AA50: Strategic - A New Way to Play A&A: Anniversary Edition

  • @Imperious:

    Also, your convoy disruption procedure is a bit like mine except i allow thew sub to soak only 1 IPC for each sub up to the limit of any enemy controlled land territory up to the IPC limit. Otherwise you make it too easy to protect areas adjacent to factories. For example, Germany can post a sub off south Africa and with 2 subs can soak off it’s two ipc. A factory should not be a prerequisite because goods flow into and from all controlled areas, even if a factory does not exist.  i also allow German BB, and CA to act as surface raiders.

    I considered and am still considering making subs do only 1 IPC dmg and to non factories. (BTW, what I posted was not MY idea for convoy disruption. It is copy and paste from AARe) As to surface ships, I figured that convoys can avoid surface ships since they can detect them. plus I thought that it might get out of hand with all those types of ships convoying every territory on the map.

    I hope you can look into my tiered approach to tech researchers, rather than start charging different prices. To reflect the ability to obtain tech, i feel it is a mistake to model it by making it more expensive, rather with my tiered approach you need a framework of lower techs achieved in order to get more major ones. It models the progression of invention from comparable ideas to more complex ones. Under my proposal all the techs are the same, but you must have successfully researched the lower tiers first. Under your system from not having any technology, it may be possible to get Atomic Bombs ( for example) from nothing or from not even have successfully gotten any techs if you paid the price.

    I don’t really like the tiered approach, since I wanted techs to be something that you research pretty much the tech you want for your strategy and not spend money on others, but I will look at yours and see its quality. As to atomic bomb, all I can say is that if it is at all my decision, it wont be in there. I know you think it is a great idea, but I think it is a horrible idea.

  • Subs should soak off not more than 1 IPC because they cost 6 and to soak two would get into a situation of something where it becomes a glitch to bankrupt nations entirely in quick fashion.

    Also making surface ships like battleships and cruiser soak off two IPC is justifiable because these units cost 12 and 20 and too give them a one like subs would preclude them as surface raiders. I have played these rules for a long time and you will find it works.

    I considered having a bomber or fighter being used to attack empty sea zones in the same manner as these ships, but it proved too much under playtest.

  • I said I would check out your tech system, but I can’t find it.

  • Standard Rules:

    Alternative bidding system: The axis player starts with a cash fund of IPC which grows by the rate of one IPC each turn. It can be used once and when that occurs it’s used in its entirety and the fund stops growing. The fund can be used at any time even if it’s not your turn and you immediately place pieces equal to its value in any controlled territory. Unspent IPC are lost.

    Dice challenge: During the course of combat rolls, each side is allowed a number of re-rolls for either a poor dice result as the attacker or defender (costs one point), or a re-roll of an air unit hit from a defending AA (costs two points). The total number of assigned points is to be determined before start of play. Players can choose how they allocate results during each turn. This is done to help alleviate some bad rolls that may occur.

    Anti-Air rolls: These are now done according to Low Luck rules with any fraction still being rolled. Multiple AA guns have no effect. AA guns only fire during the combat phase and not during NCM. Only Bombers can be targeted by AA guns.

    China: The Soviet player controls China starting with its own turn. The flying tiger’s fighter can be rebuilt if destroyed if the US player spends IPC for this. The US player just buys a fighter on his turn and its placed in China at the end of his turn. Also, If the total Chinese controlled territories equals an odd number, round up for the purpose of determining the placement of new infantry.

    Burma Road: If Yunnan and Burma are under allied control the Chinese gain one additional infantry for free.

    New Victory Cities:
    Cairo and Ploesti are added as Victory Cities. The original VC requirement is still in effect, but these are added to symbolize the strategic and historical importance of these localities.

    Infantry Placement at VC: Infantry only may be placed at any originally controlled VC for the cost of 4 IPC each limited to the production value of the territory. Captured VC locations can also produce Infantry, but only one each.

    Tanks: All tanks now cost 6 IPC.

    Conduct Convoy Disruptions:  Each Axis submarine, or surface raider (Battleship or Cruiser) located outside the Baltic and Mediterranean can potentially disrupt Allied shipping. American and British submarines only may disrupt Axis shipping and this requirement would be outside the Baltic.

