Panzerstahl vs barnee EXP Game 2

  • @Panzerstahl-Helm heh heh no worries brother :)

    Yea my ancestors immigrated to America in 1760 after the Seven Years War. They were near Alsace I think. Idk, my sister did all the genalogy shit lol.

    She said his Dad told him he could have a horse for the Dragoons or he’d help him and his new Frau emmigrate to America, which was illegal at the time.

    He said fuck the horse. lol

    There oldest kid was at Valley Forge.
    Moms’ side Danish. Actually Mom’s Grandma was technically from Germany because Germany had conquered it when she was born. LOL

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Game History

    Round: 17
        Research Technology - Germans
        Purchase Units - Germans
            Germans buy 4 TotalWarMe_262s, 6 TotalWarMechInfs, 4 TotalWar_Bombers, 1 elite, 1 german_para, 7 infantry and 1 waffen_panzer; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Place Units - Germans
            Units in Germany being upgraded or consumed: 1 armour
            1 waffen_panzer placed in Germany
        Combat Move - Germans
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceGermans: Germans has 2 Rails placed in Germany
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceGermansItalyTakeover: Germans has 1 Europe_Rail placed in Germany
            1 elite moved from Greece to Turkey
                  Germans take Turkey from Americans
            4 bombers moved from Western Germany to Southern France
            4 bombers moved from Western Germany to Normandy Bordeaux
            1 infantry moved from Northern Italy to Southern France
            2 infantry moved from France to Normandy Bordeaux
            3 mech_infantrys moved from Western Germany to Southern France
            4 mech_infantrys moved from Western Germany to Normandy Bordeaux
        Combat - Germans
            Battle in Southern France
                Germans attack with 4 bombers, 1 infantry and 3 mech_infantrys
                Americans defend with 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 2 usa_paras
                    Americans roll AmericanAirborneAttack dice in Southern France : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Southern France
                    Germans roll dice for 4 bombers and 3 mech_infantrys in Southern France, round 2 : 2/7 hits, 3.17 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 2 usa_paras in Southern France, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
                    2 usa_paras owned by the Americans lost in Southern France
                Germans win, taking Southern France from Americans with 4 bombers and 3 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry
                Casualties for Americans: 2 usa_paras
            Battle in Normandy Bordeaux
                Germans attack with 4 bombers, 2 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys
                British defend with 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour, 3 infantry and 1 uk_armour
                    Germans roll dice for 4 bombers, 2 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys in Normandy Bordeaux, round 2 : 5/10 hits, 3.67 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 3 infantry and 1 uk_armour in Normandy Bordeaux, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Normandy Bordeaux
                    3 infantry owned by the British and 1 uk_armour owned by the British lost in Normandy Bordeaux
                Germans win, taking Normandy Bordeaux from British with 4 bombers, 1 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 11
                Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry
                Casualties for British: 3 infantry and 1 uk_armour
        Non Combat Move - Germans
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 2 Rails owned by Germans in Smolensk
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 1 Europe_Rail owned by Germans in Southern Italy
            4 bombers moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Western Germany
            4 bombers moved from Southern France to Western Germany
            2 Me_262s moved from Western Germany to Smolensk
            2 Me_262s and 2 fighters moved from Southern Italy to Eastern Poland
            2 Me_262s and 2 fighters moved from Eastern Poland to Belarus
            1 Panzer_Grndrs moved from Eastern Poland to Smolensk
            1 mech_infantry moved from Bryansk to Smolensk
            1 infantry moved from Western Ukraine to Bryansk
            1 mech_infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Western Ukraine
            1 Panzer_Grndrs moved from Slovakia Hungary to Belarus
            1 mech_infantry moved from Ukraine to Smolensk
            1 infantry moved from Bessarabia to Ukraine
            1 mech_infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Bessarabia
            EDIT: 1 german_para moved from Romania to Turkey
            1 ArmyGroupSouth, 1 Panzer_Grndrs, 1 aaGun, 3 infantry and 7 mech_infantrys moved from Greece to Turkey
            1 Panzer_Grndrs, 4 air_transports, 2 armour and 1 infantry moved from Southern Italy to Belarus
            1 mech_infantry moved from Western Germany to Southern Italy
            1 Panzer_Grndrs and 1 air_transport moved from Western Germany to Smolensk
            1 air_transport moved from Smolensk to Western Germany
            1 WaffenPnzrGrndr moved from Western Germany to Poland
            1 King_Tiger and 1 Rail moved from Germany to Smolensk
            1 Europe_Rail and 1 german_para moved from Germany to Southern Italy
            1 Panzer_General and 5 armour moved from Germany to Eastern Poland
            1 waffen_panzer moved from Germany to Eastern Poland
            1 Rail moved from Germany to Denmark
            1 Rail and 1 infantry moved from Denmark to Smolensk
            1 elite moved from Germany to Western Germany
        Place Units - Germans
            4 TotalWarMe_262s placed in Southern Italy
            1 elite, 1 german_para and 1 infantry placed in Germany
            3 infantry placed in Greece
            2 infantry placed in France
            6 TotalWarMechInfs, 4 TotalWar_Bombers and 1 infantry placed in Western Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWarMechInfPlaceWesternGermany6: has removed 6 TotalWarMechInfs owned by Germans in Western Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWar BomberPlaceWesternGermany4: has removed 4 TotalWar_Bombers owned by Germans in Western Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWarMechInfPlaceWesternGermany6: Germans has 6 mech_infantrys placed in Western Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWar BomberPlaceWesternGermany4: Germans has 4 bombers placed in Western Germany
        Turn Complete - Germans
            Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 3
                Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 97 Sea Zone. Rolls: 5,3,4,6,5,6
            Germans collect 76 PUs (3 lost to blockades); end with 76 PUs
            Trigger Germans AdvancedProduction: Germans met a national objective for an additional 12 PUs; end with 88 PUs
            Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 93 PUs
            Trigger Germans ReceiveItaliansAdvancedProduction: Germans met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 96 PUs
            Objective Germans 3 Control Caucasus: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 101 PUs
            Objective Germans 2 Control Novgorod Or Volgograd Or Russia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 111 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Americans regular : -0.67
    Germans regular : 0.17
    British regular : -0.50
    Americans AmericanAirborneAttack : 0.33

