Thanks for the ideas!
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
Wow, rotating turrets. Very cool. I can’t wait to order. Please be before December. :roll:
Upside Down, that’s some funny stuff! Wake up…wake up dude…it’s for real! :-D Cannot WAIT to order these puppies and start painting!
Wow now we can turn the Italian and French tank turrets to the rear. Oops I forgot that we were not supposed to make remarks about the Italians and French retreating anymore. Darn I did it again.
Wow now we can turn the Italian and French tank turrets to the rear. Oops I forgot that we were not supposed to make remarks about the Italians and French retreating anymore. Darn I did it again.
Quick, someone mold a white flag so we can attach it to the french units :lol:
Fmg I am concerned that the turrets might be too delicate.
My concern as well - nothing a little bit of super glue won’t fix :-)
Fmg I am concerned that the turrets might be too delicate.
They are very sturdy. No worries here.
New Picture - Italian Armor
New Picture - Italian Infantry and Commander Unit
New Picture - Italian Air Force: Fighter, Bomber, Tac Bomber and Transport plane
Holy Moley!!
Love all the pics.
When do we get self-propelled artillery as well :wink:
Those are spectacular! SO much detail yet still the scale we all know and love! Wow…
New Picture - Italian Armor
Dude, that’s hot.
You know, I’ve been thinking about what FMG said about nixing the 2 US tanks and going for 2 fighters. For Japan, maybe there should be 2 battleships as opposed to two tanks: 1 Yamato Super Battleship, and 1 regular. However, now that we know the tank turrets can move, I don’t think anyone will want to make that trade……unless the turrets on that second battleship can move…shudders
Love all the pics.
When do we get self-propelled artillery as well :wink:
Just make the trucks a 1-2-2-4 unit with the ability to tow artillery.
Dude, turtle, you’re missing the point here! FMG is making the piece physically so that YOU, yes YOU (and whoever you play with) can make it WHATEVER YOU WANT in game terms, rules-wise in your own house rules!
Love all the pics.
When do we get self-propelled artillery as well :wink:
That’s really pretty lame. Can’t you just move them yourself? Where in the heck is he gonna find tiny little motors like that? :lol:
Love all the pics.
When do we get self-propelled artillery as well :wink:
That’s really pretty lame. Can’t you just move them yourself? Where in the heck is he gonna find tiny little motors like that? :lol:
Chuck Norris wouldn’t need tiny game pieces.
Remember WW II? That was Chuck Norris playing axis & allies.
But lame ‘jokes’ aside, the FMG pieces look awesome :lol:
seriously fmg if you made a game 1 trillionth of the quality of these pieces it would be great no amazing
These game pieces are in a class of their own and quite clearly do not belong on the same game board as the WOTC pieces. Anybody who argued that the FMG Germans should be black, or that FMG shouldn’t make a Bismarck/Panther/ME-109 sculpt so that the pieces would tie in with or expand the WOTC offering must realize their arguments were silly.