• @Axisplaya:


    But the allies player has the right to know BEFORE he makes the decision to scramble or not if the dd will take part to combat in case he scrambles from India in sz39, doesn’t he ?

    Absolutely.  This is why the Jap player must move the destroyer in combat movement phase if he wants to move it.

    If the Allied player scrambles and the destroyer was not moved in combat movement, then the destroyer MUST participate in combat and then can’t move later.

  • Sponsor



    It is Japans turn. The turn starts with a Japanese destroyer already in sz39. During the combat move phase Japan flies a fighter and a tac to sz 39 with a loaded transport and amphibious assault Ceylon. India has 1 fighter that can scramble. The UK player decides against scrambling. Ceylon is taken Then during the NCM Japan moves the destroyer from sz39 to sz 37. Was this legal and if so does the Japanese player need to declare what the destroyer is doing during the combat phase? Thanks!

    Not legal. You have to move the destroyer away in the combat movement phase. A “declaration” is not enough. You can move units during the combat movement phase that do not result in combat, if the move is to AVOID combat. (It’s actually in the rulebook, but don’t have it with me or would cite page)

    Interesting, didn’t know that… Cheers.

  • You did see that my initial answer was technically wrong about it being illegal because the UK did NOT scramble their fighter, right? Because then no combat took place…

  • Customizer

    three questions:

    1. In OOB I understand Kamikaze attacks perfectly.  However, I want to ask if there was any change to them for the latest Alpha +3?
    I am asking because from reading Alpha +3, it really sounds like Japan can make kamikaze attacks from the very start of the game, since the sheet mentions nothing about any conditions necessary to do the attacks (ie: having to wait for the allies to capture one of those ~4 islands).

    2. I do not understand the Japan - Russian relationship, in either OOB or Alpha+3.
    Does it work like this: Either Japan or Russia can declare war on each other, any time they want [beginning of combat move], from the start of the game?
    Besides the weird mongolian rules, that relationship has no effect on anything else….

    3. Is Mongolia part of the “Strict Neutrals”?  I mean, if the axis attack Sweden or another strict neutral, do the mongolians become friendly to the Allies?  If the allies attack mongolia, does Sweden then become friendly to the axis?
    And if Russia attacks a Japanese territory, like Manchuria, that borders Mongolia, and then Japan recaptures it, does Mongolia still convert to Russian?


  • 1.  Kamikaze requirements changed between OOB and Alpha3.  There is no Allied capture of certain islands requirement anymore (Alpha2?)

    2.  Basically in OOB Russia or Japan can declare war on the other whenever they want at no penalty.  Later a penalty of 12 IPC’s was added to Russia if Japan attacked Russia (I think it was).  Now that’s gone and the weird Mongolian rules reign.  I stopped keeping track as soon as the weird Mongolian rules were introduced.  (I mean, really)

  • @Veqryn:

    3. Is Mongolia part of the “Strict Neutrals”?  I mean, if the axis attack Sweden or another strict neutral, do the mongolians become friendly to the Allies?  If the allies attack mongolia, does Sweden then become friendly to the axis?
    And if Russia attacks a Japanese territory, like Manchuria, that borders Mongolia, and then Japan recaptures it, does Mongolia still convert to Russian?

    Soviet/Japanese Non Aggression Pact: Due to their mutual border conflct with Japan in 1939, the Soviet Union and Mongolia have a special relationship. If the Japanese attack any Soviet territory that is adjacent to any Mongolian territory, all Mongolian territories (Olgiy, Dzavhan, Tsagaan-Olom, Central Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, and Buyant-Uhaa) that are still neutral are placed under the control of the Soviet Union at the end of the Japanese Combat Move phase, in the same manner as though the Soviet Union had moved land units into a friendly neutral territory. These territories have Soviet control markers placed on them, and their standing army units are placed on the board and are controlled by the Soviet Union player from then on. This occurs regardless of the state of relations between the Soviet Union and Japan at the time of the attack, with one exception: If the Soviet Union attacks any Japanese-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia is still neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union. In addition, the Mongolian territories will never become pro-Axis unless one or more of them is attacked by the Soviet Union.

    Based on my reading of the current rules per the above Alpha 3 section on this:

    A: If Axis attacks Strict Neutral (eg Sweden), Mongolia will go Pro Allied.
    B: If Allies attack Strict Neutral (eg Sweden), Mongolia will remain an isolated Strict Neutral
    C: If Axis attacks Mongolia while Mongolia is still Strict Neutral, ALL Strict Neutrals (eg Sweden) will go Pro Allied.

