Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @barnee

    Back in Early 2023, Dark Knight and I had a game, where I was playing the Allies - and gradually preparing the USA for an invasion of the Home Island of Japan.

    This picture shows the situation in Late 1944 and clearly demonstrates why it is extremely difficult to invade Japan when you play against a Highly Skilled Opponent:


    An Allied Economic Victory was achieved before the invasion of Japan took place.

  • The Global 1940 No. 17 Game Report will soon be posted here.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 7 Panzerstahl-Helm vs barnee

    Game: 1940

    Axis: Panzerstahl-Helm
    Allies: barnee

    Game Thread

    Triplea save exp-game-7-stahl-ger-24_after_moscow_battle.tsvg

    Early 1940


    The Kriegsmarine launches the “Graf Zepplin” along with a couple of U-boats and a Transport. Waffen Units fill out their Build.

    The Allied Fleet in 110 was sunk and in 111 damaged, which the Germans retreated from.
    In a surprise move, France was heavily attrited but not conquered.


    The Soviets max produced Landmines as well as two Engineers. Two Paratrooper Divisions also form in Moscow.

    They begin to concentrate in Novgorod, Bryansk and Caucasus.


    Nippon invests in an Air Transport, a Naval Transport, 2 Engineers and 2 LCV’s. They conduct standard attacks against China.

    USA and China

    The Americans destroy the Facilities in the Philippines and max build Fortifications there. The rest of their income is spent strengthening their Navy, including the launch of the USS Iowa in the Pacific.

    The Chinese successfully counterattack in Yunnan.


    The British build a Factory in Egypt and repair the damaged Battleship HMS Hood. Singapore Harbor is destroyed and the rest of their resources are spent on the Army.

    Their only combat is to sink the Italian Ships off Malta.


    Italia buys 2 LCV’s and a Paratrooper. They conduct combats against Greece, Tunisia, the French Ships in 93 and most importantly, a weakend Paris.
    All attacks succeed.

    The Regia Marina concentrates in 97, while the UK Med Fleet is in 92 off Gibralter.

    ANZAC and France

    ANZAC builds a Transport and Infantry. They begin to take Custodianship of Dutch Islands.

    The French make some minor non combat moves.

    Late 1940


    The Reich max produces Landmines and repairs the Bismark. 3 U-boats are launched and 6 LCV’s are produced. 4 Infantry are pressed into the Waffen SS.

    The Luftwaffe conduct a Strategic Bombing Raid on London. The RAF decline to intercept. 7 Damage is done to the Major Factory.
    Two UK DDs deployed in 119 and 110 by the Royal Navy to prevent any Bombard by the Kriegsmarine in case of an early Sealion, are easily sunk.

    Kriegsmarine is now concentrated in 110.

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    SSR goes heavy with Landmines and maxes out their Paratrooper production. The Red Army begins to produce a few Artillery Units, as Intelligence indicates a German attack on Britain.


    Nippon begins construction of a Factory in Shantung. Max attacks against China take place. The Battleship Yamato and a CV are launched.

    USA and China

    America prepares for the launch of the Missouri and another Carrier. Marines begin to deploy and the Army Air Corps activates a Fighter Wing.

    MI5 convinces the Yanks of a possible German invasion. Roosevelt, being the Naval President that he is, orders all new construction to the Atlantic.

    China takes Yunnan in a counterattack once again.


    London repairs their Factory and moves it underground. The Italian Forces in Kenya are destroyed.

    Concerned about a German invasion, London is reinforced but the new Egypt Factory as well as Calcutta, continue to produce.


    The Regia Marina launches a Carrier and the Regia Aeronautica Italiana activate a Bomber Squadron.

    A UK DD blocking a potential German attack on Gibralter is sunk by a Bomber from West Germany. Tunisia and Algeria are conquered.

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    ANZAC and France

    ANZAC builds a Air Transport, along with a Destroyer and an Artillery for the Army.
    They take Custodianship of Celebes and move a Fighter to Java.

    France moves 1 Infantry in Africa.

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    I’ll see if I can find @VictoryFirst s picture taking process. Thought I had it saved. Can’t find it right now.

    Anyway, you can get a better view with the triplea save by going through History

    Early 1941


    The Reich max produces Landmines and Goring successfully advocates for 5 Air Transports. Two more U-boats are launched with the rest of the German resources going to the Wehrmacht, including a Panzer General, along with a Waffen Oberst.

    Thanks to the sinking of the UK DD blocker in 104 by Italia, Gibralter is conquered.

    The 6 LCVs have moved to W GER.