    Procedure: Each submarine or warship that ends its turn adjacent to the enemy controlled land territory can cause damage up to and equal to the total value of the adjacent territories. Submarines cause 1 point of damage, while Surface raiders can cause 2 points of damage. Example: Japan has 3 subs adjacent to India and takes 3 IPC from the British player’s total IPC total.

    Revised Tech Tree:
    Procedure: Same as AA50 except you assign your researcher to one of the following FOUR categories: Land, Sea, Air and Production. You can only assign up to one researcher per category at a time and no more than two different categories.

    Research & Development Sequence:
    1. Buy researcher tokens
    2. Roll research dice
    3. Roll breakthrough die
    4. Mark development

    Step 1: Buy Researcher Tokens
    Each researcher token costs 5 IPC’s.

    Step 2: Roll Research Dice
    For each researcher you have, roll one die.

    -Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have successfully made a technological breakthrough.  Discard all your researcher tokens and continue to step 3.

    -Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed.  Keep your researcher token and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn. On each subsequent turn the success becomes easier and is reduced by one each turn: 6, 5,4,3,2, and eventually it is automatic.

    Step 3: Roll Breakthrough Die
    If you succeed on any research die, you choose any technology within the 1st tier. Additional technology research applied to the same tech category can go to a higher technology as long as you got at least one tech. For example: If you want a technology that is 3rd tier in land technology, you must have at least one 1st tier and one 2nd tier tech in that same category.
    Step 4: Mark Development
    If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers inside the appropriate advancement box on the research & development chart.  Your development becomes effective immediately. Any number of powers may develop the same technology, but powers cannot share their technology.

    Land Technology:
    Tier #1:
    •  Paratroopers- Each bomber can now carry one infantry in combat or two infantry in non-combat and drop them within normal flight range. If used during the combat move, the drop of airborne troops can not be further than two spaces from your nearest land unit.
    •  Mobile Warfare Doctrine- Mechanized Infantry attack at 2 on the first combat round.
    Tier #2:
    •  Self Propelled Artillery- Your Artillery now moves 2 spaces in NCM.
    •  Tank Destroyers- Tanks hitting on a 1 can force the defender to select a unit that is not an infantry as his casualty if he has one. (either Tank, Artillery, or Mech).
    Tier #3:
    •  Heavy Tanks- Tanks attack at 4 on the first combat round.
    •  Prepared Defenses- Artillery can now provide a +1 boost on defense for infantry units only

    Sea Technology:
    Tier #1:
    •  Naval ASW- Cruisers are now ASW units and have the same rules as destroyers with regard to submarine interactions.
    •  AA Cruisers: If your Cruisers roll a one on defense, an attacking plane can be selected as a loss.
    Tier #2:
    •  Sonar- Destroyers now have a first strike against subs if subs are present.
    •  Super Battleships- your existing battleships attack and defend at 5 and they always fire preemptively in combat each turn (loses removed before they fire back) for either attack or defense.
    Tier #3:
    •  Improved Carriers- Carriers now take 2 hits and have a 3 fighter capacity. Damaged carriers can still defend with planes, but cannot launch attacks on naval units until repaired. They can launch their planes for land attacks only if damaged.
    •  Super Subs- Your subs now defend at 2 and attack at 3.
    Air Technology:
    Tier #1:
    •  Radar- any fighters you have defending and not under attack can assist adjacent territories prior to the start of combat rolls. They act immediately in these battles.
    •  Torpedo Bombers- your tactical-bombers can make one targeted first round attack against naval units. If they hit the selected unit is damaged or sunk. Further combats are handled normally.
    Tier #2:
    •  Long Rang Aircraft- Aircraft now moves 2 extra spaces.
    •  Air ASW- Aircraft can now attack submarines without the need for a Destroyer (or Cruiser with naval ASW technology).
    Tier #3:
    •  Heavy Bombers- roll two dice = pick the best result and apply to SBR. Also, Bombers also now attack at 5 or less and defend at 2 or less.
    •  Carpet Bombing- On the first round all air units rolling a one can select defending land units hit. Further combats are handled normally.
    Tier #4:
    •  Jet Fighters- The attack value of your fighters is now 4 and the defense is 5.
    •  Rockets- Your antiaircraft guns are now also rocket launchers. In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within 3 spaces of it. This flak level for this is not regarded and each AA gun gets one roll.
    Tier #5:
    •  Atomic Bomb- Each Atomic Bombs costs 10 IPC and only one can be made each turn. When dropped no AA roll is made. Effects: 3 dice of variable damage and one die of permanent damage. The first turn this can be developed is turn 7. Prerequisite: Heavy Bombers technology.

