1d6: 5
Panzerstahl-Helm vs barnee Game 3
@Panzerstahl-Helm it’s not letting me either now. I’ll try again
@Panzerstahl-Helm yea when we play Game 4 you should set it up and see if it allows you todo the options.
Well, if we play game 4 after this. Hopefully we do :)
Actually, you could set up Game 4 right now and we’ll test it. Then leave it dormant. Should update latest though.
You know, that’s a bad idea. It’s on now F it. We’ll test it next time :)
Over achieving lol
Just fantastic! I just noticed I posted my turn in some of he g40/g43 expansion threads (I was going through your post about how LMs work). Unfortunately I cannot edit nor delet post, so I am afraid it will stay there for enternity!
Anyways, I just read in the rule book how to deal with LMs which did not detonate and noticed, that they defend at “2” instead only at “1” , because the stats in TripleA say only “1” for defence. Hence I need to take of 1 inf for 1 hit.
There seems an issue with the 1st Waffen-SS box.when I try to place units there, they move to the 2nd Waffen-SS box.
I used the 3rd Waffen-SS box for now, but need the box for the 1st sooner or later. 😜I will defenetly be up for a 4th, 5th etc. game! As said earlier - this versionnis way to much fun and there are plenty of options and moves I would like to try out. Japan attacking ANZACK was just the beginning… 😜😎
Oh good heads up on the boxes. I fckd up the connections most likely when I changed the names. Don’t think that shoulda happened tho. Will investigate.
Hmm … won’t let you delete on 43 ? That seems odd. I’ll try it and then mine will be there too lol
Yea, so LMs only defend at 1 when it is your Allies crossing it. Still D2 against your enemies. If you move across them in NCM, they will defend as well.
If you retreat from a battle they crossed them in, they won’t.
Yea, the Japanese Austrailian Friendship League took a pretty big hit. Even it’s most liberal members are concerned now lol
ahh …yea just reread. I’m not sure why it shows D1 for them. Maybe you’re confused with the above part when there allies cross them ?
Hmm … those boxes could prove to be a problem. When i moved them I didn’t test moving in and out of.
This might be problematic, with edit required. UgghIdk We should be able to make it work with edit for now :(
Guten morgen
Yea i didn’t change the connections when i moved the waffen boxes. It is a xml fix so, unfortunately, can’t fix for our current game.
It’ll make your mind work a bit harder this game :) Sorry about that. We’re too deep in to restart. :)
I will do the fix now and reorganize 1-4 left to right the way it should be. I also adjusted place a little bit again as 41oz has a Harbor in Kiangsu and the American CVs in 28.
Didn’t like the Harbor being mainland. It’s on the coast now. :) Still looks good with EXP.
28 was when I was first doing the placements and I decided to have a few far apart to represent Air patrols.
Better to just keep them grouped together though.
Sorry, rambling :)
actually that is pretty fckd up with the boxes. Well we can restart after i do the fix if you want or I’ll go nuclear actually and edit it to our current game :)
what a minor nightmare this turned into lol
Got it done.
I will update to git and then edit our game. Hopefully I don’t fuck that up too bad lol
But yea, it woulda been virtually unplayable as is or soon to be was :)
well, I spoke too soon. I have the old setup working, so for now, i will edit to that.
The speed hack fix program isn’t working, so I’ll do it next update instead lol
Starting in on the edit :)
I swear I just get stupider by the day :) Here’s latest https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
no need to edit anything as there were no xml changes. Slam it in and the latest save will work :)
Not how I planned on spending the last six hours but were back in action :)
Where is the 2nd Desert Army symbol? I can’t find it.
… just kidding!
Good job on the fix. I will DL the fixed version once I am back home (office day today)
But don’t put anymore time in fixing it, at least not for our current game. We will find a way to handle it without massiv bug fixing just for a few boxes. ✌️Br
@Panzerstahl-Helm hee hee yea I’ll do it up right another time. :) Gonna finish up 41 oz. It’s almost done lol
Guess Christmas Holiday is over :(
Oh I still spaced moving the French DD and ANZAC Ftr. I’ll do it on russia :)
I messed around with LMs some more. It seems if you delete the existing mines in a TTY, then the LM will reappear in the edit window.
So if you have 4 LMs and want to add two more of the same, delete the 4, then add 6.
They also appeared for other TTYs during the same turn, which would be what is wanted, but I am unsure how consistent that is.
I will do some more testing. A step in the right direction regardless :)
A couple mistakes on last update. Russian Total War Tanks needing a Major Factory to place, means they can’t with a Undg or Hvy Ind. Will have to edit for this game if needed.
Doesn’t affect you, other than if you wanna know why I edited a Fctry lol
Air Aces are cost 12. They should be 11. Edit an extra buck before purchase if you buy one.
I thought there was something else but … yea whatever lol
Yea never got G 4. This latest save with CDG turned on. exp-game-3-stahl-g-4-cdg.tsvg
Here we go. I posted this turn in a different thread, but deleted it later.
@Panzerstahl-Helm yea so that save is showing the beginning of G 4
@Panzerstahl-Helm Ok got it. It had same name lol R b up in a bit :)