    EXP Game 2 Stahl G 17.tsvg

    I left 1st tank as is :)

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Panzerstahl-Helm oh yea, forgot to edit Para S FRA but it worked out correctly.

    I’m thinking about getting rid of the first strike for them and U-boats. One has to edit a lot in this game anyway :)

  • @barnee

    I am afraid Moscow will fall very soon!

    Game History

    Round: 17
        Purchase Units - Russians
            Russians buy 1 armour and 1 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Russians
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRussians: Russians has 1 Europe_Rail and 2 Rails placed in Russia
        Non Combat Move - Russians
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveRussians: has removed 1 Europe_Rail and 2 Rails owned by Russians in Russia
        Place Units - Russians
            1 armour and 1 infantry placed in Russia
        Turn Complete - Russians
            Russians collect 3 PUs; end with 3 PUs
            Objective Russians 2 Spread Of Communism: Russians met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 6 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :


  • @Panzerstahl-Helm heh heh not over yet :)

    Epic Fckn Game !!!


  • This games feels like below scene, if you know this movie. 😉


  • @Panzerstahl-Helm "Over the Top ! " Lol

  • @Panzerstahl-Helm Holy Bong Water Batman ! I thought those Sumatra boys were just on Garrison duty. There CO must have drilled them relentlessly lol

    Almost smoothed out. Overachieved once again :) I’ll have something in about a half hour :)

