Do you think this last HR makes Carriers too much vulnerable against Subs if they put 1 Fg and 1 TcB on board?
Does this cutting in half the defensive power of Carriers against Subs should be balance by a no restriction against Subs for Tactical Bombers?
TcB A3-4D4M4C10 can hit Subs anytime by themselves. No need of Destroyers.
But StB units (any number) can only hit submarine units when paired to at least 1 destroyer unit.
Who knows? Some ideas to judge this situation?
Don’t you think it could help simplify the Rules on the subs vs aircrafts?
Because, there is only StBs needing DDs on offence which can be part of any naval combat with Subs ?
Actually, this line of thinking pushed me further away.
Once fighters can no more hit any Subs, I thought why not simply allows both TcB and StB to hit subs without the need of destroyers.
But, at the same time, keeping all the actual stuff on DD and subs.
That would meant that any type of bombers attacking subs only in a given SZ should not be able to do any harm to them since subs keep their Surprise phase and can submerge prior to the regular combat phase. In other terms, DDs will still be needed on many circumstances to get a chance to hit subs.
So with Fg unable to hit them and the Subs submerge still very efficient, giving Bombers the ability to hit subs will not doom them.
That’s how I see things, am I under a false impression?
Do you think it is playable?
Because, it could be much simpler to play subs vs planes than the actual OOB.
Hope you can leave a comment.