While we’re at it, let’s decrease the infantry’s cost to 2 IPCs, cause 3 IPCs per infantry is just TOO much for only 2 defense. We’ll need the extra stacks of infantry produced by this new rule change so our forward stacks have a chance in hell of surviving enemy counterattacks only fighting with 2s from now on. Not to mention, we’ll also need this new rule in that the offensive unit stacks will never get touched, as they’ll be ONLY FIGs/TACs behind the enemy lines of which their numbers will only get larger and larger as the game grinds on. So, basically, if you’re on the offensive, just pray for a lot of 1s and 2s when your infantry stacks defend to have a prayer of decimating the enemy forces… Plus, the attacker will always have the option to retreat his aircraft away, so fat chance of taking any planes down anytime soon! GREAT CHANGE LARRY!
Hmm… what else will go wrong with Axis and Allies by removing the tanks due to nerfing? How about NO BLITZING anymore? If you build no new tanks, then no more racing across enemy territories or threatening enemy capitals, turns before the infantry shows up! We lose a whole mechanic of the game! WOOO WOOO!!! ALSO, since most people will just build stacks of planes now, and YOUR MECH CANNOT BLITZ WITHOUT ARMOR, we’ll just end up building stacks and stacks of one move infantry instead! (Will probably still be useful for getting to the front lines in Russia… maybe. I’m betting we’ll only see infantry, artillery, and FIG builds, especially for Germany from now on. There’s now no point in building anything else.)
Watch the game slowly grind to a crawl as we see giant lumps of infantry slowly congeal together with even BIGGER stacks of aircraft stationed behind them, supporting each new human wave offensive! Hey, IL, you’ll get your wish for that WWI game you’re always talking about in your signature! It’ll be like WWI, except with airplanes! THANKS LARRY FOR ADDING EVEN MORE HISTORICAL ACCURACY THAN EVER TO YOUR OPUS MAGNUS, AAG40!!!