• Hi

    Can you take control of Dutch territory, as the UK/Anzac player, in the non-combat move?
    Seem UK/AnzaC plane can finish their move in dutch territory even if those are not controled by the uk/Anzac player, is it true?
    Does those rules applie to french territory in regard to japanese or Uk/Anzac player?

    Thx all

  • Official Q&A


    Can you take control of Dutch territory, as the UK/Anzac player, in the non-combat move?

    Yes, as long as it has not been captured by Japan.


    Seem UK/AnzaC plane can finish their move in dutch territory even if those are not controled by the uk/Anzac player, is it true?



    Does those rules applie to french territory in regard to japanese or Uk/Anzac player?

    Yes, except that the UK/ANZAC may not take control of them unless they capture them from Japan.*

    • For those keeping track, these answers are different from those previously given.  The errata will be updated to reflect this situation soon.

  • Krieghund, I want to say that while I’m delighted with the game and satisfied with the build quality / number of pieces (carbaord factories? who cares?), the sheer scale of the changes introduced by the errata is really problematic. What about all the poor people who don’t read this forum?

  • Boy Krieghund, your going to get the rep of being a waffler :|.

    Hope you know I’m kidding and am looking forward to the day that all this can be put to rest. I just hope they gave you more control/input over the final draft of the 40E & 40GL rule book (and didn’t jump the gun). I would hate to see you have to go through this again. Minor edits are one thing, but total re-wrights are quite another.

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, doing the errata for a project like this isn’t fun.  It’s a negotiation process as much as anything else (live with the error vs. correct it, the main criteria being its effect on game play).  The same process was used in the AA50 errata, but this time you guys are getting a little peak into the interior.  We wanted you guys to be on the “cutting edge” of the updates, and the price you pay is a little waffling.  I’ve tried to not publish anything until it’s 100% settled, but sometimes decisions change.  I have to weigh certainty against giving you guys the corrections as quickly as possible.

    Like you, I’m looking forward to it being finalized.  I think we’re nearly there, and I don’t expect anything other than very minor changes past this point.  There may be some changes in the language, but the impact on actual game play should be minor.  I should be publishing the final errata update soon, and shortly (I hope) after that it will be made official and published on AH’s and Larry’s sites.

  • I would like to suggest that the great unwashed horde of us should get a look early at anything that will be different for AA40E and AA40Glbl.  I’m sure this would go against everything corporate that is WOTC, but seems to me that having the rules for a month+ has enabled the community to pick them apart and find what needs to be fixed.  IF we were allowed the luxury to have them for E/Glbl with a month to look at them before rulebooks were printed, maybe we could help avoid these issues.    Pipe dream I know, but how about this time at the very least can we get the intern that is typing all the setups and map names out a dictionary or access to google maps?

  • Customizer


    I would like to suggest that the great unwashed horde of us should get a look early at anything that will be different for AA40E and AA40Glbl.

    But that would ruin the surprise, and destroy the mystique that WotC has created around these games!

  • Is WOTC owned by the Sheinhardt Wig company?  Would explain a lot.

  • @WILD:

    Minor edits are one thing, but total re-wrights are quite another.


    … but this time you guys are getting a little peak into the interior.  We wanted you guys to be on the “cutting edge” of the updates, and the price you pay is a little waffling.  I’ve tried to not publish anything until it’s 100% settled, but sometimes decisions change.  I have to weigh certainty against giving you guys the corrections as quickly as possible.

    Maybe we should look at ourselves as helpers to the process, and a little less as a demanding final product customer when it comes to the Errata.  :-)

  • @BadSpeller:


    Minor edits are one thing, but total re-wrights are quite another.


    … but this time you guys are getting a little peak into the interior.  We wanted you guys to be on the “cutting edge” of the updates, and the price you pay is a little waffling.  I’ve tried to not publish anything until it’s 100% settled, but sometimes decisions change.  I have to weigh certainty against giving you guys the corrections as quickly as possible.

    Maybe we should look at ourselves as helpers to the process, and a little less as a demanding final product customer when it comes to the Errata.  :-)


    I’m curious if after a while, the game will be reprinted with corrected rules, piece quantities, etc.

  • 40P is like a prequel to 40E & 40GL. I just hope they held the rule book back from production so the design department (Krieghund) can finalize it before they print & pack it for the summer release. I wouldn’t say we have an open door to the process, it’s more of a window to peek in. It is quite cool though to be kept in the loop. I apologize if I (we) come off as harsh or unappreciative.

  • @Krieghund:


    Can you take control of Dutch territory, as the UK/Anzac player, in the non-combat move?

    Yes, as long as it has not been captured by Japan.


    Seem UK/AnzaC plane can finish their move in dutch territory even if those are not controled by the uk/Anzac player, is it true?



    Does those rules applie to french territory in regard to japanese or Uk/Anzac player?

    Yes, except that the UK/ANZAC may not take control of them unless they capture them from Japan.*

    • For those keeping track, these answers are different from those previously given.  The errata will be updated to reflect this situation soon.

    So UK/ANZAC can land planes on french territories but they can’t control them unless conquered from Japan?  Is this true also of US after it is at war (I assume it cannot occupy french territs before DoW)

    Also, Japanese planes can land on New Hebrides and FIC before they conquer them?  Surely there are some restrictions to this - for example, what if there are already UK, ANZAC, or US forces there?  What if allied forces were there this turn, but were killed (perhaps the answer to this question would depend on whether or not the territory is now Jap-controlled?).

    Just a note: if Jap can land air on french territs as you say, then Japan can land 4 bombers on Car J1, and use them to attack Que J2 (land Nhe), tho idk if the bmrs are more valuable elsewhere.