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Game History

    Round: 17
        Research Technology - Japanese
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Americans from 21 Sea Zone: 1 Escort_Convoy
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to 21 Sea Zone: 1 Escort
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Americans from 34 Sea Zone: 1 Escort_Convoy
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to 34 Sea Zone: 1 Escort
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
        Purchase Units - Japanese
            Japanese buy 1 Escort, 2 Japan_destroyers, 1 NavyFighter, 4 armour, 1 demo_harbour, 1 elite and 5 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 6 SuicideAttackTokens; 
        Combat Move - Japanese
            Trigger Banzai: Japanese has 1 Banzai placed in Japan
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceJapanese: Japanese has 2 Rails placed in Kiangsu
            1 infantry moved from New Britain to 47 Sea Zone
            1 Japan_destroyer and 1 infantry moved from 47 Sea Zone to 30 Sea Zone
            1 infantry moved from 30 Sea Zone to Johnston Island
            1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from 33 Sea Zone to 30 Sea Zone
            1 Escort_Convoy moved from 33 Sea Zone to 34 Sea Zone
            3 NavyFighters moved from 33 Sea Zone to 34 Sea Zone
            3 NavyFighters moved from 33 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
            1 Escort moved from 6 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
            1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from 33 Sea Zone to 34 Sea Zone
            2 fighters moved from 33 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
            2 fighters moved from 33 Sea Zone to 34 Sea Zone
            2 fighters moved from 33 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
            1 NavyFighter moved from 6 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
            1 fighter moved from 6 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone
            1 elite moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone
            1 Japan_destroyer and 1 elite moved from 6 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone
            1 Japan_destroyer moved from 6 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone
            2 bombers moved from Yunnan to 20 Sea Zone
            3 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from Yunnan to 36 Sea Zone
        Combat - Japanese
            Battle in 36 Sea Zone
                Japanese attack with 1 Japan_destroyer, 3 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers
                Americans defend with 2 submarines
                    Japanese roll dice for 1 Japan_destroyer, 3 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers in 36 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 3.17 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 2 submarines in 36 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    2 submarines owned by the Americans lost in 36 Sea Zone
                Japanese win, taking 36 Sea Zone from Americans with 1 Japan_destroyer, 3 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
                Casualties for Americans: 2 submarines
            Battle in 21 Sea Zone
                Japanese attack with 1 Escort, 4 NavyFighters and 4 fighters
                Americans defend with 1 Escort
                    Japanese roll dice for 1 Escort, 4 NavyFighters and 4 fighters in 21 Sea Zone, round 2 : 4/9 hits, 4.17 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 1 Escort in 21 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Escort owned by the Americans lost in 21 Sea Zone
                Japanese win with 1 Escort, 4 NavyFighters and 4 fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Escort
            Battle in 34 Sea Zone
                Japanese attack with 1 Escort_Convoy, 3 NavyFighters, 3 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber
                Americans defend with 1 Escort and 1 submarine
                    Japanese roll dice for 1 Escort_Convoy, 3 NavyFighters, 3 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber in 34 Sea Zone, round 2 : 5/8 hits, 3.83 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 34 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 1 Escort in 34 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 submarine owned by the Americans and 1 Escort owned by the Americans lost in 34 Sea Zone
                Japanese win with 1 Escort_Convoy, 3 NavyFighters, 3 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Escort and 1 submarine
            Battle in 30 Sea Zone
                Japanese attack with 1 Japan_destroyer, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber
                Americans defend with 1 Escort
                    Japanese roll dice for 1 Japan_destroyer, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber in 30 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.50 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 1 Escort in 30 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    1 Escort owned by the Americans lost in 30 Sea Zone
                Japanese win with 1 Japan_destroyer, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for Americans: 1 Escort
            Battle in 20 Sea Zone
                Japanese attack with 1 Japan_destroyer, 2 bombers, 1 elite and 1 fighter
                ANZAC defend with 1 submarine
                    Japanese roll dice for 1 Japan_destroyer, 2 bombers and 1 fighter in 20 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 2.17 expected hits
                    ANZAC roll dice for 1 submarine in 20 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    1 submarine owned by the ANZAC lost in 20 Sea Zone
                Japanese win, taking 20 Sea Zone from ANZAC with 1 Japan_destroyer, 2 bombers and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
                Casualties for ANZAC: 1 submarine
            Battle in Johnston Island
        Non Combat Move - Japanese
            Trigger RemoveBanzai: has removed 1 Banzai owned by Japanese in Japan
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveJapanese: has removed 2 Rails owned by Japanese in Yunnan
            1 tactical_bomber moved from 30 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone
            1 fighter moved from 30 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone
            1 pacific_carrier moved from 33 Sea Zone to 24 Sea Zone
            2 Heavy_BBs, 2 battleships, 7 carriers, 1 pacific_BB and 2 transports moved from 33 Sea Zone to 18 Sea Zone
            3 NavyFighters and 3 fighters moved from 34 Sea Zone to 18 Sea Zone
            4 fighters moved from 21 Sea Zone to 18 Sea Zone
            4 NavyFighters moved from 21 Sea Zone to 18 Sea Zone
            1 fighter moved from 20 Sea Zone to 6 Sea Zone
            1 infantry moved from Kwangsi to Yunnan
            1 elite moved from Kwangtung to Kwangsi
            1 elite moved from 20 Sea Zone to Kwangtung
            2 bombers moved from 20 Sea Zone to Yunnan
            3 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from 36 Sea Zone to Yunnan
            2 infantry moved from Hunan to Yunnan
            3 armour moved from Kweichow to Yunnan
            3 armour moved from Kiangsu to Hunan
            2 Rails moved from Kiangsu to Shantung
            2 Rails and 2 infantry moved from Shantung to Yunnan
            1 infantry moved from Shantung to Anhwe
            1 armour moved from Yenisey to Novosibirsk
            4 air_transports and 4 infantry moved from Japan to Hunan
            1 tactical_bomber moved from 34 Sea Zone to 18 Sea Zone
            1 fighter moved from 18 Sea Zone to 6 Sea Zone
        Place Units - Japanese
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Japanese from 34 Sea Zone: 1 Escort_Convoy
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Japanese to 34 Sea Zone: 1 Escort
            EDIT: Adding units owned by Americans to 34 Sea Zone: 1 submarine
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Units in Caroline Islands being upgraded or consumed: 1 harbour
            1 demo_harbour placed in Caroline Islands
            1 Escort, 2 Japan_destroyers and 1 NavyFighter placed in 6 Sea Zone
            3 armour placed in Kiangsu
            1 armour and 2 infantry placed in Shantung
            1 elite and 3 infantry placed in Japan
            1 NavyFighter could not land in 6 Sea Zone and was removed
        Turn Complete - Japanese
            Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 7
                Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 41 Sea Zone. Rolls: 2,2,5,5
                Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 37 Sea Zone. Rolls: 5,1,5,2
            Japanese collect 52 PUs (7 lost to blockades); end with 52 PUs
            Trigger Japan Liberates Formosa Turn17: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 1 PUs; end with 53 PUs
            Trigger Japan Liberates PaulauIsland Turn17: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 1 PUs; end with 54 PUs
            Trigger Japanese Loses Philippines Pacific Expanded Turn17: Japanese met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 51 PUs
            Trigger Japan Liberates CarolineIslands Turn17: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 54 PUs
            Trigger Japanese Controls Guam Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 1 PUs; end with 55 PUs
            Trigger Japanese AdvancedProduction: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 8 PUs; end with 63 PUs
            Objective Japanese 5 Control China: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 68 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Americans regular : -1.50
    Japanese regular : 0.17
    ANZAC regular : -0.17

    EXP Game 2 Stahl J 17.tsvg

    Not sure how i fckd up my airplanes but i did lol. Put your Sub back as Escorts can’t attack them. I’ll check Notes and make sure I have it clarified. Think i do. Might give it a higher profile at beginning of Notes.