    With Tankograd up and running, the Soviets produce 4 T-34s and a Tank General. They will form 1st Tank in Moscow.

    The Red Army Forces in Novgorod move to Karelia and now have a strong concentration there.

    All Paratroopers are in Caucasus and Bryansk serves as the tactical reserve. No LMs have been armed yet, as Soviet High Command is unsure of German intentions.


    Nippon produces 2 Fctrys with the rest of their resources going to the Army. Primarily Infantry builds.

    They attack across a broad front in China, winning all battles.
    Engineers move the Shantung Factory to Kweichow. The IJN concentrates in 6 Sea Zone.

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    USA and China

    Uncle Sam goes with another heavy Naval build, along with a FTR and a couple INF.

    New Naval construction is launched in the Atlantic. The Aleutians are fortified.

    Roosevelt seizes on the threat to Britain to declare war on Germany and Italy. They now receive wartime production of 91.

    China successfully counterattacks in Kansu and Shensi, preventing a Japanese ground attack against the Flying Tiger in Tsinghai for now.


    The Royal Navy will launch 2 DDs in 110 to prevent the German LCVs from attacking London. Italy now has 2 Bmbrs and a Ftr in range of 110 but RAF Command has 3 Ftrs able to scramble if needed.

    Syria, Alexandia are attacked and Iraq is strafed. All missions are accomplished.
    London is once again reinforced but India and Egypt continue to mass produce.


    Italy buys a Trprt, LCV, Arty and 3 Inf. The British fleet has moved to Malta and the Italians hit it with everything they have.

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    They suffer a major defeat and are forced back to 97.

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    In a surprise move, a LCV along with a Bmbr take Scotland, killing the UK Elite there.

    The Invasion of the British Isles has begun.

    ANZAC and France

    ANZAC builds Fortifications for Java and Celebes. They take Custodianship of Sumatra.

    France moves their DD to support the UK Trprt off Egypt.

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    Late 1941


    The Kriegsmarine repairs the Bismarck and launch two more Trprts. The rest of Germany’s resources go to the Wehrmacht and SS.

    U-boats and the Luftwaffe attack the battered UK Fleet in 96 and win a Major Victory.

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    The 2 DDs in 110 are easily sunk, as the RAF refuses to engage the Luftwaffe.

    The Main German Fleet off GIB takes all available land forces and moves to 119 deploying to Scotland. LCVs and Air Trprts move the rest of the Heer to Scotland for the invasion of England.

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    German precision works perfectly and Army Group North forms in Scotland.

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    The Soviets invest heavily in the Red Army

    Stalin, seeing Hitler’s move against England, orders an unprovoked attack against the German and Axis TTys in Eastern Europe.

    Finland and Poland fall, along with Bulgaria and Iraq due to Paratrooper attacks.

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    Nippon goes with almost all INF build.
    They continue their attacks against China.
    IJN is concentrated in 6 SZ.

    USA and China

    Uncle Sam builds for all Branches of the Armed Forces.
    The Atlantic fleet moves to 91 and takes an empty GIB in their only combat.

    Midway and Guam are fortified. All new Naval construction, except for a CV, are launched in the Atlantic. Army units deploy to Eastern and Central United States.

    China takes a contested Shensi. The Flying Tiger lands in Tsinghai and is safe from Japanese Air except for Bmbrs.


    After the invasion of Scotland, the British finally wake up and max protect London with a Flak Tower, Ftr and INF. A DD is placed in 110 to prevent Bombard and LCV attacks but they fail to secure 109.

    While they would have had 2 less INF for a Escort blocker and the odds would still have been in Germany’s favor, they may have been able to do enough damage to make holding it more difficult.
    But, as we will soon see, that was not the case.

    ANZAC and France

    ANZC fortifies islands and build a Minor Fctry for Queensland.

    France doesn’t do anything.

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    Early 1942


    The Reich spends all it’s money on the Army. A massive attack on England is launched. Army Group North from Scotland, Luftwaffe units and shore bombardment from the Bismark, devastate British defenses.

    Various counterattacks all succeed.

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    A New World Order has taken place.

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    An error on my part didn’t realize the game was over, if London couldn’t be liberated. I thought it was Moscow only in that circumstance.

    So we played on.

    @VictoryFirst alerted us to my error, as surprisingly, the deceivous @Panzerstahl-Helm had defeated us both with the same strategy in just a matter of days.

    None the less, we agreed to play on. It proved to be quite entertaining, using different play patterns with Union Jack no longer able to produce.

