I’ve been doing a lot of painting (mind you, not highly skilled… mostly “here’s a can of primer and here’s a can of color”) for other games, and I’m coming back around to my copies of A&A.
While I don’t play Global, I did combine 1941 and 1942 unit bins, and I’ve been trying to “trick up” my copy of 1942.2 as much as possible… tons of extra units, industrial complexes, custom maps, battle boards, dice, IPC chips, etc, etc…
One of my customizations has been to national units for nations “not really” in the 1942.2 game, but ya, they kinda are. Italy, China and ANZAC have their own forces in Global, of course, but aren’t individual nations in 1942.2. As a “fun flavor factor” I went ahead and picked up pretty full sets of Italian, Chinese and ANZAC units (from Global, ordered through HBG) just to use by the “parent” nations that control these areas during 1942.2 play. So I would throw “Italian” units in Italy and the Med to represent Italy, even though they would be 100% fully integrated into the German players units and turns, “Chinese” units in China, even though they were 100% fully integrated into the US players turns, and ANZAC units, would be, of course under UK control. None of them are treated any differently, no extra rules, these are just 100% flavor units to make Italy, China and ANZAC look a little more unique, even though its still a five-nation game.
Here comes my gripe about Avalon Hill…
While Chinese units being a different shade of green from the US units, really makes me happy… Dark Brown for Italy and Grey for ANZAC, really just makes me scratch my head in disbelief. I know, its probably my OCD kicking in here, and maybe I’m the only guy on the face of planet earth that this bothers (about 99% sure of that, I’m quirky that way), but I just hate… Hate… HATE the color choices of brown Italian units and grey ANZAC units.
I personally believe smaller nations/powers closely tied with “big brother” nations/powers should be a different shade of that bigger powers forces. China was handled great in this manner… a different shade of green for a nation closely tied to the US whose forces are green. The UK is basically the parent power of ANZAC, why not make ANZAC a different shade of UK Tan… like, I dunno… maybe a dark brown? I suppose that “50 shades of Grey” might include black on the far end, so if Germany is black, shouldn’t Italy be grey?
Wait a minute…
By default, Italy is dark brown and ANZAC is grey… but I think Italy should be grey and ANZAC should be dark brown… oh, what a conundrum my OCD has created.
Utterly lacking the fine talents and patience of some of this board’s “let me hand paint each individual soldier from each nation to have these perfect uniforms that they wore during the war”… I think I’m going to ham-fist this project and throw some primer and paint at my collection of Italian and ANZAC units and reverse the atrocity that Avalon Hill did with poorly researched color choices.
Yes… I think I’m just going to take all my Italian units and paint them grey (infantry, tanks, planes and ships), and take all my ANZAC units and paint them dark brown… call me crazy, call me paranoid, call me OCD… whatever… I think I’m going to run with this… it’s bothered me for far too long…
I’ll save the next couple reply posts for my pictures of the end result… as terrible as they might turn out… but who knows, maybe i’ll do a good job.
Comments, concerns… calls to the OCD help line… feel free to post your thoughts.