    Subtracted for China and Celebes NO’s

    Think that’s it :)

  • @barnee


    a lttle bit of mess up.
    I forgot to move my transport from SZ91 to SZ101 in NCM in the last round. I edited them and hope this is ok for you :S
    Also missed to select the Hvy. Bmb at Gib and I selected 1 fighter instead by accident to attack Southern France. I din´t take (probably because of that) as “compensation” I moved the fighter to Syria, although it did not have enough movement…
    And last but not least I missed to attack Sumatra with 2 inf + 1 fighter + 1 tact. fighter vs. 2 inf (bunker).
    Here the dices in edit:

    2 inf
    [dice 2d6<=1]

    1 fighter
    [dice 1d6<=3]

    1 tact. fighter
    [dice 1d6<=4]

    2 inf
    [dice 1d6<=3]

  • 2d6<=1: 4, 3; Hits: 0
    1d6<=3: 2; Hits: 1
    1d6<=4: 4; Hits: 1
    1d6<=3: 1; Hits: 1

  • sorry fot he s**ishow.
    I adjusted accordingly.

    Game History

    Round: 17
        Purchase Units - ANZAC
            ANZAC buy 1 Escort, 1 air_transport and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - ANZAC
            1 transport moved from 35 Sea Zone to 45 Sea Zone
            1 infantry moved from Dutch New Guinea to 45 Sea Zone
            1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 45 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone
            1 infantry moved from 47 Sea Zone to New Britain
            1 submarine moved from 54 Sea Zone to 34 Sea Zone
            1 fighter moved from 41 Sea Zone to 34 Sea Zone
            1 submarine moved from 62 Sea Zone to 34 Sea Zone
        Combat - ANZAC
            Battle in New Britain
            Battle in 34 Sea Zone
                ANZAC attack with 1 fighter and 2 submarines
                Japanese defend with 1 Escort
                    ANZAC roll dice for 2 submarines in 34 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                    Japanese roll dice for 1 Escort in 34 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    1 submarine owned by the ANZAC lost in 34 Sea Zone
                    1 Escort owned by the Japanese lost in 34 Sea Zone
                ANZAC win, taking New Britain from Japanese with 1 fighter and 1 submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                Casualties for ANZAC: 1 submarine
                Casualties for Japanese: 1 Escort
        Non Combat Move - ANZAC
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            1 fighter moved from 34 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
            1 submarine moved from 54 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
            2 Escorts moved from 62 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone
            1 Escort moved from 46 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
            1 transport moved from 41 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone
            2 infantry moved from Java to 42 Sea Zone
            2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 42 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone
            EDIT: 1 fighter moved from Burma to Sumatra
            EDIT: 1 tactical_bomber moved from 41 Sea Zone to Sumatra
            EDIT: 2 infantry moved from 41 Sea Zone to Sumatra
            1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Sumatra to 41 Sea Zone
            1 fighter moved from Queensland to 35 Sea Zone
            1 air_transport moved from Java to Queensland
            1 infantry moved from New South Wales to Queensland
        Place Units - ANZAC
            1 Escort and 1 transport placed in 62 Sea Zone
            1 air_transport placed in New South Wales
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Removing units owned by ANZAC from Sumatra: 1 infantry
            EDIT: Removing units owned by Japanese from Sumatra: 3 Fortifications and 2 infantry
            EDIT: Changing ownership of Sumatra from Japanese to ANZAC
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
        Turn Complete - ANZAC
            ANZAC collect 18 PUs; end with 18 PUs
            Trigger ANZAC Liberates DNG Turn17: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 20 PUs
            Objective ANZAC 2 Control Strategic Islands: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 25 PUs
        Combat Move - French
        Turn Complete - French

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Japanese regular : 0,67
    ANZAC regular : 0,33

    exp-game-2-stahl-US UK ANZ FR-17.tsvg

  • Too much Obstler

  • @Panzerstahl-Helm no worries. I mean, it’s like 4 in the morgen over there. And I thought I was an overachiever lol


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Panzerstahl-Helm dam those Sumatra boys went down in a blaze of glory lol

    Good move on taking New Britain back. Uncle Sam had those Seabees hard at work lol

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Panzerstahl-Helm well we’ll see what happens :) EXP Game 2 Stahl G 18 Combat.tsvg

    AA fire at Para in Malta

    Screenshot from 2023-12-16 22-04-17.png

    [dice 1d6<=1]