    Production Technology:
    Tier #1:
    •  War Bonds- add one die to IPC total each turn.
    •  Lend Lease- You may now give IPC to your allies. Each transport you own gets you one D6, which is rolled and the income transferred to a friendly player on the following turn. For each enemy submarine on the map, subtract one from this total. The final result is subtracted from the giving players IPC treasury for his current turn. This transfer is made at the start of your turn before purchases.
    Tier #2:
    •  Underground factories- SBR hits count at ½ value rounded down.
    •  Research Talent Pool- Future research costs are now reduced to 4 IPC each.

    Tier #3:
    •  Shipyards- subs, transports, destroyers cost one less IPC, all other ships cost two less IPC.
    •  Total War- The first land or air unit built (by type) costs -1

    Procedure: allocate researcher to develop a tier #1 technology in any of three categories. Once you have developed a technology you can choose one of the two choices. If you elect to develop further research in the same category and succeed, you may then either elect to choose a Tier #2 technology or pick something from a LOWER tier technology.
    Eventually, you can get to a tier #3 technology and chose any lower tech.

  • I really don’t like that method. I prefer developing what you want rather than researching a bunch of stuff before you get where you want. Some nations can’t afford to research all that much.

  • I got my brother to play with the rules I put down. In a nutshell, Japan got bad rolls first round allowing UK to build an industry in both Australia and India first round. UK went for SS and build subs our of Australia. US got Naval industry and focused on Germany but built 4 subs to keep Japan occupied (and possible cannon fodder for HBs) Japan got overwhelmed by both UK industries and the overpowering china (that part needs changing). Germany went for Mech inf (we played with mech inf as moderate tech, @10 ipc/die) and due to excess money, built an industry in france (It was built in France because he decided that since Germany’s units would move fast thanks to his tech, more units was better than closer, i.e. poland IC) Germany was likely going to overpower russia except for US. NAs were not used since they are not finished.

    Here are my thoughts on the rules I suggested:

    Battleship AA - Good, made battleships a little tougher and made ships less vulnerable to planes.

    Cruiser @ 11 - good, this unit got built in this game. (5 times 3 by US with his naval industry, 1 by Italy with enhanced cruisers, and 1 by UK in his India industry to protect a transport). It never seemed right for a cruiser with naval industry to still be even with a fighter.

    Destroyer @7 - good, My worst fear (that this would make for too many destroyers didn’t come true) This did make it easier for Japan to counter US and UK’s subs
    Subs get convoy raid -good. It didn’t overpower the subs, but it forced Japan to take notice of the subs and attack them rather than ignoring them.

    China rules: too powerful. China swamped Japan even though it lost its fighter on a first round attack due to bad luck. Possible change: Scrap all the rules I wrote for china. Replace with these: China turn order and movement restrictions are back to OOB. China now has IPCs but may still only build infantry. China starts the game with 7 IPCs and collects IPCs like any other nation. Chinese infantry cost 2 IPCs and are placed as per OOB rules. If the burma road is owned by the allies on China’s mobilize units phase, china places 1 additional infantry for free. China fighter starts in Sikang instead of Yunnan.

    Sub detection change - good, It made it so that subs could be dealt with, but not flippantly. Went well with destroyer price change.
    Sub transport rule never came into play because the conditions never occurred. (The conditions might have occured once, but US decided on a different move instead)

    Artillery tech - Felt just right, maybe slightly too powerful - needs more testing.

    Mechanized infantry @ 10 (instead of 15) - good, Even at 20 IPC minimum, simply researching this tech is forgoing turning 10 infantry into tanks which can already move 2. Making it 15 (minimum 30) would never pay off. As it was I thought it was slightly weak.

    Super subs having strike submerge ability - bad, will remove, This didn’t get much use even with UK having SS. It seemed too hodgepodge.

    Cruiser tech - good, This tech worked well. Italy got it and it protected his fleet from US attack by deterring US bombers. It also kept the Russian sub from sneaking in and being a pest. (This was important since Russia had a large production one turn with low industries and was able to get a bomber). By stopping that it allowed Italy’s fleet to split once it got another transport. It will need more testing to tell whether it is too weak.

  • I prefer developing what you want rather than researching a bunch of stuff before you get where you want. Some nations can’t afford to research all that much.