    The Soviets pushed hard initially, but in Early 1944 the UK Fctry in Egypt would fall to the Germans.

    It was a hard back and forth, alas, in Early 1953, the Soviets would succumb to the Nazi boot and the Reich’s conquest would be complete.

    It was a fun game, even with the quick victory by Panzer. We both agreed it was worth it to play out.

    My losing streak continues and I believe Panzer notches his 4th Victory in a row. Congratulations @Panzerstahl-Helm

    Screenshot from 2025-01-16 00-16-11.png

    Triplea Save

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 6 VictoryFirst vs barnee

    Game: 1940

    Axis: VictoryFirst
    Allies: barnee

    Game Thread

    Triplea Save triplea_3911_14ger.tsvg

    The Reich begins with all Land builds including 2 Engnrs.
    All of France is conquered as well as Yugoslavia.
    The British Fleet in 111 is sunk, along with the Canadain Navy.

    In Late 1940 all Branches of the Military deploy new units.
    The Luftwaffe attacks all Allied Ships in the Med. While successful, they do sustain some losses.

    Early 1941 the Wehrmacht invests heavily in new Infantry Divisions.
    The Fuhrer launches Operation Barbarossa. Heavy Attacks take place all along the Eastern Front.
    German Forces are concentrated in Baltic States and Romainia. U-boats convoy in 109.

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    Early 1940 and the Soviets max produce LMs and deploy 2 Engnrs. SRM begins to transport Army Units from the Far East to the West.

    Late 1940 LM production continues. 2 Paratrooper Divisions are formed. The Engnrs transport the LMs to Belarus and Arm them.
    SRM continues.

    Early 1941 and Stalin is stunned by the German attack. He orders the creation of 1st Tank and makes a couple minor counterattacks.
    More LMs are armed in Belarus. 1st and 2nd Corps have deployed. The Red Army concentrates in Bryansk. Caucasus is reinforced and Leningrad is evacuated.

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    Japan does standard buys and attacks for 1940. A NB is built in Kwangsi in late 1940 and the IJN is mostly concentrated in 36 SZ.

    Early 41 and JPN continues it’s relentless attacks on China. The Carolines Task Force moves to Paulau.

    1940 USA blows up the Facilities in th Philippines. The Iowa and Missouri both launch off the West Coast.
    Late 1940 and Naval buys continue with the Atlantic being the focus, less 1 CV launched in the Pacific. The Army sends troops to the Aleutians.

    Late 41 and the majority of resources go to the Navy again, with a few Army and Marine units.
    Half of the Fleet in Pearl Harbor moves to 16SZ, led by the two huge Battleships, to threaten a weakend JPN 6 SZ.
    The other half sails to Queensland.
    The Atlantic is reinforced with another CV, DD and SS.

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    China counterattacks where they can but are being pushed to the brink of defeat.
    The Flying Tiger remains out of range of JPN Air, except for their Bmbrs.

    UK destroys the Singapore Harbor in Early 1940. A minor Naval battle takes place off Malta, with the Italian ships being sunk.
    The Med Fleet and the remainder of the Home Fleet, concentrate in 92 SZ.
    Paratroopers form in London.

    EDIT UPDATE 2-3-25

    Italy attacks the UK Fleet in 92. While they do signifigant damage, they suffer a Major defeat.
    Their North African Army moves West, taking Tunisia.

    Late 1940 Greece and Algeria are conquered. Paratroopers begin to deploy.
    Early 1941 and Morroco and Alexandria fall, securing a vital National Objective.
    The UK Indian Ocean Fleet is now in 98 SZ and threatens.
    A strong Land Force joins with the Germans in Bessarabia.

    ANZAC prepares for War with Nippon. They take Custodianship of Java, DNG and Celebes.
    An Air Transport becomes operational in Early 1941.

    France backs up the British as much as they can but basically just chill, conducting no Combats.

    End Early 1941 Mediterranean

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    Late 1941 and the Reich goes with an all Wehrmacht build. Heavy on the Infantry.
    Major combat takes place across the Eastern Front as well as against UK Paras in Holland.

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    All Battles are won and the Heer is concentrated in Leningrad and E POL.
    Early 42 and the Wehrmacht is in Belarus in Force.

    By Late 1942 they are in Bryansk as they continue to force the Soviets back.
    The Kriegsmarine splits it U-boats sending a Wolfpack to Iceland.

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    The Soviets fight several attritonal battles in the Southwest but are eventually pushed back.
    The control of Iraq adds much needed income and a Tank is headed to Africa via UK Trprt to take undefended Italian TTys.

