(Game 2) --- DoManMacgee (E) Vs. King of Tanks (CP) - 1914 - Test Game for CP -> India push

  • @King_Of_Tanks Also, I wasn’t sure how to edit the IPCs so I thought I’d let you transfer the Russian IPCs to the Germans (If I have my rules correct).

  • @King_Of_Tanks I edited the IPC counts on my side (the “Change Resources” button in Edit Mode will let you do this yourself). It looks like based on how I restored the Russian Territory after botching the RR rule, Russia never collected income for R4, which is why Germany didn’t gain it when taking Moscow.

    Also as an aside, Russia cannot “Offer Armistice” to the CP while Moscow is enemy-controlled. Based on that, are you sure you still want to capture Moscow? It will result in the Russian stack in Constantinople staying alive until it is wiped off the map, which may result in the city falling.

    If you want to go back and redo Germany’s turn to account for this, let me know. Otherwise I’ll do F4/B4.

  • @DoManMacgee Yeah that’s fine, I don’t mind if the RR isn’t triggered. Do I just add the Russian income the previous turn onto the German IPC count?

  • @King_Of_Tanks I already did it. We can just play on from this post.

    Game History

    Round: 4
        Puchase Units - French
            Condition TankProductionFrench: French has their production frontier changed to: lateWarProduction
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Changing PUs for Germans from 47 to 66
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            French buy 3 artilleries, 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 2 tanks; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - French
            1 infantry moved from Belgium to Holland
                  French take Holland from Germans
            1 infantry moved from Alsace to Munich
                  French take Munich from Germans
            9 artilleries, 4 fighters and 35 infantry moved from Belgium to Ruhr
                  French take Ruhr from Germans
            3 artilleries and 1 infantry moved from Picardy to Belgium
            1 artillery, 5 infantry and 3 transports moved from SZ 2 to SZ 8
            2 fighters moved from Paris to Belgium
            1 artillery and 4 infantry moved from Paris to Picardy
        Combat - French
        Combat Move - French
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by French from Nigeria: 1 infantry
            EDIT: Adding units owned by French to Kamerun: 1 infantry
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
        Place Units - French
            3 artilleries, 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 2 tanks placed in Paris
        Turn Complete - French
            French collect 45 PUs; end with 45 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Game History

    Round: 4
        Puchase Units - British
            Condition TankProductionBritish: British has their production frontier changed to: lateWarProduction
            British buy 1 artillery, 1 fighter, 8 infantry and 1 tank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - British
            4 infantry moved from London to SZ 9
            4 infantry moved from SZ 9 to Belgium
            1 artillery and 5 infantry moved from SZ 8 to Picardy
            4 artilleries and 8 infantry moved from Belgium to Ruhr
            2 artilleries and 2 infantry moved from India to SZ 29
            1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from SZ 29 to SZ 28
            1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from SZ 28 to Egypt
            1 infantry moved from Anglo Egyptian Sudan to Egypt
            1 artillery, 1 battleship, 2 cruisers, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from SZ 29 to SZ 28
            1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from SZ 28 to Trans-Jordan
            1 infantry moved from Persia to Sevastopol
                  British take Sevastopol from Ottomans
            1 infantry moved from Syrian Desert to Ankara
                  British take Ankara from Ottomans
            8 artilleries, 2 fighters and 10 infantry moved from Mesopotamia to Ankara
            1 artillery and 6 infantry moved from Persia to Mesopotamia
            1 artillery, 1 fighter and 4 infantry moved from India to Persia
            1 fighter moved from Persia to Mesopotamia
        Combat - British
            British creates battle in territory Kamerun
            Battle in Kamerun
                British attack with 1 infantry; French loiter and taunt
                Germans defend with 2 infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 infantry in Kamerun, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    Germans roll dice for 2 infantry in Kamerun, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1.00 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the British lost in Kamerun
                Germans win with 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
                Casualties for British: 1 infantry
                Turning on Edit Mode
                EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Kamerun: 2 infantry
                EDIT: Removing units owned by British from Belgian Congo: 1 infantry
                EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Battle in Egypt
                British attack with 1 artillery and 2 infantry
                Ottomans defend with 1 infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 artillery and 2 infantry in Egypt, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    Ottomans roll dice for 1 infantry in Egypt, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Ottomans lost in Egypt
                British win, taking Egypt from Ottomans with 1 artillery and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Ottomans: 1 infantry
            Battle in Trans-Jordan
                British attack with 1 artillery and 1 infantry
                Ottomans defend with 1 infantry
                    British roll dice for 1 battleship in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Ottomans roll dice for 1 infantry in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the British lost in Trans-Jordan
                    1 infantry owned by the Ottomans lost in Trans-Jordan
                British win, taking Trans-Jordan from Ottomans with 1 artillery remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for British: 1 infantry
                Casualties for Ottomans: 1 infantry
        Combat Move - British
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by British from Trans-Jordan: 1 artillery
            EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Trans-Jordan: 1 infantry
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
        Place Units - British
            1 artillery, 1 fighter, 8 infantry and 1 tank placed in India
        Turn Complete - British
            British collect 46 PUs; end with 46 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Germans regular : 0.00
    Ottomans regular : 0.00
    British regular : -0.33


