Thanks for the advice. I’ll look into it.
I'm tinkering around with a new German opener - ignoring SZ 110
Well, I am playing against myself, but your comments leaves wanting to know what you would do since it’s different than what I was playing. I liked getting a full view of how gibbastion works because what’s on the internet leaves a lot to be desired. I’m going to mess around with that strat in future games to really get a good feel for how awesome it can be, or failure.
French were planning to get the bigger convoy prize and didn’t give the fleet a second thought. They def could have taken out Italians in Egypt and wouldn’t have affected my catnip plan.
Africa - tank and inf took trn to kill Italians on the horn. one inf got wiped out blocking Alexandria. That’s it. A lot of times, the India trn will go after the Horn but they did the money islands this game instead. I normally like to have UK activate Greece turn 1 but I figured since I was building in the Med I should try to kill as many Italians as possible.
I just wanted to see if the Gib bulge would go after the Italian fleet. I placed most of the fleet in Syria so that way UK can’t get back to Gib naval base in one turn. Placed tiny fleet off of Egypt just because if I put entire fleet off Syria, opponent would smell a rat. At least I would if I was UK. I thought maybe the economic warfare might be a tip off, but I do that every game for first turn at least.
Germany leaving Italy to die to save Germany. But Italy is in the ME, and they can really add up dollars heading to Russia.
Edit: feels like most games, by the time Italy gets to Russia, that part of the country is pretty bare and Italy blitzes through $2 territories
Yea felt a bit that i was playing you, just had a bad day and read your message the wrong way.
What i would do as the UK?
Well im missing a tactical bomber in the med, where did it end up?Hard to see what your italian fleet looks like but ok.
Asuming france takes the fleet in SZ80 because they are not just suiciding their ships in a convoy zone where they can be picked off without doing any damage. Your not doing convoy damage if your not alive at the end of italian turn, and germany or italy can easy pick off those 2 ships.Uk would use mentioned lacking tactical + 2 fighters + strat bomber to kill the italian fleet.
Should be 2 fighters + 1 tactical + 1strat bomber vs 1 destroyer + 1 cruiser + 1 BB. Yea the sub doesnt get to play this time.
Use 2 fighters + destroyer on the german destroyer.
Buy 1 destroyer + 1 fighter and some leftover goes to south afrika.Non combat the whole fleet to the convoy zone and mobilize the destroyer there and the fighter on London. Though this depends a bit on where your german airforce is located and how much can reach it. Else the fleet will stay in the med and i dont buy a destroyer but more forces for south afrika.
Also i didnt see your stuff on UK1 but if you had 1 destroyer + 1 cruiser + 1 BB in SZ112 i would have attacked it with 2 cruisers 1 BB 2 fighter + 1 bomber, or 3 fighters if the schotland fighter would have survived.
@shadowhawk the tac got taken out by the Malta destroyer. I could have lost the ftr.
edit: the UK fleet and planes at Gib took out the Italian fleets which I think is what you said you would do.
Yea should have taken te fighter as tactical is more expensive and more powerfull.
No need to use the fleet to kill the italian fleet just nuke it with air and keep fleet where it is. Ofcourse destroy the german destroyer as well. Keep the fleet in a nicely annoying position and with italy not having any fleet anymore and france taking the spot off egypt at least that front is sort of secured.
Using the fleet would take it way to far out of position, with no german destroyers around the next turn those 3 subs are dead. No more convoy damage.
Get a transport off the S-afrikan coast and transport the 2 inf next turn.
Also use the transport to take persia for extra units. And deadzone egypt. No need for senseless dying there let the anzac take the brunt and be able to counter with a decent force. -
if just planes taking out Italian fleet only bomber can reach Syria, and two planes from AC, and AC has to move over to catch them. And I don’t think 2 4’s and 1 3 will take out that entire fleet. Sub can’t be hit, but 4 hits needed to take out remaining 4 Italian ships. I assume at least 2 ftr on gib need to go take out the tiny Italian fleet and land in Egypt.
