 fig

    place inf all around, place 2 battle z110, place 1 fig eng

    china buys:5 dudes, place in anh

    usa builds 18 inf, 1 AC 70/70

    place 6 inf wus, 5 inf cus, 5 inf eus, 1 inf phil, 1 inf alask, 1 AC z10


    btw i changed the ipc values to the money we spend

    pre-game buys All1.AAM

  • I like watching this unfold

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    • 8 Infnatry
    • 2 Aircraft Carriers
    • 4 Fighters
    • 2 Armor
    • 1 Battleship
    • 2 Transports

    Build: 2 Infantry, 2 Armor in Carolines
    Build: 2 Transports, 2 Carriers, 4 Fighters, 1 Battleship in SZ 33
    Build: Infantry in Japan
    Build: Infantry in Korea
    Build: Infantry in Sha
    Build: Infantry in KSU
    Build: Infnatry in KSI

  • map?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

  • ussr buys 20 inf

    place 2 mos, 1 len, 1 stal,1 ros, 1 suk, 1 nuk, 1 cau, 4 epl, 4 bess, 4 bal

    pre-game buys R1.AAM

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    • 12 Infantry
    • 1 Artillery
    • 10 Armor

    Build: 10 ARmor in Germany
    Build: 4 Infantry in Poland
    Build: 4 Infnatry in Hungary
    Build: 4 Infantry in Romania
    Build: 1 Artillery in Hungary


  • france buys 10 inf 1 aa gun

    place units>fr


    pre-game buys F2.AAM

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Moving British Battleships from SZ 110 to SZ 109, SZ 110 was declared off limits for all sides due to the number of countries with adjacent territories.  You can move the ships somewhere else if you choose on your next placement (or before I finish my next one.)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    • 10 Infantry
    • 4 Artillery
    • 1 Fighter

    Build: 3 Infantry, 2 Artillery, Armor in Albania
    Build: 3 Infantry, Artillery in N. Italy
    Build: 4 Infantry in Tobruk


  • anzac buys:

    2 figthers, 1 inf 23/25

    place z54+ new zealand

    calcutta buys: 2 AC’s place>z37

    london buys:

    2 ac’s, 1 cruise, 2 trns, 1 fig 1 tac 79/80


    china builds:

    5 inf>place anh

    usa builds: 4 fig 1 ac, 2 trns>z10


    (btw you cant have that many ships next to carolines “A land territory can only have a number of ships adjacent to it equal to the IPC value of the territory. If the territory has a naval base in it, it will allow 3 additional naval units to be placed in adjacent waters.”)

    pre-game buys All2.AAM

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    TRN, AC, 2 FIG moved to SZ 6
    INF, ARM moved to Japan


    • 2 TRN
    • 10 INF
    • 4 ART
    • 2 ARM
    • 2 AC
    • 2 FIG
    • 2 TAC


    2 AC, 2 FIG, 2 TAC, 2 TRN in SZ 6
    9 Inf, 4 Art in Kwangsi
    1 Inf, 2 Arm in Japan


  • USSR buys:

    12 inf 7 art

    place 4 inf bal, 4 inf bess, 4 inf epl, 2 art bess, 2 art bal, 3 art epl


    pre-game buys R2.AAM

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    • 32 Infantry
    • 1 Artillery

    Build: 7 Infantry in Poland
    Build: 7 Infantry in Hungary
    Build: 7 Infantry in Romania
    Build: 7 Infantry, 1 Artillery in W. Germany
    Build: 1 Infantry in Norway
    Build: 1 Infantry in S. Germany
    Build: 1 Infantry in Holland
    Build: 1 Infantry in Denmark


  • france buys:

    2 ACs, 1 inf


    place 2AC’s z110
    place inf>fr


    pre-game buys F3.AAM

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    • Carrier, 2 Fighters, Destroyer, Cruiser

    2 Fighters, Carrier, Destroyer, Cruiser in SZ 95


  • anzac buys:

    1 battleship, 1 art

    place battle>z54
    place art>que

    uk calcutta buys:
    3 fig, 1 inf
    place fig>z37
    place inf shan

    uk london buys;

    1 battle, 1 fig, 1 tac, 1 inf 2 art, 4 trns

    place 1 battle, 1 fig, 1 tac>z98
    place 1 inf 2 art>egy
    place 4 trns>z109

    china buys:

    5 inf>yun

    usa buys:
    11 subs

    1 inf

    place subs z10, place inf>haw


    pre-game buys All3.AAM

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    • 10 Destroyers
    • 18 Infantry
    • 2 Artillery

    Build: 8 Infantry, 2 Artillery in Siam
    Build: 10 Destroyers in SZ 6 (Brings me to 13 naval craft, one from cap)
    Build: Infantry in Jehol
    Build: 3 Infantry in Ksi
    Build: 3 Infantry in KSU
    Build: 3 Infantry in SHa


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