• what if japan simply blocks route to Korea with destroyer?

    It seems a slow strategy. US needs to get in the game faster.

  • @Van_Trump:

    what if japan simply blocks route to Korea with destroyer?

    It seems a slow strategy. US needs to get in the game faster.

    US might actually be getting faster in the game this way. If J stations a force on the Carolines to prevent the US fleet from moving to Hawaii then this move puts the US fleet in a striking position without risking itself (assuming no massive J fleet stationed on SZ6).

    J can send destroyers to block any invasion of Korea but the US can use a sub and planes to take them out and comes out winning 8 IPC to 6 IPC. Plus the more the wait the bigger the US fleet gets until it will be able to advance to Hawaii or elsewhere. And if you keep sending subs spread out through different SZs then J will have to switch to large naval buys of destroyers to hold them off.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Because a possible 2 IPC gain on a single encounter, that’s bogging down and locking out the entire American Income is how to win the game.

  • And what is to stop Japan from taking Haw and stacking a huge fleet there, seeing as they will not need a fleet in the south with this tactic?

  • @Vareel:

    And what is to stop Japan from taking Haw and stacking a huge fleet there, seeing as they will not need a fleet in the south with this tactic?

    Absolutely nothing. I’m not saying this tactic will work the whole time. J can also mass its fleet on SZ6 and then threaten to take the IC for itself. But taking Hawaii might be a tougher nut since J will have to position its carriers in range and will have to commit a large number of transports. All of this is a distraction from DEI.

  • And what is keeping japan from simply using a small fleet to hold DEI, say 2 subs, a carrier, BB, cruiser, and a pair of destroyers?  UK/ANZAC cannot kill that fleet and it is less than half of the starting fleet for Japan.  That would be 11 hits and around 23 defensive points.

  • @Vareel:

    And what is keeping japan from simply using a small fleet to hold DEI, say 2 subs, a carrier, BB, cruiser, and a pair of destroyers?  UK/ANZAC cannot kill that fleet and it is less than half of the starting fleet for Japan.  That would be 11 hits and around 23 defensive points.

    If J deploys that fleet then it might not have enough to keep its fleet off Hawaii if it invades on J3.  The remaining J fleet will be 2 DDs, 2 ACs, 1 BB and 1 CA plus planes to take Hawaii, 29 points and 12 hits. If US pulls back its planes it will have 2 SS, 2 DD (1 SS and 1 DD as first US buy), 1 CA, 1 BB, 1 AC, 6 ftrs/tac and 3 bmrs, that’s 48 attacking points and 18 hits.

    The only way to survive it is to buy an AC and SSs/DDs for Japan on J2 but with only 30 something that will mean no transports to send south to DEI or China.

  • Oh I know they would be unable to strike at the US with the splitting of the fleet, but that really doesn’t matter if they can take/hold DEI area and smash UK.  All they have to do is hang out at carolines/japan, then if you move up to alaska shift everything up to Japan.  Or simply deadzone carolines.  Keep 2 Inf in Manchuria along with some fighters on the home island and the US is pretty much negated.

    I’m not saying its a terrible, worthless idea to build an Alaskan naval base, i’m just saying it is situational and pretty easy for Japan to deal with, that it doesn’t ‘win the game’.

  • @Vareel:

    Oh I know they would be unable to strike at the US with the splitting of the fleet, but that really doesn’t matter if they can take/hold DEI area and smash UK.  All they have to do is hang out at carolines/japan, then if you move up to alaska shift everything up to Japan.  Or simply deadzone carolines.  Keep 2 Inf in Manchuria along with some fighters on the home island and the US is pretty much negated.

    I’m not saying its a terrible, worthless idea to build an Alaskan naval base, i’m just saying it is situational and pretty easy for Japan to deal with, that it doesn’t ‘win the game’.


    Oh I know they would be unable to strike at the US with the splitting of the fleet, but that really doesn’t matter if they can take/hold DEI area and smash UK.  All they have to do is hang out at carolines/japan, then if you move up to alaska shift everything up to Japan.  Or simply deadzone carolines.  Keep 2 Inf in Manchuria along with some fighters on the home island and the US is pretty much negated.

    I’m not saying its a terrible, worthless idea to build an Alaskan naval base, i’m just saying it is situational and pretty easy for Japan to deal with, that it doesn’t ‘win the game’.