    Unfortunately, the devious Japanese have done their sneak attack special and the communists are now in a two front war.

    Japan continues to hammer China and in Early 1942, with victory appearing imminent, they attack the Soviet Union. Confidence is so high, they attack the Western Allies as well.

    China is completely subjugated and the Philippines and Singapore fall as well.
    By Late 1942 they have added Sumatra, Celebes and DNG to their spoils and continue to push into the Soviet Far East.

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    With the Americans now at war with Germany and Italy, they dump a Massive amount of resources into their Military.
    Operation Torch takes place and Morroco is occupied.

    Early 1942 and the Nippon sneak attack has incensed the Americans. Huge amounts of war material are poured into the Pacific.
    Minor counterattacks take place against JPN and the MED is cleared of U-boats.

    Late 1942 and the Atlantic Fleet has moved to 110 and HOL is liberated.
    Major combat takes place around NG, with the Americans returning control to ANZAC.
    The Army concentrates in Alaska.

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    The UK will conduct continous minor attacks on W EUR, trading HOL several times and taking Normandy in Late 42.
    Their strong MED Fleet in 97 SZ is obliterated by the Luftwaffe in Early 1942, shooting down only 2 German Ftrs in the battle.

    Russia is reinforced through the Middle East and via Rail.
    Yunnan is taken in Force in Late 1942.

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    Italia is active on the Eastern Front and destroys the ill-fated British landing in Albania.
    Combat continues on the E Front through Early 1942 before a pause in Late 42.

    ANZAC fortifies the Dutch Islands they have taken Custodianship of.
    In Late 42, they defeat the Japanase in a close battle, taking control of DNG for a critical National Objective.

    France just kinda hangs out and chills with the Brits.

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    While Russia counterattacked where it could, the 2 Front War eventually ground them down. Germany was able to break out and they were forced to turtle in Moscow.
    ANZAC and UK units were able to help them from succumbing to complete Nazi Domination.

    A major defeat of the British in Yunnan in Early 1943, would all but secure Japanese Hegemony over China.

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    Soviet Paratroopers would make a couple nuisance attacks into China, but the Yunnan UK defeat provided JPN with ample resources to quickly restore the situation to their favor.

    Uncle Sam and the yanks were able to drive the Kriegsmarine into the Baltic and keep pressure on W EUR but were never able to fully coordinate for a measuring blow.

    While they would move a Huge Fleet to NG and have heavy battles with IJN, JPN would remain strong enough to keep America at bay, as they continued their attacks against the Soviets.

    The Reich would tire of their Italian Allies and in 1943 would take them over.
    Their focus on Moscow would intensify even more.

    ANZAC would support their American Allies and while some progress was made, it was slow.

    However this was all about to change.

    An Enormous failure of JPN Intelligence would order Yamamato’s Fleet back to JPN. Thinking victory was imminent, the Home Islands weren’t sufficiently defended.

    Team USA, with B-29s from Austraila, helped sink the IJN and USA Marines successfully landed in Tokyo.

    This was a game that Victory should have won. The Reich was poised to take Moscow and we played Germanys turn, just to help ease the pain of his loss :) and they did handily.

    This game was more competive than our last one but Victory was still in a strong position throughout.

    I think the big UK defeat in Yunnan was a major impact. Gave JPN free reign in China for several rds and could focus on Russia.

    I didn’t think UK would win the Yunnan battle but thought they’d put a heavy dent in the JPN Air Force :)

    Idk that the Allies would have won, as Germany was very strong and focused on Russia, but it would have been a little more interesting imo :)

    Here’s final save and the picture doesn’t do justice, you need to go to the save for it, but I’ll post them anyway :)

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    Screenshot from 2025-02-03 03-25-08.png

    Screenshot from 2025-02-03 03-25-23.png

    I’ll ping @VictoryFirst in case he wants to comment :)


  • @barnee
    Great victory - good learning also.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 1 barnee vs Trout and Mussolini Pizza Emperor


    Axis: barnee
    Allies: Trout and Mussolini Pizza Emperor

    Game Thread

    Triplea Save 3ef1289d-386e-44a7-9f28-f5ea8ea38a03-exp-game-1-trout-f10.tsvg

    This was Trout and his son, Pizza Emporer, first game using triplea. They have played several games against each other on the real board.

    Details to follow

    The Reich began with a full Wehrmacht build with the rest of their resources going to the U-boat Arm.

