If a Kamikaze attacks an AC, and its damaged, are the planes on it trapped?
No, not trapped on the carrier. They would be in the air, because it’s combat movement/combat. They might be out of luck if the carrier was its only landing place after the battle, though!
Do you roll each Kamikaze seperatly ? And when do you have to determine which ship targets?And why shuold it not be possible to target Transports?
Kamikaze targets are picked individually before rolling. They need to be rolled separately if the targets are different, yes.
Do you know of an instance where a Kamikaze hit a transport? I thought they always/or mainly went after capital ships. Anyway, it doesn’t have to make sense. It’s the rule. Only destroyers or bigger.
More or less the same with the suprise attack of U-boats. When an AC hast no Destroyers at his side, and I’m attacking only with U-boats, my understanding is that the AC could be damaged before any planes could start.
I’d have to check on this to be sure. Not sure off top of head.
Scrambling is only valid from Islands with AB, right? Because there was an earlier post which mentioned England…
That’s only Alpha. But I can’t imagine playing this game OOB, at least after it gets finished…
Yes, only islands with airbases.