    The Alaskan naval base will not win the game. One possible best use would be to keep sending subs to harass Japan on its home waters but that can also be achieved by building and moving them to Hawaii. DDs can sink them but you spread 1 each to SZs 5, 6, 7, 17, 24, 18, 21, 22, 19, 20 then it turns into a nightmare. J will need 1 DD for each SZ and the remaining subs can either gang up on any Japanese fleet.

  • I would not put a IC on Hawaii, to much of a risk.  If you could drop and keep one in Korea, that would be a different story.

  • 2024 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '10


    I would not put a IC on Hawaii, to much of a risk.  If you could drop and keep one in Korea, that would be a different story.

    You can not put an IC on Hawaii. Its an island.


  • Say the US had a build up on Alaska, and a port. As Japan I would see this as a threat to Tokyo. I would also be building, or transferring units to Japan (a home island force w/air cover) same as I would if there was a build up on Hawaii, to at the very least match them. I would still have two other fleets lurking about w/air cover to threaten India/Anz/Hawaii. Of coarse Japan would still have an Asian ground battle going as well. As Japan you know the US can’t attack you until rd #4, unless you provoke war. This would give you time to follow your agenda, then set up def for home base. You could also use DD’s to block them off. You also have the option to attack them in Alaska as well. The Japs can mount an attack just about any where.

    I could see this tactic working more as a decoy, so the allies can get the upper hand and exploit weakness that Japan might have in other areas due to having to tie up units at home. As Japan if the US used its Alaskan force to invade Korea (I didn’t realize sz 5 was connected thanks), then yea, I would be a little shocked. Shocked that they put 10 ground units there that will take 2-3 turns before they can get off the coast w/no air cover. The turn after the US lands on Korea, I would go after the US navy with the Jap units I have there to defend Tokyo (I would have a ton of air power) + what ever I could spare in the area. If I didn’t have ground units or transports for some reason, I would leave the US Korean ground force alone for now, because they can’t get off the coast (even tanks).
    In the US turn they do one of 3 things.

    1. Stay put and build an IC/maybe fly in some air if they planned for it (could be a though nut to crack), but still doesn’t get China liberated yet, plus your on the coast (very dangerous place to be).
    2. Move all ten ground units 1 space to Manchuria (easy prey w/o air cover), but could start popping up Chinese to make your force larger, and bring in the notorious flying tiger if for some reason its still alive.
    3. Run your tanks to Jehol, and leave your inf behind. This would only split your forces making it easier to take them out, and your tanks are still on the coast (could have a few Chinese with them though). By this time unless Jap is taking a nap they would surly be able to bring in enough ground/air to finish off the US units.

    I’m not saying this tactic can’t work. In the latter part of the game when Japan is beat down some it could be effective. Even early on it could have a shot if for some reason the Japs don’t build up forces around its home base (most will always have a reserve at home). It is something to look into that’s for sure, thanks for the tip.

    I was wondering if you would be better served to station every thing in the Aleutians w/AB instead. Its only two moves (wouldn’t need a NB) and you could get the air cover from the islands while you are building. In the right circumstances you may be able to fly those ftrs based there (Aleutians) to Korea or Manchuria to better establish your self.  Of course your Asian ground units would have to survive one turn for that to happen. Of coarse if you were planning on also building an IC on Alaska (to help def it) then the Aleutians AB may or may not fit your plans.

  • By the way Col Hajj, welcome to AA.org. Keep on posting your thoughts and strats. This idea could be helpful along with other tactics and planning. The timing would have to be right for success, just like anything else. I feel that Japan could counter, but could prove to be beneficial in the right circumstances. At some point the allies will attempt to liberate Asia, this is another way in.

  • @Uncle_Joe:

    All I’m saying is try this and see how much it cripples Japans ability to advance quickly.

    You’ll note that anyone who has strong opinions on game balance/strategies will likely have a negative ‘karma’ rating. ;) That alone tells me that a lot of people are not prepared to discuss and debate but rather belittle and discount posted strats.

    Speaking of which….Where did the karma thing go? Not that I miss it, just surprising to see it go.

  • @thenorthman:

    You can not put an IC on Hawaii. Its an island.


    Sorry, meant to say Alaska!

  • @WILD:

    Say the US had a build up on Alaska, and a port. As Japan I would see this as a threat to Tokyo. I would also be building, or transferring units to Japan (a home island force w/air cover) same as I would if there was a build up on Hawaii, to at the very least match them.

    This is one of the tactics this strategy is counting on.  In order for Japan to match the US fleet wise up here, they are going to have to be spending quite a bit of money.  In our games, Japan is still needing quite a bit of money directed to the mainland and UK at this point and forcing Japan to spend 20 or so ICPs a turn back at the homeland is huge.