  • 1d6<=1: 3; Hits: 0

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Game History

    Round: 18
        Purchase Units - Germans
            Germans buy 4 TotalWarMe_262s, 6 TotalWarMechInfs, 4 TotalWar_Bombers, 1 elite, 1 german_para and 5 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 
        Combat Move - Germans
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceGermans: Germans has 2 Rails placed in Germany
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceGermansItalyTakeover: Germans has 1 Europe_Rail placed in Germany
            Turning on Edit Mode
                EDIT: Germans takes Cyprus from British
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Turning on Edit Mode
                EDIT: Germans takes Cyprus from British
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            EDIT: 1 ArmyGroupActive and 2 armour moved from 1st Army Group to Russia
            EDIT: 1 Tank_General3 and 5 armour moved from 2nd Tank to Russia
            EDIT: 1 Soviet_Commisar and 3 guard_infantrys moved from 2nd Corps to Russia
            EDIT: 1 Tank_General3 and 5 armour moved from 1st Tank to Russia
            EDIT: 1 Soviet_Commisar and 3 armour moved from 1st Corps to Russia
            EDIT: 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 WaffenPnzrGrndr and 1 armour moved from Army Group North to Russia
            EDIT: 1 Waffen_Arty, 1 Waffen_Oberst and 2 waffen_infantrys moved from 2nd Waffen to Russia
            EDIT: 1 Panzer_General3 and 5 armour moved from 1st Panzer to Russia
            EDIT: 1 Waffen_Arty, 1 Waffen_Oberst, 1 waffen_infantry and 1 waffen_panzer moved from 1st Waffen to Russia
            EDIT: 1 WaffenPnzrGrndr, 1 Waffen_Oberst, 1 waffen_infantry and 1 waffen_panzer moved from 3rd Waffen to Russia
            EDIT: 1 german_para moved from Turkey to Cyprus
            EDIT: 1 german_para moved from Southern Italy to Malta
            EDIT: 1 ArmyGroupActive, 2 Waffen_Hvy_Tanks, 1 armour and 6 mech_infantrys moved from Army Group South to Northwest Persia
            1 infantry moved from Turkey to Iraq
                  Germans take Iraq from Americans
            6 mech_infantrys moved from Turkey to Northwest Persia
            1 Panzer_Grndrs moved from Turkey to Northwest Persia
            1 elite moved from Turkey to Northwest Persia
            2 infantry moved from Turkey to Northwest Persia
            2 infantry moved from France to Normandy Bordeaux
            1 mech_infantry moved from Southern France to Normandy Bordeaux
            11 bombers moved from Western Germany to Russia
            1 ArmyGroupNorth, 2 German_Engineers, 2 German_Hvy_Bmbrs, 1 King_Tiger, 8 Me_262s, 3 Panzer_Grndrss, 2 Waffen_Paras, 2 armour, 2 bombers, 1 elite, 1 fighter, 5 infantry, 17 mech_infantrys, 5 tactical_bombers and 1 waffen_infantry moved from Smolensk to Russia
            1 infantry moved from Samara to Russia
            1 infantry moved from Tambov to Russia
            1 mech_infantry moved from Volgograd to Russia
            1 mech_infantry moved from Rostov to Russia
            1 infantry moved from Bryansk to Russia
            1 mech_infantry moved from Western Ukraine to Russia
            2 Me_262s, 2 Panzer_Grndrss, 2 armour, 2 fighters and 1 mech_infantry moved from Belarus to Russia
            1 infantry moved from Vologda to Russia
            1 german_para moved from Archangel to Russia
            1 mech_infantry moved from Turkey to Northwest Persia
            3 Me_262s moved from Western Germany to Normandy Bordeaux
            4 mech_infantrys moved from Western Germany to Normandy Bordeaux
            1 Me_262 moved from Southern Italy to Normandy Bordeaux
            1 bomber moved from Western Germany to Russia
        Combat - Germans
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Battle in Malta
                EDIT: Germans attack with 1 german_para
                EDIT: British defend with 1 aaGun
                    EDIT: 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                    EDIT: 1/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                    EDIT: 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
                EDIT: 1 aaGun owned by the British lost in Malta
                EDIT: Germans takes Malta from British
                EDIT: Germans win
                EDIT: Battle casualty summary: Battle score (TUV change) for attacker is 5
                EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Battle in Northwest Persia
                Germans attack with 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 Panzer_Grndrs, 2 Waffen_Hvy_Tanks, 1 armour, 1 elite, 2 infantry and 13 mech_infantrys
                Americans defend with 1 infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 Panzer_Grndrs, 2 Waffen_Hvy_Tanks, 1 armour, 1 elite, 2 infantry and 13 mech_infantrys in Northwest Persia, round 2 : 9/25 hits, 7.67 expected hits
                    Americans roll dice for 1 infantry in Northwest Persia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
                Units damaged: 1 Waffen_Hvy_Tank owned by the Germans
                1 Waffen_Hvy_Tank owned by the Germans transformed into 1 Waffen_HvyTnk_Dmgd owned by the Germans in Northwest Persia
                    1 infantry owned by the Americans lost in Northwest Persia
                Germans win, taking Northwest Persia from Americans with 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 Panzer_Grndrs, 1 Waffen_HvyTnk_Dmgd, 1 Waffen_Hvy_Tank, 1 armour, 1 elite, 2 infantry and 13 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
                Casualties for Germans: 1 Waffen_Hvy_Tank
                Casualties for Americans: 1 infantry
            Battle in Normandy Bordeaux
                Germans attack with 4 Me_262s, 2 infantry and 5 mech_infantrys
                British defend with 1 UK_LCV, 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 4 infantry
                    Germans roll dice for 4 Me_262s, 2 infantry and 5 mech_infantrys in Normandy Bordeaux, round 2 : 4/11 hits, 3.83 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 UK_LCV and 4 infantry in Normandy Bordeaux, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.33 expected hits
