New movement concepts for Global 39 and 40

  • How about you just use your 1939 paratroopers marines rules. Plus how much will tach bomders and bombers defend at during an air raid

  • How about you just use your 1939 paratroopers marines rules.

    Yes that is the idea. You pay 1 IPC per paratrooper and they fight at 2. Its just how the bomber works is the new idea. It must fly from AB if its doing a SBR , Airborne drop, or combat move.

    Plus how much will tach bomders and bombers defend at during an air raid

    1. If they go under attack the AA gun defends first and all planes defend at 2, while attacking bombers attack at 3, and other planes attack at 1. attacks in this manner are only one round.

    Thats the original idea:

    the new concept is more KISS:

    all defending planes at 2

    attacking fighters at 1
    attacking tactical bombers at 2
    attacking bombers at 3

    all for one round and AA guns fire preemptively.

  • Special rules for Airbases:

    1. All planes performing any action during the combat movement phase must fly from an air base. All planes may move only half their normal movement in combat movement.
    2. Planes in Air Bases can offer defense of adjacent sea zone if located on island ( as per OOB).
    3. They can move into defend adjacent land territory or defend territory if attacked by SBR (fighters scramble).
    4. Air bases now cost 6 IPC and any AA gun may assist in the defense during an “air raid”
    5. If moved only during NCM the air movement from Air bases is increased to normal full movement (4 and 6)

    Air Raid attack procedure:
    A) AA guns fire preemptively if located in territory under attack.
    B) Attacking fighters at 1, Tactical bombers at 2 and Bombers at 3
    C) Defending planes all fire at 2
    D) Combat is for one round only

    Optional Rules:

    Surprise Attacks for either naval port or air base:
    Surprise attack is possible if you don’t have radar technology
    Roll 1-3: Attacking planes get preemptive fire first round (survivors of this attack still get to fire back). Planes defend at 2 and naval defends at normal values.
    Roll 4-6: Has no effect

    Special rules for Naval Ports:

    1. Naval Base offers ships the ability to move four spaces in NCM only.
    2. They also protect against naval combat when in port.
      (In port status does not require a move; rather it is assumed you’re in port if in the sea zone adjacent from port.)
    3. They do not protect against air attacks. In this case if you got an AA gun it defends. Also, an adjacent air base can scramble fighters to assist in defense.
      Strategic Redeployment:
      Your land units may move double speed if they only move in NCM.

  • I think both bomber types should use an airbase.

    Strat move rule I cooked up is unlimited move within friendly territory at a cost of 1 IPC per unit. With the number of units limited to 3 per industrial complex controlled.  No sea moves.

  • How about surprize air attack on Naval Base? Ships docked in port, Pearl type situation. all fighters attack at 2 die @4 for one round after AAfire.

  • How about surprise air attack on Naval Base? Ships docked in port, Pearl type situation. all fighters attack at 2 die @4 for one round after AAfire.

    Thats under the optional rule. It applies to both installations. But the attack values are the same 1,2,3 for attacker depending on plane type and normal naval values on defense and defending planes at 2.

  • Strat move rule I cooked up is unlimited move within friendly territory at a cost of 1 IPC per unit. With the number of units limited to 3 per industrial complex controlled.  No sea moves.

    Its a bit much. If Japan and Germany link the japanese army can get to say france from french indo china in one move. It also makes it too easy to kill russia.

    This idea is only compensation for the extra land spaces and sea zones, while the units have the same movement points. That is only why the rule exists… to fix that so the game does not take forever to play.

  • Please clarify,
    ALL aircraft cannot proform any kind of attack in combat move without it comming from an AB.
    Fighters can only use a total of 2 moves to enter into combat over land territories but still have 2 moves left to land after combat is resolved.
    Fighters can land in any friendy land territory per OOB but can only defend that territory if attcked and also cannot scramble without AB.
    All of the above applies to Bombers except Bombers can move 3 territories over land into combat.

  • Please clarify,
    ALL aircraft cannot perform any kind of attack in combat move without it coming from an AB.
    Fighters can only use a total of 2 moves to enter into combat over land territories but still have 2 moves left to land after combat is resolved.
    Fighters can land in any friendly land territory per OOB but can only defend that territory if attacked and also cannot scramble without AB.
    All of the above applies to Bombers except Bombers can move 3 territories over land into combat.

    Yes 100% exactly.

  • Ok, that all makes perfect sense. BUT Bombers should be required to only land at ABs. Just makes sense realisticly, With what you have already, you are not going to be able to use your airforce effectivly without ABs anyway. if you use a bomber in an attack and need to land it in a TT without an airbase for logistic reasons, you will not be able to attack with that Bomber on the next turn. thats worse than just having your ABs in place before you can start letting the bombs drop. Bombers cannot and do not operate outside of ABs

  • Ok, that all makes perfect sense. BUT Bombers should be required to only land at ABs. Just makes sense realistically,

    It does, but now you got two different rules for each plane. Fighters can land anywhere, while bombers must land in AB AT ALL TIMES. The right thing is to have one rule for all air units.

    Right now planes that wish to perform normal combat actions must use an air base. If you want to “hide” your planes from AB attacks, you can and this is good to have this way out.

    If you make the rules too restrictive players wont use them and start calling them too ‘scripted’ I am trying to get away from that and give the AB a benefit ( scramble to adjacent areas to defend), rather than take away the value of the air force from players forces.

    With what you have already, you are not going to be able to use your airforce effectivly without ABs anyway.

    I don’t want the rules to limit the planes that much. Just effects the combat actions. I don’t want planes to be overly weakened by that requirement. They may still land anywhere they want, but cant fully participate in combat unless they are supported from AB.

    if you use a bomber in an attack and need to land it in a TT without an airbase for logistic reasons, you will not be able to attack with that Bomber on the next turn.

    Thats right but by not moving to an AB to can protect it with non air units. the thing you lose is the ability to do all the normal functions. That trade-off is acceptable.

    thats worse than just having your ABs in place before you can start letting the bombs drop. Bombers cannot and do not operate outside of ABs

    Again the official rule will be that you can still land planes where you like, but to perform any combat action on your turn is no longer possible. You can still move full movement in NCM. This makes it possible to move these planes full distance and NOT be forced into buying an air base so that you can redeploy your planes. These are 6 month turns and its ridiculous to expect that you have to wait one year in order to move a bomber to say Africa because you didn’t have an air base.

  • Yes i see all your points. i didnt even think about using non-AB tts to protect planes from air attack. I still like my Bombers idea and will playtest this on my own when i am up and running again( recently relocated, still unpacking). Thanks for taking the time to engauge my ideas. I hope you dont think im a pain in the ass for always throwing my 2 cents at you but its not easy to find people that think on this level for this game. always looking to take this game to the next level.

  • No not at all. Never felt that even once.

    Just had to clarify the rules so when you play it’s done correctly.

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