They can lose. Even mildly careless behavior can cause either team to lose—even with a huge bid or starting advantage. That’s just what kind of game this is. Have a great player play until Turn 6, then put a first time player in their seat and give them control of the other side to watch how quickly this swings.
Allied Playbook - G40 Collection of Essays - Compiled by jacobgeo24 Nov 18-19 2023
Special Note - I began playing Axis and Allies with Revised Edition in June 2018, I was introduced to Global in April 2021, and now that is the game I play the most
Foreword - This is merely a collection of Forum Posts relating to Allied strategies in terms of Axis and Allies Global 1940, none of the articles have been modified by myself, simply copied and pasted into a single document for the ease of use for the community of Axis and Allies G40 players. I did not modify anything, spelling and grammatical errors are therefore still present. Full credit goes to the original authors of the articles, this is their hard work and ideas, not mine. What they wrote belongs to them and them only, it is their property. I wanted to make a compilation of Allied strategy because, I have been playing and following axis and allies G40 for a little over a year and a half, and as a younger member of the community, I have seen and heard that due to the imbalance in the game in favor of the Axis, definitive strategies for an Allied victory have been debated over the years and often come and go. This is meant to be a compilation of general strategy for the Allies written by devoted members of the community over the years. Hopefully I will be adding to it as more come along, but I wanted to have what I thought were well thought out, comprehensive general strategy for different aspects of the Allied game in one, easy to find, easy to read place rather than having to scour the forum for hours trying to find each strategy one by one. Happy reading to all of you, I hope that what I compiled can help you win a game as the allies!
- jacobgeo24, Nov 19, 2023
Again, all the credit goes to all of the writers of each article/essay, thank you for taking the time to make strategies for the good of the community, I merely compiled them, this is truly their work and thank them for what they wrote.Because the document is big, I have it here in a PDF for you to read, I tried my best to document the history of when the articles were written, such as the date to make sure a detailed account was made.
Without Further Ado, Here it is! - Allied Playbook - G40 Collection of Essays.pdf
@jacobgeo24 you happen to have a link to @crockett36 operation Richochet video or page please?
@Cornwallis I’ll have to look for it, if I can find it I’ll link it here.
@Cornwallis Update, I wan’t able to find any direct link to the strategy, perhaps you could reach out to @crockett36 if he comes and checks out this post
I’ll try to find it. Appreciate the interest! And the hard work on behalf of the beleaguered good guys!
page 6
Yes there it is, it is also on page 21 of the PDF
@crockett36 Ah thank you that is a great idea! Now you don’t have to read almost 50 pages. :)
@jacobgeo24 it’s good to have both :)
@barnee Yeah, my goal was to make it nice and easy for people to access allied strategies and make their own ideas, I have been playing this for a few years and I haven’t had definite allied strategies so because these strategies helped me, I thought I’d compile them to help others too.
@crockett36 in the introduction it states you proclaim not to attack UK1 but to regroup which is part of the richochet. Can you elaborate on that?
crockett36 2025 2024 '23 '22 '19 '18last edited by crockett36 Nov 22, 2023, 1:25 PM Nov 22, 2023, 1:09 PM
@Cornwallis several first turn innovations highlight OR. I didn’t come up with them, but they indicate the mindset. I was part of the thread that came up with Gibastion after I contended that Taranto left the British destitute in the Med. I originally combined the Egyptian navy with the French. This Kind of thinking rejects the Tobruk attack as well.
It also can be seen in early game withdrawals from Yunnan unless the Chinese are assisted by foreign fighters and the numbers look at least 40/60.
It can also be demonstrated by withdrawing units but being ready to strike when the fighters go home. Fade and strike tactics.
Battles of attrition are to be avoided early game on account of the political situation. Think turn 5 when planning for turn 1. I would emphasize reserves and an uninterrupted logistical train of units to the front. I would also emphasize no region being without a possible front. OR is mostly a British and Chinese operation, although it is coordinating with Roosevelt behind the scenes and the Russians must not be too bold UNLESS the Germans buy navy first turn. That is for another day.
@crockett36 I always wondered if it is better to do Taranto or not, it seems like a majority of the community does it but a growing number of people have decided to to Gibastion, what is more used the really skilled players like @AndrewAAGamer and others because I see it is quite a contentious topic
@jacobgeo24 is something i try sometimes and works pretty good
@jacobgeo24 shiny ships that do nothing all game are my favorite kind of enemy ship.
@crockett36 Ah I see, better not waste our ships on an enemy that will not be doing anything with their
Very nice. I hope this is pinned.
@Cornwallis said in Allied Playbook - G40 Collection of Essays - Compiled by jacobgeo24 Nov 18-19 2023:
@jacobgeo24 is something i try sometimes and works pretty good
Took a look. I liked it. Not as much as Gibastion. Gibastion has the advantage of being anti-Sealion. However, if I saw a three plane purchase, I would give it a go! I think I would land the planes in Malta. Be a piece or two down and put the fear of God in them if they divided their navy. Does that make sense?
@SuperbattleshipYamato We should try to get this pinned, good idea
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