    HUH? you can develop what you want, except you cant get really impossible techs right away. Also, my system keeps the costs at 5 like OOB. The idea i am seeing from this new concept is charging more money for some techs, which makes it impossible for poor nations to develop.

    If you just play the China rules as i have outlined everything is perfect. Why not try them once?

  • @Imperious:

    If you just play the China rules as i have outlined everything is perfect. Why not try them once?

    I probably will. Please note that since posting on this thread I have only played the game once, with the rules I stated earlier. I like the idea of US being able to replace Chinese fighter. I also ran a J1 simulation using a version of no luck and found that with normal odds, Japan is set up to take easily either India or Australia J2.

  • @Imperious:

    HUH? you can develop what you want, except you cant get really impossible techs right away. Also, my system keeps the costs at 5 like OOB. The idea i am seeing from this new concept is charging more money for some techs, which makes it impossible for poor nations to develop.

    Upon looking at your tech system again, I like it a lot better, and to a degree what you say is true. Your land tree looks good. Your production tree looks ok, but with that in play, you couldn’t get to naval production till turn 4-6, kind of rough for a production tech which gets best use at the beginning of the game. I like the air, except I think Heavies should be replaced with rockets. Why make the player upgrade his bombers before he can get better fighters? In theory, it looks good, but have you really ever used jet fighters? To get to level 5, the game would have to have gone on for roughly 10 turns. The sea tech tree is what I really cannot stand. Why should you have to upgrade your cruisers and your battleships before you can get super subs? All of the techs in the sea tech tree have nothing to do with the others, except the 2 cruiser techs which are on the same level. Also, your tech system assumes that one is playing with tactical bombers and mechanized infantry, both of which are not in AA50.

  • I like the air, except I think Heavies should be replaced with rockets.

    Where they are on the tier is only as important as how much the techs impact the game. Should under play test it prove that they should exchange positions on the tree… that perfectly fine. My play testing shows they are fine as they are but you may have another experience.

    Why make the player upgrade his bombers before he can get better fighters?

    I think bombers are too viable at 12 IPC, The effect of this tech may prove too strong it it comes early because of this cost.

    Why should you have to upgrade your cruisers and your battleships before you can get super subs?

    I went Historical on this decision. Also super subs are 6 IPC and potentially a game changer if they come too early. I prefer more expensive units getting the spotlight first because its harder to buy them and glitch the game with hordes of them roaming around.

    All of the techs in the sea tech tree have nothing to do with the others, except the 2 cruiser techs which are on the same level. Also, your tech system assumes that one is playing with tactical bombers and mechanized infantry, both of which are not in AA50.

    Yes this is true. I assume most people own AAP40 and have these pieces and are eager to use them again. But alot of my ideas always try to introduce new units like Cruisers, which latter became standard. Sometimes you got to push the boundary outside the comfort zone. I could work on them.

  • @Imperious:

    I assume most people own AAP40 and have these pieces and are eager to use them again. But alot of my ideas always try to introduce new units like Cruisers, which latter became standard. Sometimes you got to push the boundary outside the comfort zone. I could work on them.

    IMHO, if you want to make house rules more accepted by other player, you should limit the range to the units in the game.

    In other words, not ALL players WILL have AAP40 in their A&A collection.  You know what they say about what happens when you assume….

  • @Wilson2:

    here is is. All typed up and official - my ideas for AA50 strategic.

    Paul’s AA50 Strategic

    All rules are AA50 OOB unless stated here.

    Changes to unit costs
    Destroyers now cost 7
    Cruisers now cost 11

    Changes to unit attributes

    All battleships are equipped with AA guns (cannot be combined with radar)

    Units with ASW capabilities can only detect 1 submarine per round of combat. (In other words 2 destroyers would detect 2 subs first round, 4 next etc.)

    If an unescorted transport attempts to move across or into a territory containing enemy subs, those subs get to fire one shot @2 (3 with SS) per sub.

