I do believe the South would have won the War had it gained a victory at Antietam. With that said, I don’t know how serious the South was to attacking Washington prior to 1864. Without a push to Washington, I don’t see the South winning the war. To defend the South, it was being invaded by a foreign power. An aggressive campaign against Washington was against the very nature why the South formed in 1861. It wished to be left alone, not puruse an offensive war.
So, yes, winning the war with a push to Washington after an Antietam victory. However, in 1862, such push violated the very nature of the Southern Confederacy.
To the alpha males, Monday night quarterbacks, and sincere historians who will tell me about Jubal Early’s march on Washington in 1864, I say this-What was Jubal Early going to do to Washington with his meager force? How was Jubal Early going to breach the defenses of Washington in 1864? How was Jubal Early going to escape capture short of a supposed rescue by the rest of the ANV?
And, please no one tell me Maryland was a northern state. One, it’s beneath the Mason Dixon. Two, it was a slave state. Three, Lincoln imprisoned thousands of people and suspended the legislature at the beginning of the war to ensure Maryland’s obedience.
Sincere historians feel free to disagree. Alpha males and rude people stay away.
Maryland was a border state. It was neither North or South, but it never declared independence from the Union.
There were slaves in Maryland, and the Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to Maryland, allowing slavery in the state even after it was put into order. To say it was a Southern state is saying that the capital of the US was in the Confederacy.
The Mason-Dixon line is an easy grade school way of dividing the North and the South, but it’s a little more complicated than that. It’s not like the 38th Parallel.
I also gotta ask, why do you feel the need to end a lot of your posts with stuff like “Sincere historians feel free to disagree. Alpha males and rude people stay away?”
“And, please no one tell me Maryland was a northern state.” That statement sounds rather rude and like one an alpha male might make. The whole paragraph before that too. You just know better than anyone else and can’t be convinced otherwise?
Not trying to start anything, but I’m just curious as to why you feel the need to write that as often as you do. Most people on here are pretty civil about things.
They are civil with me now because I assertively make that premise. I got tired of making nice, conversational posts to get certain responses. You can’t complain if you don’t assertively make yourself clear, right? Well, now I’m clear. If you don’t like it, don’t respond. I don’t always agree with Hobbes and Bunnies. Have you ever seen this exchange between us? For example, your rebuttal to one of my responses was to call it “grade school?” Have I ever used such language in my disagreements with people like Hobbes or Bunnies? Or how about wittman? I was civil. I was polite. I was kind. I put that premise in there for people like you. My response is grade school? Why don’t you respond to me with statistics and your interpretations of those statistics rather than ‘you are grade school.’ Notice the semi-quotes, not direct quotes.
Look at my conversations with Mallery29 over the Batman movies. We were nice and cordial. Though we disagreed a little, we were both respectful of one another. It’s ok to disagree a little and still have fun.
Here’s another example. Hobbes is right about the statistics with a G1 attack. However, over half the time, I do not destroy the German battleship. Did I call him grade school? Did I say he was lost in math books? His statistics are right. We just choose to disagree on certain aspects of the attack. I could easily have said: “Well, Hobbes, you need to get your head out of the book and face reality. I know the rolls. I lose often. Get real.” I chose not to. It’s rude, wrong, and not in my thoughts. Hobbes has always treated me with respect and kindness. I disagreed with a Bunnies post one time. Did you hear me say ‘that’s grade school?’ More examples as to my why, but I’m stopping here. You can respond, but don’t get mad if you’re just ignored.
UPDATE: Wittman and I disagree about a very polarizing figure called Oliver Cromwell. I greatly enjoy reading what Wittman writes. Is there a flame war between us? No, it’s okay to be civil and disagree. However, not all are civil, and I don’t have to tolerate it.
They were civil before you even made that comment. There wasn’t one uncivil comment on the board before your post. You asking others to be civil when they already were was the first uncivil act on this post.
I find it funny that you actually ask people not to answer back while throwing an underhand insult at them and calling them alpha males or insincere historians (are their actually any to you?). I guess you think it’s okay to slap someone as long as you do it with a white satin glove.
Where do you get the idea that everyone on this entire board argued before you started placing instructions not to argue with you? Do you do it so you’ll have a way out by calling them an alpha male. Like I said there are thousands of civil conversations on these forums that don’t include a preface about civil conversations.
I’ve tended to notice when you don’t talk down to people like you have, they don’t respond in the way you think they will.
I’m also sorry you didn’t understand the literal translation of grade school in my post. I meant they taught us in grade school as a way to remember what was north and what was south?
Just like “I” before “E” except after “C”.
All I was saying was it’s too simple an explanation, but that really bothered you because I was trying to knock you off as alpha male?
Not everyone is out to insult you, and I’m not sure why you think they would want to, but you seem awful defensive.
Look at a lot of other posts where not involved and you won’t find fighting. You’re not the one preventing it.