    I would still have two other fleets lurking about w/air cover to threaten India/Anz/Hawaii. Of coarse Japan would still have an Asian ground battle going as well. As Japan you know the US can’t attack you until rd #4, unless you provoke war. This would give you time to follow your agenda, then set up def for home base. You could also use DD’s to block them off. You also have the option to attack them in Alaska as well. The Japs can mount an attack just about any where.

    If the US is not brought into war until turn 4, that gives them 92 ICPs (if my memory is correct).  That means they could drop that entire invasion force on turn 4 (minus one Inf.) just buy not buying anything during those turns.  And, if they are left alone, they will not have lost anything they need to replace with that money.  How much pressure would you feel as a Jap player if the US could strike the mainland on turn 5?

    I could see this tactic working more as a decoy, so the allies can get the upper hand and exploit weakness that Japan might have in other areas due to having to tie up units at home. As Japan if the US used its Alaskan force to invade Korea (I didn’t realize sz 5 was connected thanks), then yea, I would be a little shocked. Shocked that they put 10 ground units there that will take 2-3 turns before they can get off the coast w/no air cover. The turn after the US lands on Korea, I would go after the US navy with the Jap units I have there to defend Tokyo (I would have a ton of air power) + what ever I could spare in the area. If I didn’t have ground units or transports for some reason, I would leave the US Korean ground force alone for now, because they can’t get off the coast (even tanks).
    In the US turn they do one of 3 things.

    1. Stay put and build an IC/maybe fly in some air if they planned for it (could be a though nut to crack), but still doesn’t get China liberated yet, plus your on the coast (very dangerous place to be).
    2. Move all ten ground units 1 space to Manchuria (easy prey w/o air cover), but could start popping up Chinese to make your force larger, and bring in the notorious flying tiger if for some reason its still alive.
    3. Run your tanks to Jehol, and leave your inf behind. This would only split your forces making it easier to take them out, and your tanks are still on the coast (could have a few Chinese with them though). By this time unless Jap is taking a nap they would surly be able to bring in enough ground/air to finish off the US units.

    The whole point of this strategy is to divide Japan’s income and make them less combat efficient on all fronts.  If the invasion force survives in China, then the money is taken away and Japan will fall.

    I’m not saying this tactic can’t work. In the latter part of the game when Japan is beat down some it could be effective. Even early on it could have a shot if for some reason the Japs don’t build up forces around its home base (most will always have a reserve at home). It is something to look into that’s for sure, thanks for the tip.

    Thanks for looking at this idea with open eyes and not just condemning it out right like many others.

    I was wondering if you would be better served to station every thing in the Aleutians w/AB instead. Its only two moves (wouldn’t need a NB) and you could get the air cover from the islands while you are building. In the right circumstances you may be able to fly those ftrs based there (Aleutians) to Korea or Manchuria to better establish your self.  Of course your Asian ground units would have to survive one turn for that to happen. Of coarse if you were planning on also building an IC on Alaska (to help def it) then the Aleutians AB may or may not fit your plans.

    I had originally not used the Aleutians as a staging point as they are within bomber range from Japan.  It might be worth it dumping all those fighters there first for protection, although it would considerably raise the cost of the invasion force.  Something to think about.

  • @WILD:

    By the way Col Hajj, welcome to AA.org. Keep on posting your thoughts and strats. This idea could be helpful along with other tactics and planning. The timing would have to be right for success, just like anything else. I feel that Japan could counter, but could prove to be beneficial in the right circumstances. At some point the allies will attempt to liberate Asia, this is another way in.

    Thanks for the welcome Bill.  I’m sure I’ll post more thoughts as I find them, this one was just staring me in the face!

  • Official Q&A


    Sea zone 5 is not supposed to connect to Korea.  This is an error in the map, and will be added to the errata soon!  Sorry I couldn’t tell you this earlier, but an official decision had to be made first.

  • @Krieghund:


    Sea zone 5 is not supposed to connect to Korea.  This is an error in the map, and will be added to the errata soon!  Sorry I couldn’t tell you this earlier, but an official decision had to be made first.

    Krieghund, I have also a doubt regarding SZs 5/4/3: shouldn’t one of those SZs have a convoy marker (to be used in the Global Game)? I am assuming that Japan and Russia can fight one another on the Global game and on WW2 Vladivostok was used by the US to send Lend Lease aid to the Soviet Union.

  • Well, it was a good plan before the huge earthquake that realigned the map!  lol

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