End of turn 3. Things are just starting to get going.
FMG guys-
I’ll pre-order two piece sets when you get ready to set up pre-sales!
Imperious can vouch for my adiction to plastic A&A pieces! haha
can’t wait to see some production shots.
Any chance you guys could spin off this rules discussion into another thread? I keep seeing replies to this thread and come in hoping to see something new about the plastics and getting stuck with paratrooper discussion.
Just a friendly request! :D
Thanks, I did start this thread specifically for discussion on the project.
I don’t agree with limiting the number of airborne. IMO, it’s a gratuitous rule. 1 airborne inf cost 3/4 IPCs, + 1 bomber cost of 12 IPCs = 16 IPCs for one airborne op! Italy would never use airborne. One of the great things about A&A is the WIF (What If Factor). If someone wants to foot the cost for a massive 10 inf airborne op (150/160 IPCs!), well God bless 'em. They deserve to take whatever territory they land in.
Also, IMO, the Paratrooper Tech for AA50 would have been better named as Gliders. Being able to both carry inf and bomb makes no sense unless the fully loaded bomber is also hauling a glider, which justifies the range limit.
Therefore, the “elite inf” piece, whatever nation specific power it gets, should also be the airborne unit, coat 4 (for the extra training) and each bomber carries 1, but cannot attack unless you have “gliders”.
btw, FMG, my stock just went up. put me down for one pre-order :-D
Posted by: bongaroo
Any chance you guys could spin off this rules discussion into another thread? I keep seeing replies to this thread and come in hoping to see something new about the plastics and getting stuck with paratrooper discussion.
Just a friendly request! Cheesy
Okay Gents, IL has created a new thread to continue the conversation on Paratroopers.
And back to the topic at hand!
More news! Anything :-P
On a slightly related note I put my order in for the new dice set today. I’m hoping pre orders for these go up soon.
aaahhh here’s what I think about paratroopers….:
FMG mentioned in the dice thread that they haven’t anything new yet about the pieces, but would post again when they did.
(this is where we try to patiently wait and twiddle our thumbs with visions of new scuplts dancing about our daydreams…)
Thanks, I will give you an update on the other project as soon as I have something exciting to report.
I vote the 5.5 inch gun for the British artillery piece
“[5.5” (140mm) were the standard medium field piece of the British Army in the Second World War]." quoted from http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/fcs-t.htm
What! No, no 25 pounder is a much better choice! :-D
25 pounder, no doubt. As Iconic as the spitfire.
Although a bishop self propelled gun would be good
I’m in for 1 preorder.
The Japanese BB should be Kongo Class, so people can make the Yamato into a 5-5 battleship
Interesting idea, though I doubt anyone would bother spending more IPs on a 5-5 unit… perhaps instead Yamato class ships could each roll 2 dice (still 4-4).
In any case, I would like to see a Yamato piece in the set (don’t care if it’s the normal BB or something else).
Thanks for putting this together.
We definately need new molds for everything. New BBs, new CV, new CA, new DD (maybe even a tiny bit smaller). This is going to be great.
The Yamato class already comes w/ AA50. Although, a new, well detailed one is certainly a good thing.
yes but they don’t have money to remake every cotton picking warship. Just one is needed and we already got Yamato. its time for something else and new, then we get both this way and not yet another remake of yamato, knowing that in 4 months another yamato will appear and we are stuck with 3 Yamatos. Its ridiculous IMO>
true that.
The AA50 and AAR Yamatos are pretty much identical.
I was disappointed when I didn’t see P-38s in AA50. Oh well. They were kind of clumsy on the carriers anyway.
one of the german infantry should have a panzerfaust to represent volksgrenadier
to represent volksgrenadier…
ahh for that you need an old dude in a wheelchair holding a MP44 :-D
ok i gotr my 2 sets of dice. they are really nice. but i miss the AA gun dice.
to represent volksgrenadier…
ahh for that you need an old dude in a wheelchair holding a MP44 :-D
that would be a funny picture :-D
also could one of the german tanks be a panzer II i have always loved those little guys
ok i gotr my 2 sets of dice. they are really nice. but i miss the AA gun dice.
Don’t worry, the time will come…