Some painting I did on my original pieces.
Japanese Navy.JPG Italian Navy.jpg Bismark.jpg
"Tall Paul's" U.S. Army/U.S.Army Air Force units, painted by WARMACHINE Team
:oops:“Tall Paul’s” U.S. Army/U.S.Army Air Force units, painted by WARMACHINE Team Army / U.S. Army Air Force units that I’ve had detailed and painted by the “WARMACHINE TEAM”.
––So far the list contains:
U.S. Army Infantry
––U.S. Army (Infantry, Rifle)…European scheme…(Starting at message #20)
––U.S. Army Paratroopers…11th, 17th, 82nd, & 101st Airborne Divisions…(Starting at message #1)
U.S. Army Artillery
––105, towed
U.S. Army Armored Vehicles
––M-3A1 “Stuart” (Tank, Light)…O.D. Green scheme…(Starting at message #19)
––M-4 “Sherman” (Tank, Medium)…O.D. Green scheme…(starting at message #18)–-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well, here are my U.S. Army Paratroopers.
They’re based on the Paratroopers in HBG’s U.S. Supplement Set.
I’ve had “Allworkandnoclay” paint for them for me. They represent the
11th Airborne “Angels”, 17th Airborne, 82nd Airborne “All-Americans”, and 101st “Screaming Eagles”.These units are only a small part of the Army I’m assembling for some truly titanic struggles. I feel these “Awesome” paint jobs by “Allworkandnoclay” add a tremendous amount to my emersion into the game. And they simply look “Cool” too. Does anyone else share my feelings concerning painted units, or am I just “going overboard”, haha.
I hope you enjoy them and maybe they’ll inspire you to paint some for yourself.
“Tall Paul”
What Do YA’LL think about these units?
And here are their reverse sides so you can see all the painting details.
“Tall Paul”
Very nice! I like the bases on them.
And here are the graphics of the individual unit’s shoulder patches:
The 11th Airborne “Angels” from the Pacific theater.
The 17th Airborne, that “Jumped the Rhine with Monty”.
The 82nd Airborne “All-Americans”.
The 101st Airborne, “Screaming Eagles”.
All together, front-side.
All together from the back-side.
Hey Rorschatch,
You posted as I was uploading. I’m glad you like them.
Do you think that painted units in general add another layer of “atmosphere” to our games? I think they add a lot of depth myself but I wanted to know how everyone else felt about it.
By the way, the point I like most about “Allworkandnoclay’s” paint jobs is his unique idea of painting the national insignia on the bases of the Infantry units. I’ve had him modify that slightly to include divisional shoulder patches on some “Special Forces” units(Army Airborne, ParaMarines, Marine Raiders, etc.).
That’s why I’ve had him concentrate on my Infantry units first. Let’s see,…so far I have:
20-Japanese Infantry, mainland scheme
20-American Marines(HBG)
4-American Marine Raiders(HBG)
4-American Marine Raider Paratroops “Chutes”(HBG)
4-American Army Paratroops(HBG)
12-Anzac Infantry
20-UK-Pacific(Calcutta) Infantry “Jacks”, Far-East scheme w/Union Jacks on bases
12-Chinese Infantry
20-Russian Infantry
20-Italian Infantry, Dessert scheme(FMG) These Italians are almost finished“Tall Paul”
Do you think that painted units in general add another layer of “atmosphere” to our games? I think they add a lot of depth myself but I wanted to know how everyone else felt about it.
By the way, the point I like most about “Allworkandnoclay’s” paint jobs is his unique idea of painting the national insignia on the bases of the Infantry units. I’ve had him modify that slightly to include divisional shoulder patches of some special units(Army Airborne, ParaMarines, Marine Raiders, etc.).
Absolutely they add atmosphere to the game. I’ve painted all of mine myself (complete with the national roundels on the bases for the infantry) along with creating a custom gaming board and table for Anniversary Edition (link is somewhere in the “Custom Tables” thread stickied around here somewhere). I tried taking pics of my pieces but they came out horribly, otherwise I’d have had them posted up over a year ago. lol.
Personally I wouldn’t go so far as to have individual unit insignia on Axis and Allies … I leave that to my 28mm tabletop wargaming pieces (which I’ve gotten into a lot more than A&A lately tbh).
As far as individual unit insignia:
In general, I agree with you concerning individual “shoulder patches” painted as National Insignia on the Infantry bases. I am only using “shoulder patches” for unit insignia for the “SPECIAL FORCES” type units such as the Marine Raiders, ParaMarines, and Army Paratroop Divisions. These Special Forces type units, possibly the Regular Marines, too, will be a different TYPE(s) of unit, with different A/D/M/C factors. And, as “Special Forces”, their numbers will be limited. I’m only having four of each type done.
I may later make some Army Rangers if I feel there is a use for them in our present or FUTURE game(s).
I did have the Marine “Globe and Anchor” painted on the 20-Marines, though. I not only wanted to differentiate Army soldiers from Marine grunts, but also chose to have the Marines dominate in the Pacific and the Army dominate in Europe as in the real WW2.
I did somewhat the same thing as the Marine/Army paint distinctions with my
British-Europe(London) and my British-Pacific(Calcutta) Infantry units. I had the Calcutta-based Infantry painted with “Union Jacks” on their bases,…thus my nickname for them,…“Jacks”. If you like I can post some pics.As far as the Marine Raiders, ParaMarines, and Army Paratroopers there are SO FEW of them I felt I could provide individual unit identities.
Don’t you feel this is a LOGICAL enough viewpoint?
“Tall Paul”
What do YA’LL think?
And in answer to a comment, here are the graphics for my ParaMarine Raiders.
“Tall Paul”
And the ParaMarine Raiders themselves, also known as “Chutes” front side.
“Tall Paul”
And from the back.
“Tall Paul”
Thanks for the compliment. I can’t wait to get Paratroopers from all of the countries done so we can use them in our NEW games. We might even be able to add them to our standard Global-1940 games. I can forsee the possible upheaval this might bring, though.
I liked IL’s opinions on Air Transport(non-combat), and Paratrooper(combat) usage in games:
Air Transport up to TWO Infantry only between airbases you(or your allies) already have at the start of your turn.
Paratroop drop ONE trooper up to two spaces behind enemy lines(within range constrictions).
I believe that Paratroop drops must also have provisions for rules concerning Fighter escort that are simple and fast.
“Tall Paul”
Thanks for your moving this thread to the “customizations” area.
“Tall Paul”
––I’ve now received the U.S. Army Stuart and Sherman tanks that Wil modified and Lucas painted/decalled.
As I haven’t had time to take additional pics I’ll just start by posting some that Wil and Lucas have taken. I hope you enjoy them.
Here’s the Army Sherman medium tanks.“Tall Paul”
––Here’s one of Lucas’ pics of the U.S. Army Sherman medium and Stuart light tanks together. I hope you enjoy them.
“Tall Paul”