Looks like there was some lively debate this past year about the 1941 edition of AA50. I wish I had played back then, but I’ve only had access to the game for the past few weeks. Hopefully you all haven’t left and are just lurking, looking for some fresh topics to discuss…
Not everyone has left. Yes, the newest of games (AAP/AAE/AAGlobal 1940) are getting the vast majority of the attention, but there are still those of us who love the Anniversary edition!
First, is the IC on India wise provided US goes 90% pacific?
In my personal opinion I will not purchase an IC for the UK in turn one. I wait to see what happens with Japan and the US through a full turn before making that decision. Often I will buy one for turn two however, assuming it can be defended. I will typically send a Russian infantry into india, and 2 into china to help on that front as well.
UK has been acting defensively on the continent and going fleet. US commits 90% to one theatre or the other, not sure which is best. The best US game had them split a bit more differently, US supplying 3 trn to Africa and UK defending their ships. The rest of US production was spent in Pacific. Russia builds 3-4 ftrs and fights as long as possible. Usually losing the Caucusus to Italy and Kar to Germ.
The UK will always have to build fleet at the start. Unless the german player surprisingly does NOT decimate the starting fleet in G1. Beyond that, I find Carrier/Fighter combos good to get the UK fleet back on it’s feet before even thinking about more transports. And I always hope to hold Egypt and Gibralter.
For the US, I will typically buy a loaded AC and a loaded Transport each turn for the Pacific (Or, if I have enough transports in the pacific I’ll throw a bomber or some fleet into the Atlantic as well). This keeps Japan in the pacific a little more as they absolutely have to protect the capital and keep the US off the islands as much as possible (big money!). One very important thing with the US is having realiable transport logistics going. This takes a few turns to get in place and if you mess it up by getting into the action too early, it takes so much longer to fix.
Russian Fighters? Why … why why why waste Russias limited funds on fighters? Infantry/Artillery combos with a couple tanks every now and again is a much wiser buy if you ask me. I like 2 infantry/1 artillery/1 tank as a nice combo. Strictly infantry to Karellia, infantry/artillery being built in Caucases and the rest in Moscow. I like to send an infantry per turn east towards China and/or the Russian far east whenever possible as well to hold off Japan.
Germany fights aggressively with limited forces against Russia and stacks France and Italy so that they cannot be attacked. Japan takes out China and begins the March on Moscow early from the north. The rest of the game they spend fighting in Spacific/INdian ocean theatre. Italy either fights for its life from the beginning, suffering under bomber raids or makes enough money to make a mistake like build another trn or ftr. (have had much success with Italian bmb)
please advise? Bear in mind profficency within my playing group, none of us make too large of mistakes.
If France and Italy are being stacked, possibly consider coming at Germany from the east? I’ve had limited sucess with the US and UK joining forces on the Russian front lines to put enormous pressure on Germany.
Sending Russian infantry into China, and if you have a UK India IC, UK infantry into China will help keep Japan out … try to keep them in the Pacific as much as possible.
In many of my games Italy is not really fighting for its life but is often the Axis savior! Originally I thought Italy would be relegated to the whipping boy of Germany, but in fact I tend to find that it’s Germany that needs Italy’s help more often than not after round 2.