    All of France was attacked, as well as the British fleets in 110 and 111. 106 was also attacked by 2 U-boats and Operation “Punishment” got an early start against Yugoslavia.
    All of the attacks succeed, except for Yugoslavia, which was by design. The 110 attack was supposed to withdraw after 1 rd of combat to preserve the BB.

    Unfortunately for the Kriegsmarine, their 110 Fleet was commanded by a Nazi Fanatic and refused to withdraw. Only complete and Total Victory was acceptable.
    The first chance the British Royal Navy got, it was promptly sunk with their idiot commander drowning in the process.
    The Kriegsmarine would be without a Battleship for the remainder of the war.

    Late 1940 and with UK Air Defenses deployed elsewhere, Goring would begin the Strategic Bombing of London.
    With heavy Ftr escort, 2 Bmbrs would evade the Flak and do 9 damage to the London Fctry.

    Early 1941 and 1st and 2nd Waffen would form in Berlin with 1st Panzer deploying soon after.
    The bombing of London would continue, with the Fctry now sustaining max damage.
    The Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS would concentrate in Romainia and Slovakia.

    The Soviets, Commanded by Pizza, would immediately begin to add the ideologically driven Commisars to the Order of Battle. The Red Army would start to concentrate in Belarus and W UKR. Far East Forces would begin to move west.

    Commisars would continue to deploy through Late 1940 and 1st Corps would form and anchor the units in W UKR facing the brunt of the German Heer.
    Belarus would remain heavily defended, with the Red Air Force now stationed there.
    Caucasus and Novgorod would have substantial manpower deployed as well.

    Nippon would begin construction of a Fctry in Shantung Early 1940 and complete a second one in Kiangsu Late 1940.
    The IJA would press Chinese troops hard and by Early 1941, China would only control 3 Western Provinces.
    The IJN would build a Harbor in Kwangsi.

    Carolines would start to be reinforced via Air Trprt with a strong Fleet positioned there as well.
    The new Harbor in Kwangsi would also have a signifigant Naval presence, with Yamamoto keeping the largest Fleet in Home waters.

    The USN, Commanded by Trout, would launch their Biggest BB ever in Early 1940. The USS Iowa. Her sistership, USS Missourri would soon follow.
    The Philippines would be fortified.
    In Early 1941, two more Battleships would deploy, although not of the massive size of the Iowa class, they would strengthen both the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets.

    The UK, under orders from Pizza, upgrade the S African Fctry to Hvy Ind and begin to plant Landmines along the India/Burma border.
    A monster attack by the Royal Navy and Air Force, sink a large part of the Regia Marina, despite a full scramble by Italian and German Air.

    Late 1940 and the UK launches a CV loaded with SeaFires. India continues to produce LMs.
    Italian units are defeated in Kenya, and the last of their Navy is sunk in 95 SZ

    Early 1941 and not to be outdone by the colonists in America, a BB launches into Canadian waters to join the Aircraft Carrier there.
    No combat takes place.
    A steady stream of Tanks are now flowing out of the S African Fctry.
    Egypt faces strong Axis forces in Alexandria.

    Edit 2-11-25

    Italy would sink the UK ships in 97 and finish off Yugoslavia in Early 1940.
    Late 1940 Paratroopers would start to deploy and LCV s would begin coming off the production lines.
    Greece would be conquered. N African Forces would concentrate in Alexandria.
    Early 1941 No combat would take place. The North African Forces would withdraw from Alexandiria to Tobruk.
    Paras and LCVs would stage in Greece and the Med would be free of Allied Ships.

    ANZAC pretty much just chills, although Britain would take Custodianship of Celebes. ANZAC would take care of Java though and heavily fortify it.
    A Carrier Group would form off New South Wales in Early 41.

    Early 1940 and the Free French Fleet in Toulon attacks the Italians in 95. They are soundly defeated.
    They just chill for the next year trying to help fortify British positions.

    End Early 1941

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    Axis 146
    Allies 185

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    Edit 2-12-25

    Late 1941 and Germany attacks the Soviet Union. A large Air and amphibous attack, including Paratroopers, strikes Caucasus. The Soviets would fight heroically and despite all defenders being slain, they would maintain control of the vital Territory. Stalin would award the defenders “Hero of the Soviet Union”. Unfortunately for them, posthumously.
    The GIB Naval Base is destroyed and the Kriegsmarine sails to 112.
    Italian North African units receive minor reinforcements via Air Trprt.

    German attacks occur all along the Eastern Front in Early 42. The Wehrmacht concentrates in Novgorod led by Army Group North. U-boats and Luftwaffe units sink the British Med Fleet in 98.