    -Due to their heavier dependence on convoys for shipping, UK,US, Italy, and Japan are subject to Convoy Raids (CR). These are economic attacks, conducted by SUBs, close to enemy shipping lanes (ie. near an IC). Russian and German ICs are not subject to such attacks.
    -On the UK, US, Italian, and Japan Collect Income Phases, for every Enemy SUB within 1 SZ of (ie. directly adjacent to) an IC owned by that respective country, subtract 2IPC from their collected income. For every Enemy SUB within 2 SZ of an IC, subtract 1IPC. If a SUB became submerged during this TURN’s Conduct Combat Phase, it does not do ANY economic damage.
    -Multiple SUBs may affect a single IC, with damage capped at the Territory’s IPC value. Any individual SUB, can only affect one IC/TURN, but may affect multiple ICs/ROUND. (i.e. A sub could affect a UK IC on UK’s turn and then a US IC on US’s turn)

    Based on AARe rules,
    You fail to mention things like forcing a sub to dive (AARe requires a ship to attack subs).

    OK, re-reading your rules, there are no detection rolls, it’s strictly a 1 to 1 ratio round one, 1 to 2 round two, 1 to 3 round three (etc).  Interesting.  What you have might work, but it complicates (perhaps unecessarily) battle for tracking detected/undetected subs.  Need to play test.

    Can subs attack other subs like in Revised?

    Do subs regain zone of control like in Revised (besides the ‘unescorted’ shot rule)
    Just what consititues an escorted transport?  ANY warship?  DD’s only?  Only ships with ASW?

    I think 1 IPC damage is max by sub,  Perhaps something like 2 subs adjacent to an IC might give you 3 IPC Convoy raid damage to encourage subs to be closer to an IC?


    NEW, BETA: UK starts with minor factories in India and Australia. Germany starts with a minor factory in France. Minor factories may only build Infantry units and may be upgraded to factories for 8 IPCs. Upgraded minor factories may be used at full capacity the turn they are upgraded.

    I like this idea, although you said you thought it didn’t work in your own game plan simulation.
    Question:  are these minor UK IC’s subject to convoy raids?  Only if upgraded?


    The tech system is reworked. Here is the new tech process

    Step 1: Buy Researcher Tokens

    -Each Research Token costs 7 (Minor), 10 (Moderate), 15 (Major) IPCs.
    -You must declare which specific technology you are rolling for
    -You must buy a minimum of 2 (but no more than 4) researchers for that specific technology
    -Once you have purchased a set number of researchers for a specific technology, you cannot purchase any more.

    Step 2: Roll Research Dice

    -If this is the first time you are rolling for a specific technology, roll one die for each researcher you have
    -Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have achieved that technology.  Discard your remaining research tokens for that technology.
    -Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed.  Keep all your researcher tokens and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn.

    Double-Double Rule
    -If you have TWO researchers, and this is the second time you are rolling for a specific technology, roll TWO dice for each researcher you have (ie. 4 dice total, this increases to 8 dice next turn, then 16, etc.)
    -If you have 3 researchers, the sequence would be 3, 9, 27…
    -If you have 4 researchers, the sequence would be 4, 16, 64…

    Step 3: Mark Developments

    -If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers over the appropriate advancement box.  Your development becomes effective immediately.
    -You can initiate research on only one new technology each turn.  You can however, be rolling for more than one technology in a turn (roll newest one first), and more than one technology can come into play on a single turn.

    MINOR TECHS (7IPC/researcher, ie. minimum 14IPC)
    -Increased Factory Production – Errata is ignored – all factories gain 2+ production
    -Super Submarines
    -Improved Shipyards
    -Enhanced cruisers – Your cruisers are equipped with ASW capabilities
    – Your cruisers are equipped with an AA gun stackable with BB AA gun to hit @2

    MODERATE TECHS (10IPC/researcher, ie. minimum 20IPC)
    -Jet Fighters
    -Mechanized Infantry
    -Long range mortars (Advanced Artillery) – Your artillery attack and defend @3 first cycle of combat.
                                    – Your artillery have a surprise strike first cycle of combat

    MAJOR TECHS (15IPC/researcher, ie. minimum 30IPC)
    -Long Range Aircraft
    -Heavy Bombers

    Not a huge fan of instant tech.  In fact, they ruin a tech system, IMHO.

    you make no mention of a counter to heavy bombers (like the optional escorts rule)
    I think mech inf might be a Major tech (germany could use this VERY effectively, perhaps way too much so)


    China changes
    China now has IPCs, It collects IPCs as other nations and starts with 7 IPCs.
    If the Burma Road (Yunnan, Burma India) is owned by the allies, China receives 1 Infantry for free during its mobilize units phase.
    Flying Tigers start in Sikang instead of Yunnan.