  • @DoManMacgee Game History

    Round: 4
        Puchase Units - Ottomans
            Condition TankProductionOttomans: Ottomans has their production frontier changed to: lateWarProduction
            Ottomans buy 1 artillery and 5 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Ottomans
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Ottomans from Constantinople: 1 factory and 1 port
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Ottomans from Constantinople: 5 artilleries, 2 fighters and 4 infantry
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            1 infantry moved from Arabia to Syrian Desert
                  Ottomans take Syrian Desert from British
        Combat - Ottomans
        Combat Move - Ottomans
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Ottomans to Constantinople: 5 artilleries, 2 fighters and 4 infantry
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Ottomans to Constantinople: 3 artilleries and 11 infantry
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Ottomans from Smyrna: 3 artilleries and 11 infantry
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
        Place Units - Ottomans
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Ottomans to Constantinople: 1 artillery and 5 infantry
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            1 artillery and 5 infantry were produced but were not placed
        Turn Complete - Ottomans
            Ottomans collect 4 PUs; end with 4 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Had to do a bit of editing for the ottomans to move units into Constantinople without fighting the Russians. I usually play on a board so I may be making moves that make no sense because I cannot comprehend where all the pieces are on the board.

  • @King_Of_Tanks Game History

    Round: 4
        Puchase Units - Italians
            Condition TankProductionItalians: Italians has their production frontier changed to: lateWarProduction
            Italians buy 2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 4 infantry and 1 tank; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Italians
            1 infantry moved from Tuscany to SZ 17
            1 artillery moved from Rome to SZ 17
            1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from SZ 17 to Albania
                  Italians take Albania from AustroHungarians
            2 artilleries, 1 fighter and 1 infantry moved from Rome to Tuscany
            1 fighter and 1 infantry moved from Tuscany to Venice
            5 artilleries, 1 fighter and 12 infantry moved from Tyrolia to Trieste
            2 artilleries, 1 fighter and 1 infantry moved from Venice to Trieste
        Combat - Italians
            Battle in Trieste
                Italians attack with 7 artilleries, 2 fighters and 13 infantry
                AustroHungarians defend with 4 artilleries, 5 infantry and 1 port
                    Italians roll dice for 7 artilleries, 2 fighters and 13 infantry in Trieste, round 2 : 11/22 hits, 10.83 expected hits
                    AustroHungarians roll dice for 4 artilleries and 5 infantry in Trieste, round 2 : 2/9 hits, 4.50 expected hits
                    2 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Trieste
                    5 infantry owned by the AustroHungarians and 4 artilleries owned by the AustroHungarians lost in Trieste
                Italians win, taking Trieste from AustroHungarians with 7 artilleries, 2 fighters and 11 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 25
                Casualties for Italians: 2 infantry
                Casualties for AustroHungarians: 4 artilleries and 5 infantry
        Combat Move - Italians
        Place Units - Italians
            2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 4 infantry and 1 tank placed in Rome
        Turn Complete - Italians
            Italians collect 26 PUs; end with 26 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Italians regular : 0.17
    AustroHungarians regular : -2.50

    Rolling for a bombardment from Spain because I forgot to do it in-game:
    [dice 6d6]

  • 6d6: 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 2

  • @King_Of_Tanks
    Game History

    Round: 4
        Puchase Units - Americans
            Condition TankProductionAmericans: Americans has their production frontier changed to: lateWarProduction
            Americans buy 2 artilleries, 2 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Americans
            Trigger AmericansRemoveRestrictions: Setting movementRestrictionTerritories cleared for rulesAttachment attached to Americans
            Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for AustroHungarians and Americans from Neutral to War
            Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for Russians and Americans from Neutral to Allied
            Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for Germans and Americans from Neutral to War
            Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for French and Americans from Neutral to Allied
            Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for British and Americans from Neutral to Allied
            Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for Ottomans and Americans from Neutral to War
            Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for Italians and Americans from Neutral to Allied
            2 artilleries and 12 infantry moved from United States of America to SZ 1
            2 artilleries, 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 12 infantry and 7 transports moved from SZ 1 to SZ 14
            2 artilleries and 12 infantry moved from SZ 14 to Spain
        Combat - Americans
            Battle in Spain
                Americans attack with 2 artilleries and 12 infantry
                Neutral_True defend with 1 artillery and 7 infantry
                    Americans roll dice for 1 battleship in Spain, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 2 artilleries and 12 infantry in Spain, round 2 : 5/14 hits, 5.33 expected hits
                    Neutral_True roll dice for 1 artillery and 7 infantry in Spain, round 2 : 4/8 hits, 4.00 expected hits
                    4 infantry owned by the Americans lost in Spain
                    5 infantry owned by the Neutral_True lost in Spain
                Neutral_True and Americans reach a stalemate
                . Battle score for attacker is 3
                Casualties for Americans: 4 infantry
                Casualties for Neutral_True: 5 infantry
        Combat Move - Americans
        Place Units - Americans
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Americans from Spain: 1 infantry
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Neutral_True to Spain: 1 infantry
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            2 artilleries and 2 infantry placed in United States of America
            1 transport placed in SZ 1
        Turn Complete - Americans
            Americans collect 20 PUs; end with 20 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Americans regular : -1.00
    Neutral_True regular : 0.00


  • @DoManMacgee I’m not gonna waste anymore of your time, I concede defeat. The Entente are too large even If Bombay is captured and if the Ottomans are rescued. Thank you for the games, it’s back to the drawing board for this strategy. I just need to make a few modifications but I think it could work still.

  • @King_Of_Tanks Mis-reading the rules really was the blunder that I made.

  • @King_Of_Tanks Don’t say that you “wasted my time”. It was still a good experience all around and I appreciated having something new brought to the table. It was also your first rodeo with TripleA as you yourself stated so there may have been some minor errors there as well.

    If you ever want to play again, please shoot me or one of the others a message and don’t feel discouraged.

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