    Late 42 sees minor combat in Archangel. AG North withdraws form Novgorod to Poland and reforms as AG Center due to a massive buildup of Soviet Force in Belarus.
    North African forces are withdrawn, sans an AA unit. American Naval units enter the Med.
    4th Waffen forms in W GER.

    In Early 1941 the Soviets were attacked by Italian fascists. Stalin orders the formation of 9 Guard units in Late 1941. A German Fallschirmjager unit in Rostov is destroyed. The Red Army concentrates in Bryansk. Cacusus is reinforced from Volgograd.

    Early 1942 and full Conscription takes place. Multiple counterattacks occur, primarily to the South. The main Red Army force has now moved to Belarus.

    Late 1942 and the Soviets have suffered a Sneak Attack by Japan during Early 1941, with Central Asia and the Soviet Far East losing large amounts of territory.
    The Moscow Fctry is moved underground and Mass Tanks begin to roll off the assembly lines.
    Major combat takes place all along the Eastern European Front. Novgorod is liberated, as well as Caucasus, which was taken by Italy six months earlier.
    The Far East is using a strategy of trading space for time, with no combat occurring.
    1st Tank forms in Moscow in attempt to begin repelling the Japanese invaders.

    Japan begins Late 1941 by investing heavily into their Army. China is completely subjugated. The Navy remains in Home waters, as well as continuing it’s large presence in 36 SZ.

    In Early 1942, the mighty Yamato would be launched. Major fortification of Caroline Islands would take place.
    Tojo would convince both the the Army and a more reluctant Navy, that the time to strike the Soviets was now. Framing it as a preemptive defensive strike, Hirohito would agree.
    However, he wasn’t done and using his Powers of persuasion, urged war against the Western Powers as well. His view would prevail. The world was now at war.

    Massive attacks in to a lightly defended Soviet Union would all succeed. The Navy’s success would be just as great, with the Philippines, Borneo and Singapore all falling.
    Th e Army would also take Hong Kong, Burma and Shan State.

    Late 1942 and IJA would again take large swaths of undefended Soviet territory. Including the prized Tank factory, Tankograd.
    A heavily escorted Bombing run on India would have disappointing results. One Bmbr would be shot down and the raid would do limited damage.

    The IJN would take Celebes, DNG and a minor attack by a DD would take the Northern TTy of Austrailia.
    A Fctry would be constructed in FIC and the Army would deploy mechanized units to their mainland China factories.

    Late 1941 for the Americans would see them continue to build their Navy, launching two new Battleships. GIB would be liberated.
    The Pacific Fleet would remain in Pearl Harbor and they would persuade Brazil to join the Allied cause.

    Early 1942 and the US, stunned by the cowardly Japanese sneak attack, would conduct no combat. The Atlantic Fleet would sail to 91 off GIB, while a strong Task Force would enter the Med denying Italy an important Objective.

    Late 42 and the Islands of Sicily and Sardina would be taken, with the USN now having a large presence in the Med.
    The PHI would be lost and the Pearl Fleet would sail to Queensland.

    Edit 2-15-25
    Late 1941 and Britain continues to launch ships off Nova Scotia. The Army deploys additional units in Africa and India.
    They move into Alexandria in force. The Canadian Fleet joins the Americans off Gibralter.

    Early 1942 construction begins on a new GIB Harbor. The North African Army continues to drive the Axis Forces west as they take Tobruk.
    A CV with 2 Seafires deploy into Canadian waters.

    The London Fctry would be moved underground in Late 1942. They would continue the back and forth with the Japanese in Burma. The Italian Army would finally be caught in Libya and soundly defeated.

    Italia would conduct a Paratrooper, Amphibous attack against Caucasus in Late 1941, supported by their Bmbr. While the Soviets would put up another Heroic defense, they would be defeated with a single Artillery unit taking control.

    After a successful Russian counterattack in Early 1942, the Italians would once again take control of Caucasus with another Amphib attack.
    A FlakTower would be constructed in Late 1942 in Rome after the Americans conquest of both Sardinia and Sicily. The African Army would be destroyed in Libya.

    ANZAC would conduct no combats in Late 1941. A Battleship would launch from New South Wales.
    Early 1942 a CV would join the Fleet making it a fairly formidable force. The lack of attractive targets would prevent any combat.

    France would continue to chill, garrisoning numerous TTys in North Africa. Their Ftr squadron would remain in England.

