KGF+JTDTM fanmania,
Why all this hate and loathing against effective gameplay? You don’t play to win?
A balanced aproach works for allies in Revised (they call it KJF), and it would work better if not where for the bid (medium bids to be able of playing allies are greatly inflated). Also Polar Express is a nice counter for gamey ignore Japan strat, you are not forced to follow JTDTM
The thing that annoys me is everybody just ignore Japan even if Japan is uberdiced J1 and the board is crying for a balanced approach. Online, I have played tons of games and faced zero times a allied balanced approach: they just KGF until end of ages. And many cannot understand how Whashington fallen before than Moscow. At least my FTF group is more imaginative :-)
Many people never tried a balanced approach or a Polar Express in Revised (or german baltic fleet for that matter). Try them a couple of times and discover a fun and probably better strat or continue your scripted games, LL techless fanboy :lol:
On topic, it’s too soon to see if global is balanced. I’m not decided about AA40P balance yet because it has not obvious setup and rules failures as AA50 has