    D: If Russia attacks a Japanese controlled territory adjacent to Mongolia, Mongolian territories will never ally themselves with Russia and remain an isolated strict neutral. This means that if Russia attacks Manchuria, Japan is completely free to respond and will NEVER anger the Mongolians unless Japan attacks mongolia directly. (hope for this).

    E: If Japan attacks a russian territory adjacent to Mongolia, but not a Mongolian territory, Mongolia lights up as Russian, activates all her infantry, and becomes russian controlled.  But if Japan attacks a russian territory AND mongolia during the same combat move phase, Mongolia is still a strict neutral and will change alliances of all strict neutrals. (don’t do that ever).

  • Hello.
    I have one question. Does NO rules applies if country is neutral ie. if USA is neutral does it get 5 IPC for holding Philippines, or UK 5 IPC for holding their original teritories in Pacific.
    And does same rules applies ina AA Global, AA europe and AA Pacific?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I have one question. Does NO rules applies if country is neutral ie. if USA is neutral does it get 5 IPC for holding Philippines, or UK 5 IPC for holding their original teritories in Pacific.
    And does same rules applies ina AA Global, AA europe and AA Pacific?

    No.  National Objectives are only active (you can collect for them) when you are at war on at least one map.

  • Except if the NO says “x IPC’s for remaining neutral”  :wink:

  • I have a scenario I am confused about; this may have been covered previously but I couldn’t find it, nor did I find the rulebook clear enough. In our current game, Germany has captured Moscow; using the alpha+2 rules, if Japan were to declare war on Russia, would the Russian player receive the 12 ipc bonus for the N.O. despite his capital being under enemy control? He still has 3 minor industrial complexes.
    Thanks for any response

  • @Masond:

    I have a scenario I am confused about; this may have been covered previously but I couldn’t find it, nor did I find the rulebook clear enough. In our current game, Germany has captured Moscow; using the alpha+2 rules, if Japan were to declare war on Russia, would the Russian player receive the 12 ipc bonus for the N.O. despite his capital being under enemy control? He still has 3 minor industrial complexes.
    Thanks for any response


    National Objectives can only be collected when a power is collecting income, and when your capital is under enemy control you can’t collect income. So there will be no 12 IPC bonus collected if Russia is still under Germany control on Russia’s next turn.

  • Customizer


    three questions:

    1. In OOB I understand Kamikaze attacks perfectly.  However, I want to ask if there was any change to them for the latest Alpha +3?
    I am asking because from reading Alpha +3, it really sounds like Japan can make kamikaze attacks from the very start of the game, since the sheet mentions nothing about any conditions necessary to do the attacks (ie: having to wait for the allies to capture one of those ~4 islands).

    2. I do not understand the Japan - Russian relationship, in either OOB or Alpha+3.
    Does it work like this: Either Japan or Russia can declare war on each other, any time they want [beginning of combat move], from the start of the game?
    Besides the weird mongolian rules, that relationship has no effect on anything else….

    3. Is Mongolia part of the “Strict Neutrals”?  I mean, if the axis attack Sweden or another strict neutral, do the mongolians become friendly to the Allies?  If the allies attack mongolia, does Sweden then become friendly to the axis?
    And if Russia attacks a Japanese territory, like Manchuria, that borders Mongolia, and then Japan recaptures it, does Mongolia still convert to Russian?


    Krieg, any idea?

  • Official Q&A



    three questions:

    1. In OOB I understand Kamikaze attacks perfectly.  However, I want to ask if there was any change to them for the latest Alpha +3?
    I am asking because from reading Alpha +3, it really sounds like Japan can make kamikaze attacks from the very start of the game, since the sheet mentions nothing about any conditions necessary to do the attacks (ie: having to wait for the allies to capture one of those ~4 islands).

    2. I do not understand the Japan - Russian relationship, in either OOB or Alpha+3.
    Does it work like this: Either Japan or Russia can declare war on each other, any time they want [beginning of combat move], from the start of the game?
    Besides the weird mongolian rules, that relationship has no effect on anything else….

    3. Is Mongolia part of the “Strict Neutrals”?  I mean, if the axis attack Sweden or another strict neutral, do the mongolians become friendly to the Allies?  If the allies attack mongolia, does Sweden then become friendly to the axis?
    And if Russia attacks a Japanese territory, like Manchuria, that borders Mongolia, and then Japan recaptures it, does Mongolia still convert to Russian?


    Krieg, any idea?

    Gamerman01 and kcdzim answered these questions on the previous page.  Is there something they didn’t cover to your satisfaction?