    Do China inf cost $2 or $3?
    I assume they can save any unspent IPCs, correct?
    Are chinese unit placement limits still active?
    So the allies have to control all three (Yunnan, Burma and India) for the extra inf, right?


    Scrapping NAs

    Glad to see that you scrapped these.  NA’s are NOT part of AA50.  There is no need to introduce them. 

  • IMHO, if you want to make house rules more accepted by other player, you should limit the range to the units in the game.

    In other words, not ALL players WILL have AAP40 in their A&A collection.  You know what they say about what happens when you assume….

    Thats why they are optional…

  • @axis_roll:

    Based on AARe rules,
    You fail to mention things like forcing a sub to dive (AARe requires a ship to attack subs).

    If a sub is killed, or submerges it cannot convoy raid. You may still choose to ignore the sub (as per AA50 rules) but it doesn’t have to (and cannot) submerge.


    OK, re-reading your rules, there are no detection rolls, it’s strictly a 1 to 1 ratio round one, 1 to 2 round two, 1 to 3 round three (etc).  Interesting.  What you have might work, but it complicates (perhaps unecessarily) battle for tracking detected/undetected subs.  Need to play test.

    Actually most of the time the battles ended very quickly, the subs all get detected pretty much on round 2, or the undetected subs submerge. For us it was Japan attacks 4 subs with 2 destroyers and planes–2 destroyers dive, the rest die. Then UK attacked back with 3 SS 1 got surprise strike (and missed) and after that they were all detected. We really didn’t have much problems with this.


    Can subs attack other subs like in Revised?

    As per now, no. That is, if either player wants to submerge first they can. I figure since subs no longer attack and defend the same, an even battle wouldn’t be even. Maybe make a rule saying that subs fighting subs get 2 def or something.


    Do subs regain zone of control like in Revised (besides the ‘unescorted’ shot rule)
    Just what consititues an escorted transport?  ANY warship?  DD’s only?  Only ships with ASW?

    Subs do not regain zone of control. Escort means that a surface warship moves their entire move with the transport (borrowed from AAP40)


    I think 1 IPC damage is max by sub,  Perhaps something like 2 subs adjacent to an IC might give you 3 IPC Convoy raid damage to encourage subs to be closer to an IC?

    Interesting idea. I would like to test 2 IPC a little more.



    NEW, BETA: UK starts with minor factories in India and Australia. Germany starts with a minor factory in France. Minor factories may only build Infantry units and may be upgraded to factories for 8 IPCs. Upgraded minor factories may be used at full capacity the turn they are upgraded.

    I like this idea, although you said you thought it didn’t work in your own game plan simulation.
    Question:  are these minor UK IC’s subject to convoy raids?  Only if upgraded?

    I’d say no for now. Not sure. Actually the simulation was without the ICs. It was why I decided on that idea. With India +3 inf and australia +2 inf Japan’s odds went down below 50%. (assuming US fighter lands in AUS)


    Not a huge fan of instant tech.  In fact, they ruin a tech system, IMHO.

    you make no mention of a counter to heavy bombers (like the optional escorts rule)
    I think mech inf might be a Major tech (germany could use this VERY effectively, perhaps way too much so)

    Generally, tech is bought at 2 or 3 dice (in our game) and the opposing player can assume that on turn 2 of rolling you got pretty good odds of getting the tech, so it kind of takes the edge off instant tech. I could change it to make it delayed if got the first round, but that would take the edge off buying 4 dice. Also I generally think that if you pay for a tech you should get ot use it as soon as possible. As for Mechanized inf, I changed it to moderate because I thought it was too expensive. Simply to pay 20 for it Germany would have to forgo upgrading 10 inf to tanks. (which already move 2) Additionally, Germany is not guaranteed to get it very soon with only 2 researchers. (In our game Germany did not get the tech till he rolled the 16 dice - that’s 3 turns after buying the researchers)

    There are three ways to counter heavy’s. In the sea, get the cruiser tech. See if the opponent is willing to spam your fleet with heavies when you are rolling AA @2 vs each bomber. For Land get radar and build some AA; again AA @2 is a pretty good deterrent. In SBR, radar and/or Improved factories. Healing your factories @ 1/2 price totally nullifies the double dice of Heavy bomber SBR.



