Sure I’ll help. I guess I can do some image editing to get a full map as nice as the Pacific side. If anything else, let me know. I just don’t know what else is needed.
Are you an experienced graphic artist? The module I had been working on for G40 and E40 I’m hoping is going to look quite a bit better than my pacific map. If you are just wanting to try your hand at it, you are welcome to, but if you want to just wait for me to finish mine and see what I come up with you can do that too. If you are an experienced graphic artist, perhaps we should be turning to you to design the maps, but personally I’m curious to see how mine will turn out since I’m just trying out an idea.
You should be able to find all the information you need to know to work on module elements in my tutorial. There is a section on Map.bmp - the map file, but basically all you need to know is that the territories on the map should match up (location-wise) exactly (pixel-for-pixel) with the territory designations in the existing SectorInfo.bmp. If you need to change SectorInfo.bmp, you can do that, but then you will also need to update SectorInfo.map and potentially SectorInfo.txt/SectorInfo.sek (if you add sectors, etc.). Again, everything you would need to know here is in the tutorial.
I also have unsolved problem.
I want to play by forum (I am actually), it goes well with the first player I started a game with… but with 2 other players (2 different games) they can’t load my map and I can’t load theirs. The game crashes.
Besides the Abattlemap software version (I have 0.80 alpha1 - talking software version, not game set up, might get confusing!), what else should I look for? I asked the other player (Gargantua) to give me the link he used and he pointed me here… which is also where I found and use the download link.
Bottom line, I don’t know what to do. Anyone knows? I would like to find what’s the problem, since I love join the league. But since I can’t play with 2 out of 3 players… well… sure you get my point.
Thank you.
There were actually 2 versions of ABattlemap released with the version label “0.80 alpha1”. You should make sure you and your partners have the latest version, which came originally only packaged with Attila’s P40 module on Flames of Europe. It is now also available with HolKann’s ABattlemap Installer and here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/djkingzm3in/ABattleMapv0_80+.zip If you use the second: as long as you installed ABattlemap first with version 0.79f, then you can simply replace your old ABattlemap.exe file with the new one.
However, I don’t suspect that the program version is the most likely cause of the problem. You need to make sure that you and your partners are using the same (preferrably most recent) version of Func’s module (note that you cannot change the name of the .GIM folder from what Func assigned to it). While I have not worked with ABattlemap in a long time and have not used Func’s module, this would be my guess based on what I can remember from my experience with ABattlemap. You should, of course, also make sure you are using the same initial setup, but even if you aren’t that should keep you from opening the other person’s save files. Have all three of your partners read this post, and see let me know if you still after trouble after all four of you follow these guidelines: include information on anything you discovered regarding the versions used by you and your partners and/or whether or not anyone had changed the name of their .GIM module folder.