Krieg answered my FAQ about what happens if one unit attacks one unit and one trn and they both hit on first round. I assumed trn would survive but he said no, the trn goes down. Sending 1 ftr to Egypt is dicey, but I do like to be adventurous.
The fleet remaining in Gib won’t hurt Germany’s plans. All those planes would. Reason I took off tac instead of ftr is because I’m playing myself and I know UK is going to need all the defense it could get - fast.
I feel like it’s a no win situation for the Gibbastion. If they don’t send everything, or mostly everything, Italian trn in Syria will survive and add another two ground units to Syria. Italy getting two units in Syria can turn it into a monster so six units will guarantee that. Remaining at Gib will save London, but Germany will just go forward with their G2 Barbarosa buy as Italy begins to grow to be a menace, where the convoy in 97 will be negated by all the dollars they gobble up in ME and sourthern Russia.
Take out the Italian fleets - Germany buys 7-8 trn turn 3 and does Sealion turn 4.
Try to split the difference, I’m not sure. London could be saved but Italy will grow, etc. Ignore Italian fleets and they will grow too big. Just send planes, that trn in Syria is going to survive, and sealion is def coming since a lot less ftrs able to fly back to defend. -
If 1 unit attacks 1 unit and both destroy eachother then there is no defenceless transport so it will stay alive. As the combat is over and all surviving units get back to the game board.
The french can take out the fleet off egypt on their turn so when UK comes around there should be no stuff there. Af S-france is taken before then ofcourse they would move to gibraltar. They would never ever move to a location where they can be easy destroyed by air. So they would never be in the convoy zone near italy.
Also the fighter from gibraltar can also hit that SZ and if i looked correctly they both can land on a tiny island in that SZ as well cyprus i think. So no need to move the AC anywhere.
The airbase on gibraltar gives your units 1 more range.The french cruiser + figher can take care of the german destroyer so next turn your fleet can move into SZ109 and kill the subs.
You could move 1 fighter + cruiser against the italian fleet of egypt but the french can handle that the next turn if S-france was taken then they would be near gibraltar and have plenty of range. the italian fleet isnt going anywhere.
ah, yes, always forget about Cyprus. Now I know that when Gibbastion happens, Italy sends one trn to Cyprus instead of Egypt
This is my first time playing out the Gibbastion so I’m still learning. Hmm, maybe Italy drops two blockers and rest of fleet in Syria taking Syria and Cyprus.
I avoided keeping entire Italy fleet together because if I was UK I would smell a rat. I figured splitting them up would negate that response.
So, send all the planes but keep all the boats in SZ 92. That will be really tough to stop a sealion. Germany will send blockers on the turn they buy trns. If planes were still in London/Gibralter they could clear the blockers and the boats could NC to 110 and then less planes for London attack since they will be needed to clear the water first.
Playing this out for the first time, I would rec sending the boats after Italy and keeping as many planes as possible on Gib. Those planes should be enough to save London.
Granted, this rec is because Germany has been convoying max 11/turn and London IC at 20 damage so very limited defensive units placed in London per turn. If Germany wasn’t going full economic warfare, you don’t have to worry about London at this point. Economic Warfare can be laughed off turn one, but turn two it really starts to hurt, and turn 3 you are in full blown panic. Germany focusing on removing money from London removes 8-13 inf from London. Set up your typical Sealion battle on the battle board - then remove 10 UK inf. The battle is over after two rounds and Germany usually has a few inf left. If I’m planning a sealion and UK buys a ftr turn one I rejoice - they need inf and nothing else until the possibility of sealion passes. That extra ftr does no good if battle is over after two rounds. Those extra 3 inf ,might extend the battle to round 3, and the ftrs can possibly eat into tanks.
The UK AB turn one removes 5 inf from London that Germany had no part in, and makes Sealion that much more likely I think.