    China changes
    China now has IPCs, It collects IPCs as other nations and starts with 7 IPCs.
    If the Burma Road (Yunnan, Burma India) is owned by the allies, China receives 1 Infantry for free during its mobilize units phase.
    Flying Tigers start in Sikang instead of Yunnan.

    Do China inf cost $2 or $3?
    I assume they can save any unspent IPCs, correct?
    Are chinese unit placement limits still active?
    So the allies have to control all three (Yunnan, Burma and India) for the extra inf, right?

    China inf cost $2. I can’t believe I left that out!  :-o Yes they can save IPCs. You must have all three. (I am thinking about removing India from that list) Chinese movement restrictions are still active. I originally had a different approach that was way overpowered when tested, which allowed china to move more places. I like this method, because it removes the round up/round down problem. Every territory they take is worth something. Additionally, manchuria and that territory with shanghai in it become more valuable. Additionally, no matter what China gets to place 3 inf the first turn. So unless japan goes all out and kills all 4 chinese inf the first turn, china has a chance.
    Also thinking about implementing ILs rule about US replacing flying tigers.



    Scrapping NAs

    Glad to see that you scrapped these.  NA’s are NOT part of AA50.  There is no need to introduce them.  

    I said I was thinking about it, but if you’re in agreement Ill do it. I did like my china and British NAs though :(

  • Thanks for the replies.  I guess I would live with the instant tech as I see your point about spending the 4 dice to try to get a tech ‘now’.

    One thing I think might be overpowered (especially with 2 UK minor ICs in asian theatre) is

    Also thinking about implementing ILs rule about US replacing flying tigers.

    probably is not needed, but game play testing will prove this thought out.

  • so based on these rules… do the allies need a bid?

    Any thoughts on how to decide who plays what side (via like a bid?)

  • @Imperious:

    Why make the player upgrade his bombers before he can get better fighters?

    I think bombers are too viable at 12 IPC, The effect of this tech may prove too strong it it comes early because of this cost.

    I assume most people own AAP40 and have these pieces and are eager to use them again. But alot of my ideas always try to introduce new units like Cruisers, which latter became standard. Sometimes you got to push the boundary outside the comfort zone. I could work on them.

    How does making it easier to get a bomber tech solve the problem of too viable bombers?
    Despite having read the AAP40 rules and implementing some of its rules, I do not own the game so this would exclude me. I may get it soon. Maybe not.

    IMHO, if you want to make house rules more accepted by other player, you should limit the range to the units in the game.

    In other words, not ALL players WILL have AAP40 in their A&A collection.  You know what they say about what happens when you assume….

    Thats why they are optional…

    You don’t have a tree for those who don’t have the AAP40.

    I actually might be fine with a broader type of tree. For example if you took all of the techs now and made a weaker (or greater for some tech) similar version of the tech to go for first. For example, before heavy bombers, you buy some kind of carpet bombing tech. before LRA +2 there is LRA +1. For jets there is weak jets - defend @5, and upgraded jets. Fight @ 4/5 you get the idea. Still some techs would have to cost more than others.

  • @axis_roll:

    so based on these rules… do the allies need a bid?

    Any thoughts on how to decide who plays what side (via like a bid?)

    Heck, I only play with bid for PBEM. When I play FTF we generally just pick whatever side we want to play.

    The reason I put the IC in france was twofold: The main reason was to allow germany to more easily build a fleet and move it out into the atlantic while still reinforcing it. The second was to give germany a place to spend those extra IPCs to prevent the need to buy 8 tanks 2 infantry. Its far enough away from Russia that hopefully it wont unbalance the Russian front.

  • OK, so you think it’s pretty even.  and I can see that being probably true with these rules.

    so what side do you want to play in a test game?

    I have some time to try one, but don’t expect a turn a day, as in the summer months, usually I am not around on the weekends to be tied to a computer, I am out enjoying the weather.

    So if you’re ok with that sort of game play pace, I will have a test game with you.  Interested?

  • @axis_roll:

    OK, so you think it’s pretty even.  and I can see that being probably true with these rules.

    so what side do you want to play in a test game?

    I have some time to try one, but don’t expect a turn a day, as in the summer months, usually I am not around on the weekends to be tied to a computer, I am out enjoying the weather.

    So if you’re ok with that sort of game play pace, I will have a test game with you.  Interested?

    Can I get back to you on that? I got to eat and have a couple things I have to consider. Funny you should mention nice weather since its been raining and thundering all morning here.
    What program were you thinking about using?

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