  • Customizer




    three questions:

    1. In OOB I understand Kamikaze attacks perfectly. � However, I want to ask if there was any change to them for the latest Alpha +3?
    I am asking because from reading Alpha +3, it really sounds like Japan can make kamikaze attacks from the very start of the game, since the sheet mentions nothing about any conditions necessary to do the attacks (ie: having to wait for the allies to capture one of those ~4 islands).

    2. I do not understand the Japan - Russian relationship, in either OOB or Alpha+3.
    Does it work like this: Either Japan or Russia can declare war on each other, any time they want [beginning of combat move], from the start of the game?
    Besides the weird mongolian rules, that relationship has no effect on anything else….

    3. Is Mongolia part of the “Strict Neutrals”?�  I mean, if the axis attack Sweden or another strict neutral, do the mongolians become friendly to the Allies?�  If the allies attack mongolia, does Sweden then become friendly to the axis?
    And if Russia attacks a Japanese territory, like Manchuria, that borders Mongolia, and then Japan recaptures it, does Mongolia still convert to Russian?


    Krieg, any idea?

    Gamerman01 and kcdzim answered these questions on the previous page.  Is there something they didn’t cover to your satisfaction?

    1.  Kamikaze requirements changed between OOB and Alpha3.  There is no Allied capture of certain islands requirement anymore (Alpha2?)

    2.  Basically in OOB Russia or Japan can declare war on the other whenever they want at no penalty.  Later a penalty of 12 IPC’s was added to Russia if Japan attacked Russia (I think it was).  Now that’s gone and the weird Mongolian rules reign.  I stopped keeping track as soon as the weird Mongolian rules were introduced.  (I mean, really)

    Soviet/Japanese Non Aggression Pact: Due to their mutual border conflct with Japan in 1939, the Soviet Union and Mongolia have a special relationship. If the Japanese attack any Soviet territory that is adjacent to any Mongolian territory, all Mongolian territories (Olgiy, Dzavhan, Tsagaan-Olom, Central Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, and Buyant-Uhaa) that are still neutral are placed under the control of the Soviet Union at the end of the Japanese Combat Move phase, in the same manner as though the Soviet Union had moved land units into a friendly neutral territory. These territories have Soviet control markers placed on them, and their standing army units are placed on the board and are controlled by the Soviet Union player from then on. This occurs regardless of the state of relations between the Soviet Union and Japan at the time of the attack, with one exception: If the Soviet Union attacks any Japanese-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia is still neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union. In addition, the Mongolian territories will never become pro-Axis unless one or more of them is attacked by the Soviet Union.

    Based on my reading of the current rules per the above Alpha 3 section on this:

    A: If Axis attacks Strict Neutral (eg Sweden), Mongolia will go Pro Allied.
    B: If Allies attack Strict Neutral (eg Sweden), Mongolia will remain an isolated Strict Neutral
    C: If Axis attacks Mongolia while Mongolia is still Strict Neutral, ALL Strict Neutrals (eg Sweden) will go Pro Allied.

    D: If Russia attacks a Japanese controlled territory adjacent to Mongolia, Mongolian territories will never ally themselves with Russia and remain an isolated strict neutral. This means that if Russia attacks Manchuria, Japan is completely free to respond and will NEVER anger the Mongolians unless Japan attacks mongolia directly. (hope for this).

    E: If Japan attacks a russian territory adjacent to Mongolia, but not a Mongolian territory, Mongolia lights up as Russian, activates all her infantry, and becomes russian controlled.  But if Japan attacks a russian territory AND mongolia during the same combat move phase, Mongolia is still a strict neutral and will change alliances of all strict neutrals. (don’t do that ever).

    No, just that kcdzim seemed not 100% sure of his answer.
    Thx for the clarification, krieg, gamer, kcdzim.

    Man these Mongolian rules are just plain nuts….

    to be more specific, they are very complicated and do not add anything to the game beyond complexity

  • Sure they do. They add 6 reasons for Japan to not attack Russia.

  • Customizer


    Sure they do. They add 6 reasons for Japan to not attack Russia.

    There are many many ways to do that without being stupidly complex.

    Not to mention the fact that having Mongolia as some kind of Neutral (or impassible like previous games) creates a barrier that makes fighting in the east interesting.  When it converts to Russian, that whole place is just one giant block of territories, which is far less interesting and allows for far fewer strategies etc.

  • Agree the Mongolian rules are too complex, but doesn’t the giant block of territories actually make it a lot MORE interesting, with more strategies?

  • I’d agree…

  • Sponsor

    I have no problem with the Mongolian rules, its all the wierd Submarine situations that are hard to keep track of.

  • I have a question!

    If I attack Mogolia the same turn I attack Amur, do all the strict neutrals on the Europe board become pro allies? Cuz that would SUCK.

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