I’m going to have to set this up multiple times and try different paths, etc to get a full grasp of all sides - and learn what to do as UK and Axis in response.
The Gibbastion is very intimidating, but I feel there are cracks in the strat that can be exploited.
@dazedwit said in I'm tinkering around with a new German opener - ignoring SZ 110:
ah, yes, always forget about Cyprus. Now I know that when Gibbastion happens, Italy sends one trn to Cyprus instead of Egypt
This is my first time playing out the Gibbastion so I’m still learning. Hmm, maybe Italy drops two blockers and rest of fleet in Syria taking Syria and Cyprus.
I avoided keeping entire Italy fleet together because if I was UK I would smell a rat. I figured splitting them up would negate that response.
So, send all the planes but keep all the boats in SZ 92. That will be really tough to stop a sealion. Germany will send blockers on the turn they buy trns. If planes were still in London/Gibralter they could clear the blockers and the boats could NC to 110 and then less planes for London attack since they will be needed to clear the water first.
Playing this out for the first time, I would rec sending the boats after Italy and keeping as many planes as possible on Gib. Those planes should be enough to save London.
Granted, this rec is because Germany has been convoying max 11/turn and London IC at 20 damage so very limited defensive units placed in London per turn. If Germany wasn’t going full economic warfare, you don’t have to worry about London at this point. Economic Warfare can be laughed off turn one, but turn two it really starts to hurt, and turn 3 you are in full blown panic. Germany focusing on removing money from London removes 8-13 inf from London. Set up your typical Sealion battle on the battle board - then remove 10 UK inf. The battle is over after two rounds and Germany usually has a few inf left. If I’m planning a sealion and UK buys a ftr turn one I rejoice - they need inf and nothing else until the possibility of sealion passes. That extra ftr does no good if battle is over after two rounds. Those extra 3 inf ,might extend the battle to round 3, and the ftrs can possibly eat into tanks.
The UK AB turn one removes 5 inf from London that Germany had no part in, and makes Sealion that much more likely I think.
I’m going to have to set this up multiple times and try different paths, etc to get a full grasp of all sides - and learn what to do as UK and Axis in response.
The Gibbastion is very intimidating, but I feel there are cracks in the strat that can be exploited.
Every strat has cracks that can be expoited.
The blockers italy uses are useless as the french can clear them.
Also you just assume you will always do max damage with your bombing runs, what if i just shoot down those bombers with AA fire from the factory. You did 4 2x2 bombers runs so there is a good chance1 bomber is already dead by now. Its luck based.Your transports are defenceless and you can buy a lot less of them, i can still move my fleet into SZ110. Every move as a counter move. Leaving SZ110 is risky, i could not have done this gibraltar move and actually killed the whole german fleet UK1 and smashed your tobruk forces at the same time. That would also be an option.
Leaving expensive units that dont have proper defence alive is almost never a good idea.
But like i offered before we can play here by forum using tripleA if you want. Just a lot more convenient and you can always make a video of it if you really want to. Not like you cant throw dice and then put them with the right side up to represent what was thrown.
I will give it a shot. I googled AA G40 online and it brought me to a Steam website and I think asking for money?
Do you have a link so I can check it out and get a feeling for it before we play>
@dazedwit said in I'm tinkering around with a new German opener - ignoring SZ 110:
I will give it a shot. I googled AA G40 online and it brought me to a Steam website and I think asking for money?
Do you have a link so I can check it out and get a feeling for it before we play>
O dont use that crappy steam thing.
Google TripleA :
There you can download a client just need to get the maps but thats easy.
Its free or charge and allows all kinda of versions and it allows for forum play on here. So it can automatically upload your move writen and with a savegame to download for the other player.
Think there is even a guilde on this forum as well.
@shadowhawk said in I'm tinkering around with a new German opener - ignoring SZ 110:
Google TripleA :
Think there is even a guilde on this forum as well.Not only a guide but an entire dedicated forum category: -
oh boo. My computer is work laptop, and I don’t have privileges to install game.