@joephillips There is no provision in the rules of the game for “annexing” territories. If you want to create house rules for this, it’s up to you what happens; however, when it comes to a hostile power, “annex” is just a diplomatic word for “attack”.
Borneo Dutch?
Alright, my playgroup just gathered around for the 1st time, so many questions may appear this evening :P
Firts one. While I was explaining about all the typos and the errors in the rules, our history buff looked at Borneo, and said: “…and Borneo is Dutch?”
Apparently, historically Borneo is dutch? Typo, or correct in the game?
Alright, my playgroup just gathered around for the 1st time, so many questions may appear this evening :P
Firts one. While I was explaining about all the typos and the errors in the rules, our history buff looked at Borneo, and said: “…and Borneo is Dutch?”
Apparently, historically Borneo is dutch? Typo, or correct in the game?
Historically, Borneo was half Dutch, half English (the northern part was a British protectorate).
Samoa is also another example of a divided territory, in this case between the US and the UK.In both cases I guess they decided to keep it simple and join the territories together
It is that way intentionally. However, this brings up a good point. It’s issues like this that illustrate why I objected to the use of terms like “Dutch East Indies” in the rules. Such terms refer to geographical areas that don’t correspond in the game to reality, which causes confusion.
It is that way intentionally. However, this brings up a good point. It’s issues like this that illustrate why I objected to the use of terms like “Dutch East Indies” in the rules. Such terms refer to geographical areas that don’t correspond in the game to reality, which causes confusion.
Yeah, that doesn’t make sense. In page 7 it says that the UK/ANZAC is free to take control of the DEI but on NOs it says that the DEI also includes Borneo. Probably better if they had just used the term East Indies.
It is that way intentionally. However, this brings up a good point. It’s issues like this that illustrate why I objected to the use of terms like “Dutch East Indies” in the rules. Such terms refer to geographical areas that don’t correspond in the game to reality, which causes confusion.
Yeah, that doesn’t make sense. In page 7 it says that the UK/ANZAC is free to take control of the DEI but on NOs it says that the DEI also includes Borneo. Probably better if they had just used the term East Indies.
But Borneo was part of the DEI, only the northern part was Britisch, but 3/4 of Borneo belonged to the Dutch and thus the DEI.
Yes, the Dutch did control most of the island, however, since the British are allowed to take the other Dutch islands through amphibious landings, it would only make sense that the British automatically occupy the rest of Borneo using the forces they already had stationed in the northern part of the island.