                    1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Normandy Bordeaux
                    4 infantry owned by the British lost in Normandy Bordeaux
                    Germans roll dice for 4 Me_262s, 1 infantry and 5 mech_infantrys in Normandy Bordeaux, round 3 : 7/10 hits, 3.67 expected hits
                    British roll dice for 1 UK_LCV in Normandy Bordeaux, round 3 : 0/0 hits, 0.00 expected hits
                    1 UK_LCV owned by the British lost in Normandy Bordeaux
                Germans win, taking Normandy Bordeaux from British with 4 Me_262s, 1 infantry and 5 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
                Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry
                Casualties for British: 1 UK_LCV and 4 infantry
            Battle in Russia
                Germans attack with 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 ArmyGroupNorth, 2 German_Engineers, 2 German_Hvy_Bmbrs, 1 King_Tiger, 10 Me_262s, 1 Panzer_General3, 5 Panzer_Grndrss, 2 WaffenPnzrGrndrs, 2 Waffen_Artys, 3 Waffen_Obersts, 2 Waffen_Paras, 10 armour, 14 bombers, 1 elite, 3 fighters, 1 german_para, 9 infantry, 21 mech_infantrys, 5 tactical_bombers, 5 waffen_infantrys and 2 waffen_panzers
                British defend with 1 bomber, 7 uk_fighters and 1 uk_tactical_bomber; French defend with 1 fighter; Americans defend with 3 USA_Hvy_Bombers, 1 bomber, 14 usa_fighters and 2 usa_tactical_bombers; Russians defend with 1 1stSovietAG, 1 ArmyGroupActive, 2 Soviet_Commisars, 2 Tank_General3s, 4 aaGuns, 1 airfield, 36 armour, 1 elite, 1 factory_major, 2 fighters, 7 guard_infantrys, 4 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers
                    Germans roll GermanAirborneAttack dice in Russia : 0/0 hits, 0.00 expected hits
                    Russians roll AA dice in Russia : 3/12 hits, 2.00 expected hits
                    2 fighters owned by the Germans and 1 tactical_bomber owned by the Germans lost in Russia
                    Germans roll dice for 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 ArmyGroupNorth, 2 German_Engineers, 2 German_Hvy_Bmbrs, 1 King_Tiger, 10 Me_262s, 1 Panzer_General3, 5 Panzer_Grndrss, 2 WaffenPnzrGrndrs, 2 Waffen_Artys, 3 Waffen_Obersts, 2 Waffen_Paras, 10 armour, 14 bombers, 1 elite, 1 fighter, 1 german_para, 9 infantry, 21 mech_infantrys, 4 tactical_bombers, 5 waffen_infantrys and 2 waffen_panzers in Russia, round 2 : 49/107 hits, 46.00 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 1stSovietAG, 1 ArmyGroupActive, 2 Soviet_Commisars, 2 Tank_General3s, 3 USA_Hvy_Bombers, 4 aaGuns, 36 armour, 2 bombers, 1 elite, 3 fighters, 7 guard_infantrys, 4 infantry, 2 tactical_bombers, 7 uk_fighters, 1 uk_tactical_bomber, 14 usa_fighters and 2 usa_tactical_bombers in Russia, round 2 : 43/104 hits, 51.67 expected hits
                Units damaged: 1 King_Tiger owned by the Germans
                1 King_Tiger owned by the Germans transformed into 1 Tiger_Damaged owned by the Germans in Russia
                    5 Panzer_Grndrss owned by the Germans, 1 elite owned by the Germans, 2 German_Engineers owned by the Germans, 2 waffen_infantrys owned by the Germans, 1 ArmyGroupActive owned by the Germans, 9 infantry owned by the Germans, 1 german_para owned by the Germans and 21 mech_infantrys owned by the Germans lost in Russia
                    4 infantry owned by the Russians, 2 Soviet_Commisars owned by the Russians, 24 armour owned by the Russians, 1 ArmyGroupActive owned by the Russians, 1 elite owned by the Russians, 7 guard_infantrys owned by the Russians, 1 bomber owned by the British, 3 USA_Hvy_Bombers owned by the Americans, 4 aaGuns owned by the Russians, 1 bomber owned by the Americans and 1 uk_tactical_bomber owned by the British lost in Russia
                    Germans roll dice for 1 ArmyGroupNorth, 2 German_Hvy_Bmbrs, 10 Me_262s, 1 Panzer_General3, 1 Tiger_Damaged, 2 WaffenPnzrGrndrs, 2 Waffen_Artys, 3 Waffen_Obersts, 2 Waffen_Paras, 10 armour, 14 bombers, 1 fighter, 4 tactical_bombers, 3 waffen_infantrys and 2 waffen_panzers in Russia, round 3 : 38/63 hits, 36.50 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 1stSovietAG, 2 Tank_General3s, 12 armour, 3 fighters, 2 tactical_bombers, 7 uk_fighters, 14 usa_fighters and 2 usa_tactical_bombers in Russia, round 3 : 34/50 hits, 29.00 expected hits
                    2 Waffen_Paras owned by the Germans, 3 waffen_infantrys owned by the Germans, 2 WaffenPnzrGrndrs owned by the Germans, 1 fighter owned by the Germans, 2 Waffen_Obersts owned by the Germans, 14 bombers owned by the Germans, 5 armour owned by the Germans, 1 Waffen_Arty owned by the Germans and 4 tactical_bombers owned by the Germans lost in Russia
                    2 Tank_General3s owned by the Russians, 14 usa_fighters owned by the Americans, 2 tactical_bombers owned by the Russians, 10 armour owned by the Russians, 7 uk_fighters owned by the British, 2 usa_tactical_bombers owned by the Americans and 1 fighter owned by the French lost in Russia
                    Germans roll dice for 1 ArmyGroupNorth, 2 German_Hvy_Bmbrs, 10 Me_262s, 1 Panzer_General3, 1 Tiger_Damaged, 1 Waffen_Arty, 1 Waffen_Oberst, 5 armour and 2 waffen_panzers in Russia, round 4 : 16/29 hits, 17.17 expected hits
                    Russians roll dice for 1 1stSovietAG, 2 armour and 2 fighters in Russia, round 4 : 3/4 hits, 2.33 expected hits
                    1 waffen_panzer owned by the Germans and 2 Me_262s owned by the Germans lost in Russia
                    2 fighters owned by the Russians, 2 armour owned by the Russians and 1 1stSovietAG owned by the Russians lost in Russia
                Germans captures 6PUs while taking Russians capital
                Germans converts factory_major into different units
                Germans win, taking Russia from Russians with 1 ArmyGroupNorth, 2 German_Hvy_Bmbrs, 8 Me_262s, 1 Panzer_General3, 1 Tiger_Damaged, 1 Waffen_Arty, 1 Waffen_Oberst, 5 armour and 1 waffen_panzer remaining. Battle score for attacker is 71
