• Okay China are in shit right now, they are stuck, so I’m wondering if I can move into Soviet territory, because if I can’t China will face it’s last days and that could really fuck up the British and Russians in Asia.

  • Official Q&A

    Sorry, no.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Lol PWNED Dylan.

    You should be attacking with China instead of Defending!!! :p

  • Well where do you live US, well if you do enjoy Nazi or Japanese Empire rule  :x

  • If Japan (and soviets) can AND often break the historical non-agression pact from round 1, and western allies can land troops on soviet controled territory, then there is no reason for not allowing China escaping to USSR. That would be for a historical scenario, but 1941 in AA50 is a fantasy scenario so what matters …

    And Gargantua, China cannot attack in AA50 because usually has not any army after J1 (I don’t call 1-2 inf a real army). Larry did a superb job adding a 4th member to axis: puppet China :roll:

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Sorry to Say Func,  but in lots of games, I’ve seen China turn into a real B*tch to take down.

    In the past, against Darth, and in 2009 tourny, and more Recently in a 2v2 Tournament game, I held off the Japs for 7 or 8 rounds, then someone else took over and continued the trend.

    Also, just last week against jennifer, in a game where I absolutely dominated as the Axis, HB’s all around for Jap and Ger, etc.  The only failing point was that China kicked my a$$.  I think they are there as a speed bump for Japan, that they have to commit to completely taking out the first turn (Ditching other objectives), or face the wrath of prolonged land campaign in Asia.

  • China seems to go one of two extremes. Either it is all but eliminated on J1, which means it is doomed by J2 or 3, or it grows and keeps growing. I have had more than one game where I have liberated China and those free infantry added up quickly to something Japan (or even Germany sitting in Moscow) was NOT going to be able to contend with.

  • @Gargantua:

    Sorry to Say Func,  but in lots of games, I’ve seen China turn into a real B*tch to take down.

    In the past, against Darth, and in 2009 tourny, and more Recently in a 2v2 Tournament game, I held off the Japs for 7 or 8 rounds, then someone else took over and continued the trend.

    Also, just last week against jennifer, in a game where I absolutely dominated as the Axis, HB’s all around for Jap and Ger, etc.  The only failing point was that China kicked my a$$.  I think they are there as a speed bump for Japan, that they have to commit to completely taking out the first turn (Ditching other objectives), or face the wrath of prolonged land campaign in Asia.

    You are being complicated, and besides China can be taken down easily, like if your attacking USSR, wait, and if your attacking every fleet, either A don’t attack any or B if your feeling cocky attack 1 most things can wait if China is kicking your ass don’t be afraid to look like a tool trying to take China down

  • No Gargantua has a point. Japan can receive some crap dice in China and China can quickly become a problem. It takes more units to deal with and just keeps growing. Yes this is a rare circumstance but it does happen.

    I have liberated China in several games and hung out for a few turns to the point where Japan was never going to be able to deal with the resurgent China allowing me to move my forces that liberated China off to bigger and better things.

  • One thing I’ve been wondering lately is … Why even worry about China as the Axis?  They can’t leave China, so why not just bypass them altogether?  I admit I am probably missing something major here, but I havn’t had the chance to look at the gameboard for a few days while I’ve thought about this.

  • @Rorschach:

    One thing I’ve been wondering lately is … Why even worry about China as the Axis?  They can’t leave China, so why not just bypass them altogether?  I admit I am probably missing something major here, but I havn’t had the chance to look at the gameboard for a few days while I’ve thought about this.

    They can take coastal chinese territories and they provide a base for allied planes

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    One thing I’ve been wondering lately is … Why even worry about China as the Axis?  They can’t leave China, so why not just bypass them altogether?  I admit I am probably missing something major here, but I havn’t had the chance to look at the gameboard for a few days while I’ve thought about this.

    They can take coastal chinese territories and they provide a base for allied planes

    Ah, right.  That’s what I was missing (like I said, without being able to look at the gameboard I totally forgot about those couple territories).

  • and it also worth 18ipc for Japan.

  • Not to mention that a victory city, Shanghai, is put at risk.

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