  • 2024 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '10




    Can you take control of Dutch territory, as the UK/Anzac player, in the non-combat move?

    Yes, as long as it has not been captured by Japan.


    Seem UK/AnzaC plane can finish their move in dutch territory even if those are not controled by the uk/Anzac player, is it true?



    Does those rules applie to french territory in regard to japanese or Uk/Anzac player?

    Yes, except that the UK/ANZAC may not take control of them unless they capture them from Japan.*

    • For those keeping track, these answers are different from those previously given.  The errata will be updated to reflect this situation soon.

    So UK/ANZAC can land planes on french territories but they can’t control them unless conquered from Japan?  Is this true also of US after it is at war (I assume it cannot occupy french territs before DoW)

    Also, Japanese planes can land on New Hebrides and FIC before they conquer them?  Surely there are some restrictions to this - for example, what if there are already UK, ANZAC, or US forces there?  What if allied forces were there this turn, but were killed (perhaps the answer to this question would depend on whether or not the territory is now Jap-controlled?).

    Just a note: if Jap can land air on french territs as you say, then Japan can land 4 bombers on Car J1, and use them to attack Que J2 (land Nhe), tho idk if the bmrs are more valuable elsewhere.

    Not French territories but Dutch. UK/ANZAC can land on Dutch territories.

    I also believe Japan can not land in the French Territory.  I believe the rule is only for UK/ANZAC forces in regard to Dutch Territories.


  • Official Q&A


    So UK/ANZAC can land planes on french territories but they can’t control them unless conquered from Japan?  Is this true also of US after it is at war (I assume it cannot occupy french territs before DoW)



    Also, Japanese planes can land on New Hebrides and FIC before they conquer them?

    No.  France is an Allied power.  Japan must take French territories in the same way that it would UK, ANZAC or US territories.  The only difference is that it may do so without provoking war with the other Allied powers, as long as no other Allied power’s units have occupied the territory.

  • @Krieghund:


    So UK/ANZAC can land planes on french territories but they can’t control them unless conquered from Japan?  Is this true also of US after it is at war (I assume it cannot occupy french territs before DoW)



    Also, Japanese planes can land on New Hebrides and FIC before they conquer them?

    No.  France is an Allied power.  Japan must take French territories in the same way that it would UK, ANZAC or US territories.  The only difference is that it may do so without provoking war with the other Allied powers, as long as no other Allied power’s units have occupied the territory.

    ooh okay.  I misunderstood the answer to Boyardee’s 3rd question.  Thanks!

  • @Krieghund:


    Can you take control of Dutch territory, as the UK/Anzac player, in the non-combat move?

    Yes, as long as it has not been captured by Japan.


    Seem UK/AnzaC plane can finish their move in dutch territory even if those are not controled by the uk/Anzac player, is it true?



    Does those rules applie to french territory in regard to japanese or Uk/Anzac player?

    Yes, except that the UK/ANZAC may not take control of them unless they capture them from Japan.*

    • For those keeping track, these answers are different from those previously given.  The errata will be updated to reflect this situation soon.

    So I guess when you say the the rules are the same as for Japan, you’re saying they can move into French territs in noncombat?  That seems strange, since they are allied territories (territs belonging to an enemy power without control of it’s capital can’t be invaded in noncombat, can they?)

  • Ok the rules have changed regarding the French tt. The allies can no longer take ownership of the French tt w/ground troops in non combat (like UK/Anz can do w/Dutch). They can only gain ownership if they liberate them from the axis (Japan).

    This is fine and there is a reason for it. Take into consideration the bigger picture AA40GL. The Dutch will be over run by the Germans at the games start. They are not going to be a power in the game (no capital), so there has to be a mechanic for the allies to get control of Dutch colonies for game purposes.  I like the fact that this can happen before the axis get to them (hence the Dutch have a special agreement with UK/Anz). The Dutch being a fallen ally would allow any of its friends to enter, but for game purposes (and historically) only allow UK/Anz to take control. Of course by game rule you must also be at war (US) to enter.

    Re: The French
    They will be a power w/capital at game start, as short as that might be (Germany may take Paris before the Pacific side starts). Those French tt will start in French hands. While Paris is in allied hands, you can place allied ground/air units there as always (as long as that ally is at war), you would not take ownership. If Paris falls, it would be the same, you can still move in allied units (ground/air) because French tt are still considered allied in this game, but by Larry rule you still can’t take owner ship. The allies would have to wait for the axis to invade them first then liberate them to take ownership. This is how AA traditionally has worked in regards to a fallen capital, there is no change here. The only change would be the Dutch agreement.

    Being both Dutch & French are in the allies camp, Japan (or any axis power) would not be able to enter peacefully. There is no Vichy rule (France) to allow it. Axis would need to invade during the combat phase as it would traditionally. There would be no axis non combat moves in with air/ground units.

    Personally I would like if the Dutch agreement was extend to all powers who’s capital has fallen. I think it’s kind silly that you have to wait for the enemy to invade a friends tt, then lib it to get control of an IC or collect IPC’ for your side. That is not how it works here though. Maybe Larry is slowly changing the capital rules.

  • Official Q&A


    So I guess when you say the the rules are the same as for Japan, you’re saying they can move into French territs in noncombat?  That seems strange, since they are allied territories (territs belonging to an enemy power without control of it’s capital can’t be invaded in noncombat, can they?)

    No, I’m saying that Japan treats the French territories in the same way that it treats the Dutch ones.  It may only move in as an attack.  The only difference is that it can attack French ones without provoking the other Allies.

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