@Witt THANK YOU! I did not realize that. :)
Multiple rule questions
@JohnBarbarossa good morning.
Page 14 says : there is no limit on the number of mines in a space. Then further down: you may only place one mine in each SZ per Turn.Has that helped?
Enjoy your games . -
With land mines, too, it is just one per territory per Turn and you would have to decide its facing . You can , like sea mines , have as many as you have counters remaining , but only placing one per Turn.
Yes, this is very clear now thank you for answering.
The problem is that when you look things up you look at the section sea mines on that page and expect the information to be there. It is easy to miss that one sentence at the top.
So I assume that it is also possible that both axis and allies can have seamines in the same sea zone at the same time?
@JohnBarbarossa hi.
Both sides can have sea mines in some SZs .Not all SZs, however , as some SZs can’t be mined by the other side. See page 14 again: SZ deployment zones are out of bounds for the enemy , as is SZ31 for the Axis and those 3 safe Allied Convoy zones off East Africa. (The Allies don’t need to mine those anyway.)
Clear, thanks!
Thanks @Witt and @Matt-Hyra for all replies, it’s clear now.
New question that pops up in our game:
What if Cairo is attacked by 1-2 axis units, has 13 units to defend, but has no supply … When you don’t have supply you can’t fire back as defender, and you need to retreat. But you can’t retreat from Cairo? So what happens in this case? The defender stays and needs to be killed by the 1-2 axis units (who will need multiple supplies since it will take a while to kill them all), or are all defender units considered to have surrendered after 1 round of attack? -
@Driel310 what a great question.
I don’t know .
But Air units and Scout Cars don’t need Supply to defend , so they would remain behind and defend Cairo , by rolling dice.
I have understood that the retreating (have no supply , so must retreat) ground units can be taken as casualties . This would leave the Scout Cars and any Air to shoot back and possibly eliminate the Axis attackers .
Cairo could still be held , therefore .Not sure if the other Allied combat units that were not Round 1 casualties would be automatically eliminated though .
You would imagine so, if there is no legitimate retreat available (as you have rightly pointed out ).I am looking forward to the answer .
Lesson of the story: keep Cairo supplied!
@Witt Yeah definitely!
In this scenario I don’t believe there are any scout cars or planes in Cairo, so that could mean 1 German infantry will take Cairo as the defenders can’t shoot back or retreat and therefore surrender…
@Driel310 If defenders can’t fire and can’t retreat, then they are all destroyed at the end of the current round of combat. If some defending units are self-sufficient, they can stand and fight while the others are destroyed. And those soon-to-be-dead units can be used as casualties in that round of combat only, as they will all be dead when it’s time to retreat and they cannot.
Page 22: “Each <retreating> unit may move to a different territory, but if no eligible territory is available to retreat to, it is destroyed.”So those Self-Sufficient units can stay alive into another round of combat if there are enough casualties among the retreaters. The Axis might need only 2 rounds of supply to win in this example. But if there are a couple of Scout Cars and Air Units, Cairo might survive only 1-2 attackers.
@Matt-Hyra Understood, thanks for the clarification, looks like our UK player made some serious error by losing his supply to the Axis and having Cairo unsupplied!
Many thanks for the clarification.
Cool, glad you got some clarity on the rules!