                Casualties for Germans: 1 ArmyGroupActive, 2 German_Engineers, 1 King_Tiger, 2 Me_262s, 5 Panzer_Grndrss, 2 WaffenPnzrGrndrs, 1 Waffen_Arty, 2 Waffen_Obersts, 2 Waffen_Paras, 5 armour, 14 bombers, 1 elite, 3 fighters, 1 german_para, 9 infantry, 21 mech_infantrys, 5 tactical_bombers, 5 waffen_infantrys and 1 waffen_panzer
                Casualties for Russians: 1 1stSovietAG, 1 ArmyGroupActive, 2 Soviet_Commisars, 2 Tank_General3s, 4 aaGuns, 36 armour, 1 elite, 2 fighters, 7 guard_infantrys, 4 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers
                Casualties for Americans: 3 USA_Hvy_Bombers, 1 bomber, 14 usa_fighters and 2 usa_tactical_bombers
                Casualties for British: 1 bomber, 7 uk_fighters and 1 uk_tactical_bomber
                Casualties for French: 1 fighter
        Non Combat Move - Germans
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Turning on Edit Mode
            EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 2 Rails owned by Germans in Germany
            Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 1 Europe_Rail owned by Germans in Southern Italy
            8 Me_262s moved from Russia to Smolensk
            2 German_Hvy_Bmbrs moved from Russia to Western Germany
            EDIT: 1 ArmyGroupActive, 1 Panzer_Grndrs, 1 Waffen_HvyTnk_Dmgd, 1 Waffen_Hvy_Tank, 1 armour and 6 mech_infantrys moved from Northwest Persia to Army Group South
            EDIT: 1 mech_infantry moved from Army Group South to Northwest Persia
            1 ArmyGroupSouth moved from Turkey to Northwest Persia
            EDIT: 1 ArmyGroupNorth moved from Russia to Army Group North
            EDIT: 1 1stWaffenArmy moved from Army Group North to 1st Waffen
            EDIT: 1 2ndWaffenArmy moved from Army Group North to 2nd Waffen
            EDIT: 1 3rdWaffenArmy moved from Army Group North to 3rd Waffen
            EDIT: 1 Panzer_General3 and 5 armour moved from Russia to 1st Panzer
            EDIT: 1 1stPanzerArmy moved from Army Group North to Russia
            1 Me_262 moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Southern Italy
            3 Me_262s moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Western Germany
            1 Europe_Rail and 1 german_para moved from Germany to Southern Italy
            1 aaGun moved from Turkey to Northwest Persia
            1 infantry moved from Greece to Turkey
            1 mech_infantry moved from Bessarabia to Rostov
            1 Panzer_General, 5 armour and 1 waffen_panzer moved from Eastern Poland to Bulgaria
            EDIT: 1 Panzer_General and 5 armour moved from Bulgaria to 2nd Panzer
            EDIT: Germans undo move 19.
            1 elite moved from Western Germany to France
            1 infantry moved from Belarus to Smolensk
            4 air_transports moved from Belarus to Western Germany
            1 German_LCV moved from Slovakia Hungary to Germany
            1 mech_infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Western Ukraine
            1 mech_infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Bulgaria
            1 mech_infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Bulgaria
            2 mech_infantrys moved from Western Germany to Southern Italy
            1 air_transport and 1 infantry moved from Western Germany to Southern Italy
        Place Units - Germans
            4 TotalWarMe_262s, 6 TotalWarMechInfs and 1 infantry placed in Western Germany
            1 infantry placed in Southern France
            4 TotalWar_Bombers and 1 elite placed in Germany
            1 german_para and 3 infantry placed in Southern Italy
            Trigger GermansTotalWarMechInfPlaceWesternGermany6: has removed 6 TotalWarMechInfs owned by Germans in Western Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWarMe 262PlaceWesternGermany4: has removed 4 TotalWarMe_262s owned by Germans in Western Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWar BomberPlaceGermany4: has removed 4 TotalWar_Bombers owned by Germans in Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWarMechInfPlaceWesternGermany6: Germans has 6 mech_infantrys placed in Western Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWarMe 262PlaceWesternGermany4: Germans has 4 Me_262s placed in Western Germany
            Trigger GermansTotalWar BomberPlaceGermany4: Germans has 4 bombers placed in Germany
        Turn Complete - Germans
            Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 4
                Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 97 Sea Zone. Rolls: 4,2,5,4,2,6
            Germans collect 80 PUs (4 lost to blockades); end with 86 PUs
            Trigger Germans AdvancedProduction: Germans met a national objective for an additional 12 PUs; end with 98 PUs
            Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 103 PUs
            Trigger Germans ReceiveItaliansControl Iraq Or Persia Or Northwest PersiaObjective: Germans met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 105 PUs
            Trigger Germans ReceiveItaliansControl Iraq Or Persia Or Northwest PersiaObjective: Germans met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 107 PUs
            Trigger Germans ControlItalyOilObjectiveNWPersia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 109 PUs
            Trigger Germans ControlItalyOilObjectiveIraq: Germans met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 111 PUs
            Trigger Germans ReceiveItaliansAdvancedProduction: Germans met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 114 PUs
            Objective Germans 6 Control Iraq Or Persia Or Northwest Persia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 4 PUs; end with 118 PUs
            Objective Germans 3 Control Caucasus: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 123 PUs
            Objective Germans 2 Control Novgorod Or Volgograd Or Russia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 15 PUs; end with 138 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Americans regular : 0.67
    Russians regular : -3.00
    Germans regular : 8.17
    Germans GermanAirborneAttack : 0.00
    EDIT: : 0.33
    Russians AA : 1.00
    British regular : -0.33

