Jen, Im glad your axis opponents are not yet aware on how to stall on one map and to steamroll the other.
If germany is decent, he should be at the gates of moscow by round 7-8 (unless he does a G4 attack or halfassed a G2/3 attack).
This is made alot easier if italy can-opens like he should.
Because of the long distances from WUS towards Japan’s area of operations and the fact that defending is alot easier attacking can make Japan stall out the US for ages. If anzac ships go alone, they can be picked off with minimal effort. If they hang with the main us fleet, then they will be only defending and present no serious issue unless u foolishly do a giant attack.
With the small raids on DEI being counter attacked and retaken, and the main fleet sitting around, the allies will need to commit all the way till round 7-8 before japan is close to contained. It will also take another 2-3 turns logistically for the US to threaten germany/italy in Europe.
Also, if russia commits what it would need to if it tries to take scandinavia, then germ can just walk to nov and cut the army off, or power through the south to the caucuses and smack russia up hard.
If germany goes sealion G3 and succeeds, he should have enough guys sitting in the east to hold off russia for a turn or so, and can counte rin scand with the transport mass of guys.