    End Late 1942

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    Axis 180
    Allies 196

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    Edit 2-19-25

    Early 1943 sees the Reich form 1st Waffen Pnzr. Attritional battles take place all across the Eastern Front. Luftwaffe units support all attacks.
    Late 43 has heavy fighting in both UKR TTys. Paras take control of Middle East and activate Iraq. Germany takes over Italy.

    Early 1944 and Type XXI boats begin to launch. Major combat takes place in Caucasus and the Northern part of the E Front.
    The Soviets remain concentrated in Belarus.
    Kriegsmarine is in strength in 112 and blocking the Huge Allied Fleet in 91 and 92 with a Escort in 110.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-19 14-34-28.png

    Late 1944 XXI Uboats hit the Allied Fleet in 110 and withdraw to their SubPens in 112.
    Stalingrad falls.
    Kriegsmarine sails to 113. AG South forms in W GER to combat a potential D-Day attack.

    Early 43 has the Soviets mass producing Tanks and commisioning a TG. They would counterattack against JPN to their east and fight the Germans and Italians in the south and west.
    Late 43 and mass Tanks continue to roll off the assembly lines. Major counterattacks take place in the northern part of the European Front.

    Early 1944 and the Soviets being a dollar short of TotalWarTanks, purchase a single Elite, saving their resources for their next build.
    Leningrad would once again see massive combat and a strong Force of Armor and Conscripts would be sent against JPN in Novosibirsk.

    Japan would launch the sister ship of Yamato, the Musashi, ( I always forget it’s name lol ) in Early 1943.
    They would continue SBR attacks against the India Fctry but the tommies taught their subjects well and the last Bmbr would be shot down.
    NG would fall, as well as Guam.

    Late 1943, an undefended Aleutians would be conquered, depriving America of a valuable Objective.
    A large battle would be fought in Novosibirsk in Early 44.
    Overshadowing it would be the collision between the IJN and the USN off DNG.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-19 15-22-03.png

    With help from land based Air assets, the Allied Fleet would be sunk. The IJA would also be successful in Novo, with a strong Armored presence remaining.

    Edit 2-21-25

    Late 1943 would see the Americans liberate New Guinea and a small landing by their Med Fleet would take a lightly defended N Italy. The Atlantic Fleet would begin to concentrate in 91 with the British off Gibralter.

    Uncle Sam would go heavy in Late 43 with new Air assets. Deploying two B-29s and Total War builds of Ftrs and Infantry.
    A large Japanese land force would be defeated in DNG, with the supporting Naval Vessels setting up the aforementioned showdown with the IJN in Early 1944.

    Air Power would again be emphasized in Early 44, with more B-29s, as well as Naval Ftrs, along with the CVs to support them, coming into play.
    The remainder of the Pacific Fleet would sail to Queensland, while the Med and Atlantic Fleets would now both be in 110 with a large number of Trprts that would unload to UK in preperation for a future D-Day attack.
    Sadly, for the Allies, that day would never come.

    A large number of British Paratroopers would finish their training in Early 43. They would conduct no combat.
    Late 1943 and the British would follow the Americans lead and purchase 2 Hvy Bmbrs of their own.
    The heaviest fighting of the period would be in Syria, where a strong German Fallschirmjager force had landed.

    Some minor combat would take place in Iraq in Early 44. The Royal Navy, Air Force and Army would prepare for the D-Day landings.

    Early 1943 and with conditions now met, Italy would prepare for the German Takeover in Late 43.

    ANZAC would see no combat during Early 43 to Early 44. In Late 44, with peace talks well underway, they would defeat a small landing in Northern TTy.

    Late 1944 would see the final 6 months of the war.
    Type XXI U-boats would continue to strike at the Allied Fleets in 110 and withdraw to safety to their SubPens in 112.
    From Stalingrad to Persia, the Reich would be in control over the oil rich territories.

    The Soviets would make some minor counterattacks on their European Front but Nippon would push to the Gates of Moscow from the east.
    All of New Guinea would be taken again and a large Fleet would sail from Home waters to take Midway in force.

    The Americans would fight valiantly until the end. Taking Normandy and Holland. Halsey would make a desperate attempt to defeat the IJN off of NG but would be defeated again.

    Britain would make a last ditch effort as well, taking S FRA to link up with the earlier American gains.

    Alas, in the end, it would be too much. Roosevelt, knowing his strong Navy and two oceans would protect America, successfully sues for peace.
    Churchill, on the other hand, would be forcibly removed from office in a vote of no confidence.