    EXP Game 2 Stahl G 18.tsvg

    Well that took a while lol Late 1948 to be exact :) Good thing the Yanks didn’t get the Bomb lol

    Go ahead and finish the round if you want. It’s always fun to beat up on JPN lol

  • @barnee

    Hello and congratulations to victory! Well played!
    Great game and great final battle!
    No chances for the Allies at the end and no need to continue the game. Although I guess I will sink the Japanese fleet in a local game as last act.
    Fantastic game and 17 rounds says it all. At the end the German juggernaut was not to stop and the Russians faced her inevitable destiny!
    Let me know if you’re up for a new game. 😎😉

  • @Panzerstahl-Helm heh heh yea definitely sink the JPN Fleet lol

    I thought for sure I was gonna get Egypt when you didn’t build in S AF first rd. Just could never quite get the odds in my favor.

    Thought about going for the Atlantic Fleet to stop reinforcements coming but I always have trouble with getting enough bullet stoppers to the E Front :)

    You had JPN right on the edge. If you woulda moved 3rd Corps south the same time Burma stack moved east, along with Allied Fleet going after carolines or PHI, they would’ve been hard pressed.

    I’d probably kill the russian Army, but then UKP probably breaks out in china and if the Fleet can make some coastal landings, it’d be hard to put that genie back in the bottle :)

    Anyway, yea had a blast ! I need to finish adding the Air Aces and couple other things i wanna tweak. Probably a day or two and I’ll have the new update ready. :)

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