    Situation End 1944
    Screenshot from 2025-02-21 11-48-53.png

    Axis 207
    Allies 200

    Axis at 141 towards Victory Conditions.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-21 11-52-03.png


    Trout and Pizza adapted to triplea quite well. As Trout stated, there is an adjustment period in not being able to see the entire map at once. Unless you’re hooked up to a large screen tv :)

    There was also a misunderstanding on their part concerning the Bombard rules. They mistakenly had thought you could conduct a Naval Battle, as well as Bombard in the same Sea Zone.

    Hence why they put a lot of resources into Battleships. The large number of BB’s still presented some unique challenges I hadn’t seen before and think that their is still promise for it with some adjustments.

    Pizza gave the Reich all it could handle early game, even forcing them back to Poland at the End of 1942. Albeit at the expense of neglecting his eastern defenses.

    I think if he would have continued with his strategy and pushed everything to his west, he would definitely had gotten Romainia and had a chance to get loose in the Balkans.

    The income swing would have been sizable. Even with a weakly defended Far East, it takes JPN several turns to conquer and hold it.
    So, hard to say how it would have played out.

    At any rate, a most enjoyable game. Trout and Pizza continue to play via triplea, with games against @Panzerstahl-Helm and @VictoryFirst ongoing.

    @Trout you are welcome and encouraged to share your opinions on your first triplea game as well.

    Once again and overly long report comes to an end. Really need to shorten these up :)

    Here’s final save again 3ef1289d-386e-44a7-9f28-f5ea8ea38a03-exp-game-1-trout-f10.tsvg

  • Global 1940, No. 16 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the No. 16 Game Report.

    Axis: Dark Knight
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940, Germany prepared for both the Battle of The Atlantic as well as the invasion of the Soviet Union.
    The German Luftwaffe was dispersed over most of Europe in order to support both the Kriegsmarine in the Atlantic and in preparation for the attack on the Soviet Union.
    In Late 1941 Germany attacked the Soviets.

    Soviet Union:
    The Soviets were building up 1st, 2nd and 3rd Soviet Army Corps from Early 1940 to Early 1941.
    In Early 1942 the Soviet 1st Tank Army formed the backbone of the Soviet defense on the central part of the Eastern Front.

    The Imperial Japanese Army eliminated all Chinese resitance by Late 1942.
    From then on Japan prepared for an increased production to fight the British troops in India - and to launch several attacks in the Pacific.

    United States:
    The United States Strategic Plan was “Germany First”.
    In Early 1942 US troops launched a massive attack against North Africa.
    By Late 1942 US troops had a solid foothold in Western Europe.

    United Kingdom:
    British forces were fighting desperately against both Japanese, Italian and German units.
    In Early 1941, the entire German Luftwaffe launched an attack against the strong Royal Navy in the Mediterranian Ocean - Sea Zone 97.
    Since there was no support from the German Kriegsmarine U-Boats, all casualties were taken on the Luftwaffe.
    The German Luftwaffe eliminated the Royal Navy - but Luftwaffe casualties were at 75 %.

    Early 1943:
    The German Army was pushed back by strong Soviet forces on the Eastern Front.
    With the Luftwaffe reduced to only 25 % of its original strength, the German Waffen-SS and Panzer Armies were the only strong reserves in the German arsenal.
    Slowly the German and Italian forces were pushed out of Western Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

    The British forces in India - supported by ANZAC forces - had fortified Sumatra and Java - making them impenetrable to Japanese forces.

    UK forces started their offensive against Japanese troops in Burma and China in Late 1942

    Strong Soviet forces were marched up by the borders to China - ready to counter attack any Japanese units that did not withdraw in time.

    By the beginning of Late 1943, the military situation was hopeless for the Axis.

    Axis forces surrendered the the Allies in Late 1943.

    The following pictures show the situation on Germany’s turn in Late 1943.

    IMG_0188.jpg IMG_0189.jpg IMG_0190.jpg IMG_0191.jpg

  • @The-Captain

    Nice game report,

    Nice victory with the allies,
    The axis luftwaffe took the bait…
    They won the battle but lost the war…

    Looking forward to march 😎

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Hi Captain

    Not a Game report but just a shot of your Neutrals in play :)

    From the Multi with
    @Panzerstahl-Helm Axis
    @crockett36 Soviets
    me Nippon
    @VictoryFirst Allies

    Thought it looked kinda cool. :) It’s late 1944 after Germany’s turn.

    Screenshot from 2025-03-18 22-15-51.png

    oops ! Shoulda activated the Swiss too :)

    I think I’ll start on a mid game report, although we’re closer to late game, it’s still undecided :)

  • @barnee

    Awesome - Germany has got strong reinforcements

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







